Why does the engine oil quickly turn black? The selection of oil on the car. Terms of replacing oil in the car engine

Why does the engine oil quickly turn black? This question worries many motorists. There are many answers to it. We will consider them in our article in more detail. We will also pay special attention to the most common types of additives used to improve oil performance.

Natural cause of blackening

Almost every driver is interested in why the engine oil turns black. The reasons for this phenomenon are different. It should be noted that changing the color of the oil during its operation is a natural process. Darkening is caused by the fact that one of the fundamental functions of the liquid in question is to clean the engine of harmful components that appear as a result of the motor and cause significant harm to it.

The process of performing the motor cleaning function is to collect harmful elements from the cylinder walls, from the pistons, as well as rings and other engine elements. The cleaned particles are retained in the oil during the entire period of operation of the engine. As a result of this, a natural darkening of the liquid occurs.

Why engine oil quickly blackens

How long is the color change allowed?

When is engine oil darkening considered a normal process? Experts in the field of car operation assure that its planned replacement should be made after every 2-3 thousand kilometers (depending on the quality of the product). After passing the specified distance, blackening is normal. If this happens much faster, then the motorist should pay attention to the serviceability of the internal structure of the machine, for which it is recommended to contact specialists at the service station.

A motorist who owns a car whose engine runs on diesel fuel should be aware that this type of fuel clogs the motor much more severely, as a result of which the product becomes contaminated much faster. After how many kilometers does the engine oil change in this case? Most of the recommendations of experts say that it is desirable to assess the contamination of the product every 1000 km.

Consider the most common reasons why the engine oil quickly turns black.

Using a better product

If for a certain period the motorist poured a low-quality product into the crankcase, but then replaced it with a good one, it begins to darken very quickly. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the detergents contained in the composition of a better product process the engine from the inside much better than those that are cheap. Accordingly, a good oil, a much more effective effect on the motor. It will quickly begin to eliminate not only planned pollution, but also old deposits that were not removed by the previous product.

In the event that the cleaning procedure is carried out correctly, the used oil has a slightly viscous consistency and a uniformly dirty appearance. In this situation, experts recommend replacing the product ahead of schedule.

Darkening after repair

What should I look for if the engine oil turns black? The reason for this phenomenon may be the recent overhaul of the vehicle. In such a situation, excessive and rapid darkening of the composition may be due to the fact that it cleans the motor of metal chips formed as a result of restoration work, as well as during the interaction of rubbing pairs.

Specialists in the field of car maintenance strongly recommend that after repairing the engine, an oil change be made before the planned period, due to the presence of a large number of blockages in the engine.

Oil selection on the car

Incorrect ash to TBN ratio in product

Practice shows that with an increased ash content and a low level of TBN in the oil, premature blackening also occurs. You can find out what indicators a particular product has by examining its components indicated on the product packaging. So, the higher the sulfate ash content, the more pronounced will be the cleaning ability of the product. Consequently, the blackening of the product during the operation of the engine will occur much faster. Accordingly, the lower this indicator, the more pure the oil will be after the end of its use. However, you should not rejoice, as this indicates a low quality product.

It should be noted that according to the ratio of ash and TBN indicators, oil should be selected based on recommendations for a specific model and brand of car.

As for the level of TBN, its low rate indicates the need to replace the funds every 6-7 thousand kilometers. It should also be noted that oils of this type are very sensitive to fuel quality, at low rates of which their useful properties are largely lost.

"Liquid Moth" oil additive

Fake purchase

Why does the engine oil quickly turn black? One of the most common causes of this problem is the acquisition of a fake. Unfortunately, all motorists may face such a problem.

To avoid such a nuisance, you should know a certain list of distinguishing features of a branded product, thanks to which you can avoid acquiring a fake.

If the fate of fate had to deal with a low-quality tool, the motorist urgently needs to replace it with the original one. It is advisable to flush the engine before this. The urgency of changing the oil to a more expensive one is due to the fact that a cheap product has very low performance characteristics. Of course, they do not improve the engine at all.

Combustion products

Even the best engine oil will quickly turn black if combustion products enter it. This is due to the process of rapid oxidation. It should be noted that the color change is far from the only negative moment that occurs during the oxidation process. The main thing is that oil begins to lose its useful properties, which is especially bad for the motor.

The main cause of this problem is depressurization, which can be caused by damage to the oil scraper rings or, for example, a violation of the integrity of the gasket located at the cylinder heads. The reason for the color change is often the ingress of gasoline into it. If it burns with the fuel, its premature blackening also occurs.

How can it be determined that the blackening of the oil occurred precisely because of the ingress of fuel into it? It is quite easy to do this if we compare the rate of burning of the product. If the oil disappears quickly enough and blackens at the same time, the cause of this phenomenon is precisely the leakage of fuel into it.

Crankcase gas entering the engine

This reason for color changes can be encountered in the event of a malfunction in the ventilation system. In this case, crankcase gases have the ability to penetrate the oil and actively contact with the lubricating elements. It should be noted that the consequence of this is a fairly rapid change in the color of the liquid in the crankcase. Moreover, at the same time, the oil suddenly loses its performance, which negatively affects the operation of the engine. The speed of such a process is directly proportional to the volume of gases entering the engine.

Fuel additives

Poor quality fuel

A fairly common cause of oil discoloration is the use of low-quality fuel by a motorist. It should be noted that clean fuel does not have unnecessary impurities in its composition, due to which a smaller volume of combustion products is released, and the oil blackens rather slowly.

To avoid this problem, engine service experts strongly recommend using only high-quality fuel. Thanks to this, the motor will be protected from wear.


Why does the engine oil quickly turn black? As practice shows, a fairly common cause of this problem is overheating of the engine, constantly working in difficult conditions. In this situation, the oil temperature will also rise, as a result of which it will begin to “burn” and change its color sharply.

When the engine is operating in such conditions, the time for changing the oil in the car engine is significantly reduced. Otherwise, it will turn into a very viscous mass, which will resemble black oil. This leads to very sad consequences, up to the complete replacement of the engine.

Terms of replacing oil in the car engine

No blackening

Some motorists are surprised that the oil contained in the crankcase does not darken even after passing the established 3,000 km or only slightly changes its color. The only reason for this is the lack of cleaning properties of the product. In this situation, immediately replace the old product with a better one from a trusted manufacturer.

Car oil "Mobil"

How to choose

With the right selection of oil for the car, you can significantly save not only time, but also the funds that can be spent on engine repairs. How to choose the right product by vehicle type?

When selecting a tool, you must definitely pay attention to the tolerance indicated in the documentation for the vehicle. It is also worth paying attention to the viscosity of the product, indicated in the international SAE format. The fluidity of the oil and the ability of the engine to quickly start in the cold season depends on this indicator.

Special attention should be paid to what season it is planned to use the product. So, a product intended for use in the cold season is marked W. Near this letter there is an indicator represented by numbers. The lower the value, the lower the temperature the oil can withstand. If the use of the product is planned for a hot period, then in this case it is worth giving preference to a brand with high viscosity.

When choosing oil for a car, you should pay attention to what recommendations on this subject are given by the manufacturer. So, for Toyota and BMW cars, it is recommended to use only original and high-quality products. Mixing different types is contraindicated.

Recently, the Mobile oil has been a particularly common product, which is ideally compatible with many brands and models of cars. So, ESP Formula is perfect for use in diesel engines, and the action of Advanced Fuel Economy is aimed at saving fuel consumption, because of which it is often used by owners of cars of the latest models. As for the Specifically Designed for Vehicles 150,000 + km product, it is recommended to use it for those engines with mileage of more than 150,000 km.

About additives

To improve the quality of engine operation and reduce the number of emitted products of combustion, the motorist can use a variety of additives in the fuel, which are designed to clean it. Some of the best products of this type include:

  • RVS Master.
  • Octane Plus.
  • Castrol TBE.
  • Suprotek SGA.
  • Wynn's Supremium.

All of the listed additives in the fuel have not only the property of its purification, but also increase its octane value. In addition, they contribute to enhancing engine power.

Engine clogging

High quality is the additive in the oil "Liquid Moth". This product allows not only to increase the level of the cleaning function of the product, but also to improve engine performance, as well as the technical characteristics of some vehicle components. Additive in oil "Liquid Moth" incorporates a viscosity stabilizer, which allows you to adjust the degree of liquid product depending on weather conditions.

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