Classification of hoisting machines by design and type of work performed

The classification of hoisting machines is mainly based on the commonality of designs and the principle of operation. By types, these mechanisms are divided into hoists, cranes, production robots, depending on the amount of work and the specifics of functioning.

Lifting gear


These mechanisms are used to lift loads to a low height (up to 700 millimeters). Most often, the device is used in various repair and installation works. By design, the classification of hoisting machines of this type is divided into several categories:

  1. Rack and pinion modifications that are focused on installation operations, if there is a need to move parts and assemblies without exact observance of the production process. Common representatives of this category are modifications with a load index of 500-10000 kg.
  2. Screw analogs are used for hanging vehicles during maintenance and repair work. These models have a carrying capacity of 2-50 tons, are used for a slight shift of units and assemblies of cars and trucks, including special equipment.
  3. Hydraulic jacks are used for lifting and lowering particularly heavy objects. The unit operates due to the supply of working fluid under pressure and its subsequent withdrawal through the drain channel.
Hydraulic lifting devices


In the classification of lifting machines and mechanisms, these devices occupy a niche for operation in tight conditions when performing construction and installation procedures, repairing vehicles in the field, and similar work in workshops and specialized workshops.

The hoists are simple in construction and small in size fixtures that are suspended from high-standing supports. The indicated elements are made with manual or electric drive. In the first case, a worm gear is used to operate the mechanism, in the second, a gear mechanism.

In the classification of hoisting machines (according to the operating mode), the manual (mechanical) hoist refers to chain hoists, the working body of which is articulated plate or calibrated welded type chains. Gear analogs are capable of lifting loads weighing up to 10 tons to a height of up to three meters.

Electric hoists are a type of electric hoists. They are suspended from the trolleys and moved along special beam rails. The carrying capacity of such devices is up to 10 tons with the possibility of lifting 36 meters.

Winches and cranes

The next category in the classification of hoisting machines and mechanisms are winches. They are focused on lifting or moving the load in a horizontal plane. These elements are operated independently, or as additional devices for arranging complex equipment with cable-block control. In the role of a working gear, gear or worm units with mechanical or manual drive are used.

Any winch design is equipped with an automatic brake, which guarantees the drum stopper when lowering the load and stops it immediately, in case of sudden release of the handle.

The next link in the classification of hoisting machines are cranes. They are designed for lifting and lowering goods with moving them over small distances in the horizontal plane. These units are used when performing loading and unloading and assembly operations. Crane installations are divided by design, types of gripping mechanism, running features and supporting nuances.

Tower crane

Overhead and cable cranes

The classification of hoisting machines and hoisting mechanisms suggests the main differences between bridge (overhead) cranes from their analogues in that they cover a certain section (span) along which the corresponding working area is served. Such units are mounted on special beams, in open areas or in buildings.

In the first case, gantry cranes are usually used. The bridge of this technique rests on a pair of vertical trusses moving along rails placed at ground level. Such devices are focused on unloading ships and servicing storage sites. The carrying capacity of the vehicles is from 3 to 30 tons, the span reaches 25 meters, and the speed of the cart is 10 m / s.

Cable crane installations are used as cargo transportation through water obstacles, in timber storage facilities, for supplying facilities at hydraulic structures, while servicing large storage areas. The load rating of these mechanisms reaches 150 tons, the speed of work is up to 3 m / s, the movement of the cart and support towers is 10 and 30 m / s, respectively.

Qualification of hoisting machines such as jib cranes

Crane installations with an arrow are one of the most common handling equipment. They are divided into several categories:

  • mobile self-propelled installations on a railway, wheeled or tracked track;
  • wall modifications;
  • tower and portal versions serving limited space at the work site;
  • mobile modifications.

In workshop spans and similarly sized sites, mobile cantilever machines are used that are adapted to work in narrow and limited-sized areas. These cars can be of rotary or not rotary type, move on rails on the floor or special guide wall elements. The carrying capacity is up to five tons, the boom reach is up to four meters.

Classification of hoisting machines and mechanisms

Tower Crane

According to the classification and design features of hoisting machines, this category includes full-slewing cranes equipped with an arrow, which is pivotally fixed in the upper part of the vertical turret. Units are intended for construction and installation works in the construction of buildings and industrial structures, including hydraulic structures. The load rating of these mechanisms varies from one to 80 tons, the maximum reach of the boom is 45 meters with the possibility of lifting the load to a height of 150 meters.

The advantages of tower cranes include the ability to lift cargo to a great height, the simultaneous maintenance of several objects from one site, good maneuverability, simplicity of design and good visibility of the workplace. Among the minuses - the complexity and duration of the relocation of the device from one to another workplace, taking into account the installation of crane tracks.

Gantry cranes

These modifications, according to the classification of hoisting machines and equipment, are equipped with a swivel part on a special portal U-shaped base. The constructions under consideration are divided into three types according to their purpose: installation, construction and port modifications.

The devices are used for loading operations at industrial and shipyards, as well as assistants in the construction of hydraulic and other structures. The carrying capacity reaches 100 tons, boom reach - up to 50 meters. Lifting speed - 80 m / min.

Stationary machines are mounted in open areas, serving limited compartments, depending on the maximum and minimum reach of the boom. The types of tipping cranes considered are fixed using the weight of the foundation. Their design can be with a rotating or fixed column, or with a turntable.

Hoist for hoisting machine


This classification of hoisting machines for their intended purpose includes devices of continuous or cyclic action, focused on lifting loads and people in special devices moving along rigid vertical guiding elements or rail tracks. Lifts are divided into several categories:

  • chain options;
  • rack versions;
  • plunger models;
  • screw units.

Among these analogues, the most popular are rope hoists, which are suspended on steel ropes operating with winch drums or special pulleys. Devices of this type are operated in elevators, mines, on construction sites. The capacity parameter of the machines is 0.25-50 tons, the lifting speed is 0.1-16 m / s. Work items are made in the form of a cage, skip, cabin or trolley.

For reference: cage units are focused on the movement of people and goods in peculiar cages transported along rigid guiding elements. Skip - a self-loading trolley running on two-axle wheelsets with a body made of sheet steel. In these mechanisms, the difference is the presence of full automation of handling operations.

Hoisting machine operation

Areas of use

According to the classification, the purpose of hoisting machines is the lifting and transportation of goods over small distances in the space indicated by a specific area of ​​the work site or industrial base. The main mechanisms of this technique include devices for lifting loads. Among many varieties of GPM, the most widely used cranes of various modifications.

For example, a rotary unit operates cyclically, picks up and moves objects from one point on the work platform to another compartment (for further sorting or loading). The working cycle of this device includes the capture of cargo with subsequent slinging, lifting it to the required height, moving to the end point with lowering and suspension.

The crane operates for a short time, in contrast to the analogues of continuous operation (conveyors). Such machines have long been actively used in ports, on construction sites, in mechanical engineering, the railway sector and other sectors of the economy.

Security measures

If you briefly classify lifting machines, it should be noted that working with these units requires compliance with certain safety measures. Machines must be operated in accordance with the technological map and PPR, which are developed by a special organization or unit responsible for industrial safety. All actions and activities must comply with the requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor and the Rules for the safe operation and arrangement of hoisting mechanisms.

A separate point is the organization of safety measures at the work site, where the use of hoisting mechanisms and machines is provided. Here it is necessary to carry out professional training of personnel, taking into account weather conditions, connecting electricity and servicing mechanisms, as well as fire operations.

Load Testing


The operation of any crane equipment should be carried out with mandatory control of the angle of deviation of the working elements from the lifting plane. For the safety of lifting and moving cargo monitors a special device called anemometer that meets the standards established by the requirements of SNiP 3-4-80. In addition, the safety of the work is ensured by the presence of limiters and pointers for lifting and turning, as well as various pointers, landmarks and fences in the construction of the GPM.

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