Signs about the spiders. What are the spiders in the house for?

why spiders in the house
Often people have phobia (arachnophobia) - fear of spiders. Moreover, even the smallest representative of this type of insect is terrifying and fearful. And so I want to beat him with a newspaper. But a bad omen revolves in the head and does not offend the small creature, which really deserves respect. Why spiders in your house - this and much more will be discussed in the article. So let's get it right.

Superstitions and signs about spiders

Why are the spiders in the house and why shouldn't they be killed? Where do the legs of these superstitions grow from? It turns out that this arthropod is a symbol of health, wealth and prosperity. And unequivocally, if this predator is wound up in the house - this is to wealth! And if you put a red spider in your pocket and carry it with you, then you will have plenty of money. The English sign says that if an insect falls on your head, then the inheritance will fall upon you unexpectedly. Children believe that killing the eight-legged is to rain. And adults ascribe a meeting with a spider cash profits and all sorts of material benefits. Even seeing him in a dream is a good sign.

why the spider in the house
Bible roots

The Bible also answers the question of why spiders cannot be killed. She says that when the baby Jesus and his family escaped to Egypt, the spider entangled a web in the cave where the persecuted were hiding. That gave an abandoned and long-visited form to the lair, so Jesus managed to hide, and the arthropod managed to gain honor and respect.

Spider in the house. What is it for?

A spider is a wise and hardworking insect. It is believed that it cures people of terrible diseases. There are a great many rituals and conspiracies where with the help of this arthropod they heal the sick. This predator eats insects, saving the earth from flies and other carriers of diseases. But what is the spider in the house for? It is believed that the web attracts happiness. And if their white representative twisted their nets over the bed, then expect love and happiness in your personal life, well, or adventure. But if the black owner of four pairs of paws nests over the bed - expect betrayal and betrayal. It is important that you meet the spider after lunch. A morning visit is fraught with losses and ailments. Also pay attention to whether it creeps to you or from you. In the first case - to profit, in the second - to losses. Speaking of why the spiders in the house, one can not fail to note the fact that they clean your apartment of flies, mosquitoes and other objectionable insects. Recall that insects are carriers of diseases. And the eight-legged one, saving us from them, becomes the sanitary predator of the house.

spider in the house what is it
And further…

There is a belief that if you kill a spider, which has entangled a web with an icon with the image of a saint, then forty sins will be removed from you. But this is perhaps the only case when his death does not entail disaster. Do not take sin into your soul, better let it go, throw it out of the house, but do not kill. But I want to believe that after reading you understand what the spiders are in the house, and make friends with this defenseless creature that will weave your web for happiness and wealth. Do not offend someone who is on the border of the dark (evil spirits are hidden in the corners where the spider makes a nest) and light forces. Take care of your happiness!

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