Almost everyone born under this sign knows what date the Scorpio sign begins. This will be the topic of our article. Be sure to specify from what date Scorpio begins, since there are some disagreements between ancient wisdom and changes that have occurred over the millennia. We will touch upon other equally interesting questions.
Zodiac circle
The name "zodiac" comes from the Greek word "animal". Indeed, all signs, with the exception of Libra, appear to us in an animal, or anthropomorphic, form. They are associated with four elements: fire, earth, air, water. Constellations continuously rotate in this circle, acquiring slightly different qualities from each sign. So, the water in Pisces is a mysterious underground ocean, in the Crayfish - a spring, in the Scorpions - frozen or stagnant water, in which their desires are stored.
Astrology assumes that the sun passes through 12 equal parts throughout the year, which are 9 Β° away from the circle in which the sun moves. The zodiac year begins when the sun enters the spring sign of Aries, and then, passing every 30 Β°, enters a new sign. The radiation of not only our luminary, but also of any planet of our system or any distant star passes through part of any zodiacal lobe and gives it its qualities. Therefore, it is difficult to create a personal individual horoscope - too many different factors influence it. Even knowing what date Scorpio begins, it is impossible to predict events in the future correctly.
Natal chart
A card that predicts events awaiting a person or state is called natal. She predicts the incidents through which a person will go through during his life. When the baby was born, the astrologer should be given accurate information about the geographical coordinates of the place of birth, hours and minutes, then he will be able to see how the planets affect his fate. They do this very actively. The signs of the zodiac carry energy through which one or another planet appears in our lives. They can interfere or, conversely, contribute to some events. At this time, aspects are included - the interaction of planets and zodiac signs. At the same time, questions are solved: who depends on whom, who will be the main one.
For Scorpio, its planets, Pluto and Mars, will not necessarily become the most important. The astrologer knows from what date Scorpio begins, and carefully looks at what celestial bodies could enter this house: Pluto, Neptune, Saturn or others, and how they affect the life of a particular person. At home in horoscopes is the place where the potential of the personality is revealed: the attitude to property, death, dangers, mysticism, magic, sex. With this listing, we now specifically touched on Scorpio. The eighth house in the zodiac circle corresponds to him.
What are the common qualities of the 8th house
Greek myth tells that the hunter Orion caused the wrath of the goddess Artemis. She awakened the scorpion, and he stung and killed the hunter.
As the constellations, the Greeks transferred them to heaven, and looking at Scorpio, we can think, from what date does the
constellation Scorpio begin
? The sun enters this sign at different times. This process is called ingression. Modern astrology moves the transition to this sign on October 21. Therefore, there is an interweaving of the character traits of Libra and Scorpio in the initial zone and Sagittarius and Scorpio in the final phase.
How to divide into groups of Scorpions
On the other hand, almost everyone knows from what date Scorpio begins according to the horoscope - from October 24. However, some divide the "Scorpions" into three degrees of maturity:
- October 24-31 - these are young immature Scorpions.
- November 1-12 - the inclinations of the Scorpions are not fully manifested.
- November 13-22 - these are obvious Scorpios with all their inherent negative and positive qualities.
Others argue differently:
- Since October 21, for seven days the sign is gaining strength.
- From October 28 to November 20, all the properties of Scorpions are manifested. The next seven days of their quality go in decreasing order, as Sagittarius following them is gaining strength. That is, the question of what date Scorpio begins is very controversial.
We give one more example of such an ambiguity. What date does the zodiac sign Scorpio begin with?
Those born from October 24 to November 2, the astrologer broadcasts, are under the influence of Mars. They are disappointed in life and very capable of medicine. In youth, they are not self-confident, but in adulthood they are full of energy.
Born November 3 to 13, being influenced by the Sun, are strong and full of passions, nobility, generosity. They have the initiative and strong will.
Venus acts on those born from November 14 to 22, and therefore they are frivolous, amorous, emotional, artistic and filled with passions.
Scorpio Health
They have the most powerful vital energy. When a baby Scorpio is born in a family, it takes away the strength and life of one of the family members. This can happen a year before his birth or within a year later. And when Scorpio dies, a new creature appears from the energy that was released after his death.
General characterization
This is a very mysterious and powerful sign of the zodiac, which is constantly striving to improve itself. He has bright emotional outbursts and there is a willpower to which he seeks to subordinate them. They are full of passion in everything they do. These are workaholics forgetting about food, sleep, family. Everything that they do, they perform with complete seriousness and dedication.
A sign of death and love, Scorpio greatly affects other people. Mars gave him such qualities: stubbornness and temper, aggressiveness and indefatigable eroticism. Realization of sensual desires calms him.
Pluto gave Scorpio the depth of his soul and parts of a devilish character. Strong latent passions boil in it. Moreover, he is quite pleased with himself, no matter how the circumstances of life.
At any age in Scorpio everything rebels against death - he is full of taste for life.
This sign has intuition and mystical abilities. He knows how to penetrate the soul of people, to predict events that are destined to happen, although, it would seem, this does not concern him.
Positive qualities of Scorpions:
- Purposefulness and responsibility.
- Cheerfulness, the ability to value people.
- The ability to find the right solution in difficult situations.
- Always have their own opinions on each issue.
Negative properties:
- Selfishness and self-will.
- The desire to be mysterious.
- Tendency to depression.
- Pride and jealousy.
We examined the most recurring traits of Scorpios and approximately figured out what date the Scorpio zodiac sign begins with.