Scandinavian amulet: description, meaning, photo

Scandinavian charms, as well as other amulets, are used to give their owner physical and spiritual strength, wisdom, good luck in everyday and heart affairs. Their strength allows you to save a person from various dangers and diseases, as well as give material well-being. The Scandinavian amulet can be made in the form of an amulet or tattoo reinforced with runic inscriptions.

ancient vikings

Runes are symbols that have magical powers. Their images can be found on clothes, on doors or walls of housing and Viking weapons. They are popular in the modern world.


Ancient Scandinavia was located on lands that belong to present-day Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The country was home to the famous Vikings. These Norman warriors from the 8th century. 11th century sought to seize the territories of Central Asia, Western Europe and North America. They went on a campaign in the Slavic lands and in Constantinople. The conquest of the Vikings ceased with the spread of Christianity in Europe, which did not approve of the killing and robbery. In addition, this people began to lead a sedentary lifestyle, which was more attractive than semi-nomadic. Nevertheless, the culture, wisdom and knowledge of the Scandinavians have already managed to spread to other countries in the form of runes and amulets. They were used by most of the northern shamans. That is why many Slavic and Scandinavian amulets are so similar to each other.

Purpose of use

Scandinavian amulets and charms are objects made of precious metals - gold or silver. Each of these things has a special symbolism and a spell that carries a strictly defined meaning. It is believed that the Scandinavian amulet has a powerful energy. At the same time, one or several symbols can be depicted on it, through which the energy flows of the Universe pass. With a competent combination of runes and symbols, their owner is able to significantly enhance the effect of the amulet. This will happen due to a significant increase in energy flow.

People are attracted to the Scandinavian amulets for:

  • home protection from ill-wishers;
  • solving the most important issues;
  • assistance in restoring health;
  • protection from trouble on the go;
  • achieve financial independence.

The most diverse are the Scandinavian amulets. Their significance (photos of such objects can be seen below) is also, as we see, quite versatile. Nevertheless, the main function of all Viking amulets is to protect their owner.

Symbol Purpose

Any Scandinavian amulet is a reflection of mythology and is intertwined with the character and deeds of the gods. A person turned to this or that higher power depending on what he wanted from life - victory in battle, success in love, or good health. The mascots that were associated with the gods, the Vikings wore in the form of tattoos, pendants and rings. Scandinavian amulets and their meaning should be studied by everyone who decided to purchase such an amulet for themselves. After all, any of the symbols on them must be taken with full responsibility and quite seriously. Otherwise, a person can cause trouble. But to those who are familiar with the Scandinavian amulets and their meaning, such items will only benefit. After all, their owner will be assisted by higher forces, which at one time gave the Vikings:

  • fearlessness;
  • seafaring skills;
  • combat skills;
  • power.

Connoisseurs recommend purchasing Scandinavian amulets by date of birth. In addition to powerful protection, such a talisman will also become an important forecast for the future, protecting its owner from many troubles and problems. In order to determine the amulet, it is necessary to study the runic horoscope, whose starting point is the day of the vernal equinox.

Character letters

The letters of Scandinavia, which are called runes, appeared about 20 thousand years ago. They were created by the peoples inhabiting Northern Europe. In their opinion, each of these symbols has magical abilities and allows its owner to become a strong spirit.

Scandinavian charms (photos can be seen in the article) are often amulets with patterns in the form of signs or letters. Each of these symbols is responsible for certain feelings and directions. Some of them helped in the battle, while others made it possible to achieve perfection, etc. Consider the Scandinavian amulets in more detail.


It is believed that this Scandinavian amulet carries the power of three natural elements at once, combining water, air and fire energy. What is its main meaning? The sign Trefot, or Triskelion, helps to escape from floods and fires. He is also able to protect his master from theft. It is interesting that this sign can be found in the culture of different nations, which are not similar to each other in their faith and religious views. Scientists believe that this sign first appeared in Greece. Later it was borrowed by other nations, making Triskelion a part of its culture.

Scandinavian amulet Trefot

It is believed that this sign is a symbol of the transience of life. The number three in his image also bears a special meaning. In Christianity, it is considered a symbol of the trinity of God.

Triskelion, which depicts the three elements, allows a person to find harmony, feel his unity with nature and develop intuition. This sign gives its owner the energy of life.

The symmetry of the sign represents wisdom and self-sufficiency. It prevents troubles and allows a person to improve spiritually and physically. This is the main goal of this symbolism. The amulet will provide its owner with career growth and will provide an opportunity to survive the most difficult moments of life.


The Vikings believed that this amulet was created by the god of air and the son of a giant Farbaut. His name is Loki. This deceitful god has a very beautiful appearance. However, by nature he is fickle and evil. Loki has always been considered the patron saint of fraudsters and liars, but at the same time this sign symbolizes not only the dark, but also the bright sides of man. Its significance as a talisman is to support resourcefulness and cunning, as well as the ability to joke and cheer up others.

Scandinavian amulet Loki

It is worth noting that many Scandinavian patterns and amulets are very similar to each other. However, it is simply impossible to confuse this amulet with others.

Wolf cross

The Scandinavian charms of silver and gold carried one or another secret meaning and were often endowed with the power of an animal. One of them is a wolf, whom the Vikings revered as a mighty warrior. Only this animal, in their opinion, was always able to win.

Scandinavian charm Wolf cross

And today the drawings, which depict the wolf, carry the strength of spirit and mystical knowledge. Often, this symbol can be found on Scandinavian tattoo charms. But it should be borne in mind that such a sign should not be applied to the body or acquired in the form of a pendant to someone who is weak in spirit. In this case, these amulets will not give power and secret knowledge. On the contrary, they are able to enslave their owner and take his life from him.

Thor's Hammer

This Scandinavian amulet is shrouded in mystery. It is believed that it was originally created by the god of fertility, storm and thunder. With the help of this hammer, Thor fought evil and drove off evil spirits. The Vikings carried the image of this sign on their weapons. It was believed that such a talisman would protect its owner from evil spirits. But at the same time, the amulet is quite functional. It allows a person to solve many of the problems facing him. Today, athletes are acquiring it in order to obtain the coveted victory, while preventing possible damage and injury.

Thor's hammer

The main purpose of the hammer of Thor is to protect its owner from evil spirits, failures and diseases. It is interesting that this amulet will not fulfill the wishes of a person unconditionally. If he conceived something was wrong, then the hammer will surely return evil back, while protecting the innocent.

The amulet is usually a masculine attribute. However, families who want to conceive a child can also use it. In this case, the hammer is placed under the pillow so that the woman becomes pregnant.

Double ax

Using runes, the Scandinavians sought to increase the power of their weapons. Drawn in the form of a drawing, they had different meanings. For example, a double ax with the signs depicted on it. He was considered a symbol of the power and will of the ruler or leader.

Such a charm endowed its owner with divinity and power. The main meaning that he carried in himself was the unification of the female and male gods (earth and sky), and was intended for someone who wanted to become victors in all endeavors, having received faith and confidence in success.

Celtic knot

A first look at these mysterious ornaments gives the impression that they are all not drawings, but some kind of abstraction with various symbols. However, each of these signs carries a certain semantic load. Nevertheless, on each of these amulets there is a special pattern in the form of a knot. Sometimes it is confusing and rather bizarre, and sometimes it looks like a maze or a strange flower that protects its owner and fills it with vital energy.

Black Sun

Such a Scandinavian amulet is intended for a person who wants to become a magician, having reached the pinnacle of magic and alchemy. The black sun is a talisman, which is an excellent assistant in the knowledge of the new and the unknown.

amulet Black sun

The amulet gains its strength by being made in the form of an object, or applied to clothes or made on the body. At all times he was a symbol of mysticism. That is why in former times, only the priests were allowed to wear the Black Sun. Ordinary people should not have known about the secrets of being, so that complete chaos did not occur in the world.


This Scandinavian amulet is named after the god of fertility and summer. With its help, it becomes possible to control the elements and weather conditions. In addition, the fertility god personifies fearlessness and masculine power.

Scandinavian amulet Freyr

This amulet was used by the Scandinavians quite often. After all, it was believed that the god Freyr was endowed with enormous opportunities and brings mutual understanding to the family. At the same time, he helped give birth to sons and made life successful.


This magic symbolism of the Scandinavians is one of the few that have come down to us without significant changes. The pattern of the amulet represents three intertwined triangles. One of these figures means gods, the second - wisdom, ingenuity and power, and the third - spirit, body and feelings.

Scandinavian amulet Valknut

The Vikings associated the Valknut charm with the god Odin, the patron saint of fallen soldiers. Often such a pattern was applied to armor in order to ensure success in battles. In addition, the talisman was considered an attribute of power and power.

Such a Scandinavian amulet may look like a sword, spear, cross or other objects. The main condition for its positive impact is the sincere belief of the owner in the exclusiveness of the mascot.


As amulets, the ancient Vikings applied drawings to their bodies that have a large number of the most diverse variations, ranging from runic writing to images of gods.

Scandinavian tattoos are distinguished by a rich history, as well as a magical effect on the life and fate of a person. One of the first drawings used by the Vikings was ornaments. They served as decoration of weapons and armor. The Scandinavian elms and ornaments were very similar to the Celtic ones. And their image carried a magical and sacred meaning, protecting its owner in battle, bringing him the mercy of the gods and wealth. Today, a tattoo in the form of ornaments and images of Scandinavian amulets is used not only as a talisman and amulet. Often it is applied for aesthetic purposes.

leg tattoo

Sometimes a variety of runic amulets and runes stuff girls. Many of them are inspired by the traditions of the Vikings, whose women possessed independence and equality.

However, it should be borne in mind that one or another magic sign should be applied to the body with caution. You need to know about which drawing can be used as a tattoo, and which can cause a real energy storm. Indeed, in this case, the amulets will not protect a person, but, on the contrary, take away his vitality. In addition, only the master who knows everything about Scandinavian amulets should be engaged in tattooing. An incorrectly applied drawing may affect its owner not in the way he would like it to be.

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