Do-it-yourself connection of the 380 to 220 electric motor: diagram

When installing equipment at home, it is sometimes necessary to connect an electric motor 380 to 220 V. The choice in most cases falls on asynchronous AC machines, since they have high reliability - the simplicity of design allows you to increase the life of the engine. From the point of view of network connection, collector motors are simpler - you do not need any additional devices to start. Asynchronous devices need a capacitor bank or a frequency converter if they need to be connected to a 220 V network.

How the motor is connected to a three-phase 380 V network

In three-phase asynchronous motors there are three identical windings, they are connected in a certain pattern. There are only two schemes for connecting the windings of electric motors:

  1. Star.
  2. Triangle.

When connecting the windings according to the "triangle" scheme, maximum power can be achieved. But at the start-up phase, large currents arise, for the equipment they are dangerous.

Electric motor contacts

If connected according to the "star" scheme, then the engine start will be smooth, since the currents are low. True, with such a connection, it will not be possible to achieve high power. If you pay attention to these points, it will become clear why electric motors, when connected to a 220 V household network, are connected only according to the "star" scheme. If you select the "triangle" scheme, then the probability of failure of the electric motor increases.

In some cases, when you want to achieve a high power indicator from the drive, use a combined connection. The launch is carried out with the windings connected to the "star", and then the transition to the "triangle" is carried out.

Star and triangle

Regardless of which circuit you choose to connect a 380 to 220 V electric motor , you need to know the design features of the motor. Please note that:

  1. There are three stator windings, which have two conclusions - the beginning and the end. They are brought out into the contact box. Using jumpers, the terminals of the windings are connected according to the "star" or "triangle" schemes.
  2. The 380 V network has three phases, which are indicated by the letters A, B and C.

In order to make a connection according to the "star" scheme, you need to close together all the beginnings of the windings.

Prototype electric motor

And 380 V power is supplied to the ends. You need to know this when connecting an electric motor 380 to 220 Volts. To connect the windings according to the "triangle" scheme, it is necessary to close the beginning of the coil with the end of the adjacent one. It turns out that you connect all the windings in series, a kind of triangle forms, to the tops of which the power is connected.

Transitional switching circuit

In order to smoothly start a three-phase electric motor and get maximum power, it is necessary to turn it on according to the "star" scheme. As soon as the rotor reaches the rated speed, switching and switching to the inclusion of the "triangle". But such a transitional scheme has a significant drawback - you cannot reverse it.

Appearance of a three-phase electric motor

When using a transition circuit to connect a 220/380 electric motor to a 380 V network , three magnetic starters are used:

  1. The first one connects the initial ends of the stator windings and the supply phases.
  2. The second starter is required for connection according to the "triangle" scheme. With its help, the ends of the stator windings are connected.
  3. Using the third starter, the ends of the windings are connected to the mains.

In this case, the second and third starters can not be put into operation at the same time, since a short circuit will appear. Therefore, the circuit breaker installed in the shield will turn off the mains. To prevent the simultaneous inclusion of two starters, an electrical interlock is used. In this case, it is possible to turn on only one starter.

How does the transition circuit work

Feature of the functioning of the transition circuit:

  1. The first magnetic starter is switched on.
  2. A time relay is started, which allows the third magnetic starter to be put into operation (the engine is started with windings connected according to the "star" scheme).
  3. After the time specified in the relay settings, the third one is turned off and the second starter is put into operation. In this case, the windings are connected into a "triangle" circuit.

In order to stop the operation, you need to open the power contacts of the first starter.

Features of connecting to a single-phase network

When using a three-phase motor in a single-phase network , it will not be possible to achieve maximum power. In order to connect a 380 to 220 electric motor with a capacitor, you need to adhere to several rules. And the most important thing is to choose the right capacitor capacitance. True, while the motor power will not exceed 50% of the maximum.

Winding Connection Diagrams

Please note that when the electric motor is connected to the 220 V network, even when the windings are connected in the "triangle" circuit, the currents are not critical. Therefore, it is allowed to use this scheme, even more - it is considered optimal when working in this mode.

220 V network connection diagram

If power is supplied from the network 380, then a separate phase is connected to each winding. Moreover, the three phases are shifted relative to each other by 120 degrees. But in the case of connecting to a 220 V network, it turns out that the phase is only one. True, the second is zero. But with the help of a capacitor, a third is done - a shift of 120 degrees relative to the first two is made.

Motor windings

Please note that an engine designed for connection to a 380 V network is easiest to connect to 220 V only using capacitors. There are two more ways - using a frequency converter or another motor stator. But these methods increase either the cost of the entire drive, or its dimensions.

Working and starting capacitors

When starting an electric motor with a power below 1.5 kW (provided that at the initial stage there is no load on the rotor), only a working capacitor is allowed. Connecting an electric motor 380 to 220 without a starting capacitor is possible only under this condition. And if the rotor is exposed to a load and engine power of more than 1.5 kW, it is necessary to use a starting capacitor, which must be turned on for a few seconds.

The scheme for connecting the motor 380 to the network 220

The working capacitor is connected to the zero terminal and to the third vertex of the triangle. If it is necessary to reverse the rotor, then you just need to connect the output of the capacitor to the phase, and not to zero. The starting capacitor is switched on using a button without a latch in parallel with the worker. He participates in the work until the acceleration of the electric motor occurs.

To select a working capacitor when turning on the windings according to the "triangle" scheme, you need to use the following formula:

Cp = 2800 * I / U

The starting capacitor is selected empirically. Its capacity should be approximately 2-3 times greater than that of the worker.

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