Breastfeeding - chest pain: what to do

Each mother, who put for the first time to the breast of her own newborn baby, experiences a storm of emotions. After all, this little man who has just come to this world is its continuation. Now almost every woman knows about the undeniable benefits of breastfeeding and wants to feed her baby for as long as possible.

Breastfeeding breast pain
Why does it often happen that a young mother begins to experience unpleasant emotions instead of the joy of feeding? Unfortunately, a woman sometimes feels simply unbearable chest pains. It is very difficult for a nursing mother to deal with this problem herself, but she does not know who to turn to for help. Quite often, this leads to the fact that a woman decides to completely abandon breastfeeding.

Nursing mother breast pain
In parental forums where young mothers talk on different topics, such a complaint is not uncommon. Many women who have encountered this problem write: "I am breastfeeding - it hurts my chest, advise something." Sometimes a woman does not even realize that she can turn to her specialist, a consultant for breastfeeding, with her problem. The HBV consultant will not only explain why the chest hurts, the nursing mother will also learn how to deal with this problem and how to avoid such troubles in the future. First of all, every woman should remember the main thing: breastfeeding is a natural process, which in no case should cause pain and negative emotions.

So, we will understand the causes of the problems of many mothers, for whom the phrase "breastfeeding" - "chest pain" have become synonymous. In fact, the reasons may be different, let's figure out the main ones.

Breastfeeding - chest pain: causes of the problem and methods of struggle

  1. The first painful sensations a woman can experience immediately after childbirth. Unfortunately, not all maternity hospitals can help their mother, having shown in practice how to correctly put the baby to her breast. But it depends on the correct grip, whether the nipple will be injured during feeding. The child must capture not only the nipple, but also the areola around it. If the first time the baby did not manage to grab the chest correctly, then do not let him suck in this way. Gently but persistently take it from the child - for this, insert your little finger in the corner of the baby’s mouth and unclench the gums. Then again try to put the baby to the chest, if it does not work out, then help him by squeezing the areola around the nipple with your fingers a little and directing it into the crumb's mouth.
  2. Many women experience painful sensations on the 2nd – 3rd day after the birth, when milk begins to arrive. The mammary gland can become hard and hot, and some may even get a fever. This is due to the filling of the milk lobes and ducts in the chest. If your child does not cope with such a volume of milk, then it is necessary to express the breast to a mild state, carefully checking that there are no lumps or lumps left. This can be done with the help of a breast pump or manually, and you can also ask for help from the workers of the hospital who know how to express milk correctly. In no case do not leave such a problem unattended, otherwise you risk earning lactostasis or mastitis.
  3. If nevertheless lactostasis (blockages of the milk ducts) could not be avoided, then it is necessary to proceed as follows. Attach the baby as often as possible to the diseased mammary gland, while feeding, choose a position in which the chin of the baby will be directed towards stagnation. If the baby is unable to cope, then express the breast before feeding, and then give the empty one to the hungry baby. In addition, before starting feeding, a warm compress can be applied to the stagnation site and a gentle massage of the diseased gland is possible.
  4. If cracks appeared on the nipples, then for their treatment, use special ointments that are sold in pharmacies. Remember that cracks in the nipples are the gateway to infection, and if the crack is not treated, then the nursing mother risks getting mastitis - inflammation of the mammary glands. At the first signs of mastitis (pain, fever), you should consult a doctor - gynecologist or surgeon.

Pain in the chest of a nursing mother
If you do everything right, then the phrases “breastfeeding” - “chest pain” will have nothing to do with you, and breastfeeding will give you and your baby a real pleasure.

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