Resed's name: origin, meaning

Recently, more and more often, potential parents choose original names for their children. Someone goes back to antiquity, someone goes ahead of fashion, and many even prefer rational names, which are more likely to refer to names.

name reseda nationality

With such a variety, making a choice is difficult enough. Therefore, many parents pay attention to the national aspect. For example, take the name Resed. The girl’s nationality is not an indispensable factor, but the name itself is of Tatar origin.

With an emphasis on meaning

Each parent wishes happiness to his child and contributes to it by all means. Care begins already at the stage of pregnancy, when the mother protects the baby at the cost of her own pleasures. And when the baby is born, then the parents think about his future, choosing a suitable name. I want it to reflect and set the character, bring good luck and happiness, be sonorous and go well with the surname.

name of the resident

With this list of requirements, the meaning of the name and its meaning are still considered primary. For example, the name of Rezed in Latin means "healing." It's nice, you see, to meet a girl whose one name promises healing! Also, the name Reseda suggests a beautiful flower with an unusual aroma and healing properties.

According to dictionaries

To find out all the facets of a name, you should familiarize yourself with its interpretation of various dictionaries. So, first of all, the name Reseda symbolizes the flower of Reseda. Often used a dialectic variant of use - a resident. In the biological encyclopedia you can find a description of such a flower. This is a perennial herb, which has more than 50 species. Reseda grows in the Mediterranean, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the south of Western Siberia. Reseda flowers are inconspicuous, but fragrant and colorful.

Let's go to the origins

Initially, the name Reseda has French roots, but it is widespread throughout Europe. In terms of sound, it is a poetic and airy name, but at the same time it has exclusively voiced consonants, and therefore it cannot be called gentle.

the meaning of the name of the resed

Accordingly, such a girl will not be timid quiet. She is strong, courageous, but very feminine. History shows that the name Reseda is suitable for people who are creative and looking for themselves. For example, Rezeda Suleiman is a famous designer of Muslim clothes, and Rezeda Kadyrova is a popular Tatar singer. Europeans are better known for Rezeda Sharafieva, a modern Tatar singer.

Secret meaning

At birth, they give us a name that will accompany us all our lives. And after the death, the name of the person remains on his memorial. It is logical that the name defines our life, affects the character and behavior. Many scientists, philosophers and astrologers try to decipher the mystery of male and female names. Over the years, new proper names appear, while the old go into oblivion. In ancient times, babies were called so as to drive away evil spirits, not to offend the gods. In fact, the choice of a name is limited only by the scope of imagination. So what is the name of Reseda fraught with?

rezeda sharafieva

Its origin is Tatar, although it is believed that there are Latin, Spanish and French roots. In youth, the character of Reseda can be dual, which is manifested in inconsistency and lack of logic. Such a girl is unnecessarily altruistic, but in achieving a personal goal can be selfish. Her secret lies in true femininity, without male character traits. That is, Resed is never rude, vulgar and grumpy. She is a true lady, sexy, hot, but very correct and faithful.

Character and its reflection in the name

If we look at the meaning of the name Resed through dictionaries, then the first comparison will be revealed with a flower. In fact, any woman is a kind of flower, beautiful and fragrant. So this lady justifies such a comparison. She is temperamental and very active in her relationships. However, her views on life are somewhat conservative. Reseda will not be a supporter of matriarchy, but he is also unlikely to hide behind a man’s back. She is very homely, calm, loyal, but requiring attention and respect. The main feature of such a girl is her accuracy. Some call it pedantry. From childhood, Reseda takes care of his things, helps parents with cleaning. From an early age, such behavior justifies the meaning of the name Resed.

name of the resident origin

In a relationship, a girl prefers complete clarity, without halftones. She is a supporter of justice and honesty. Reseda meets his half early and becomes an almost exemplary wife. Her house is in order. Reseda is distinguished by hospitality, but she is also a homebody herself. In the profession, Reseda chooses a creative path. Can become a successful artist or actress. He loves to travel and can earn money through his hobbies.

For example

Perhaps most clearly the significance of such an unusual name can be demonstrated by Rezed Sharafiev, who was repeatedly called the most stylish and original Tatar pop singer. Indeed, a low voice with a velvet color, chic costumes and demeanor can not be copied. On stage, she began to perform quite late. She herself admits that she was looking for herself for a long time, dreamed of becoming a teacher, studied as a graphic designer. She began to sing by chance after she came to the rehearsal of a youth club in Naberezhnye Chelny. After several rehearsals, Rezeda won first place in the city amateur competition, and then she met with Rinat Gubaidulin, who brought her to the big stage. Sharafieva won the loyal viewers not only with her voice, but with her character and inner core, which is characteristic of the owners of such a sonorous name.

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