Cancer zodiac sign: compatibility with other signs in love

Cancer is the most homely, warm and sensitive sign of the zodiac. Despite their family and economy, the marriage of such people can not always be called happy and ideal. Indeed, in the interaction of partners, not only their personal qualities play an important role, but also their compatibility, the ability to grind. How does the zodiac sign Cancer affect sensual, family and intimate life ? Compatibility with other signs will give us the answer.

zodiac sign Cancer compatible with other signs.

Active fidget

Cancer and Aries complement each other well. Oddly enough, there is mutual understanding and support between these two zodiac signs. Here Aries plays the dominant role of the earner in the family; the partner whose zodiac sign is Cancer takes on household chores and chores. Compatibility with other signs may be more favorable, but in general, such an alliance can develop quite well if the partners do not cheat on each other.

Stable stubborn

Taurus and Cancer are those representatives of the zodiac for whom the family comes first. Having common goals, they will achieve exorbitant happiness. If at least one of the partners begins to pay more attention to other areas of life, the union may be upset.

Talkative intellectual

It is unlikely that Gemini and Cancer will find mutual understanding. For the first, the second may seem too boring and uninteresting. Gemini is a sign of wanderings and searches, so he does not like the homework of a partner. Cancer may find her lover too superficial.

Household romantic

The union of two Cancers will be filled with mutual understanding, because such people have much in common in character and outlook on life. But they can get bored together. Their pair will develop one-sided, which means that the partners themselves will not grow in these relationships. If the solar Crayfish will have other planets in other signs, then together they will be much more interesting.

July zodiac sign Cancer
Royal joker

The union of our hero with Leo is of great interest, especially if both of them were born in the same month - July. The zodiac sign Cancer gives the world family and modest people who can not understand the lion's desire for glory and brilliance. In turn, Leo will get bored, constantly sitting at home. Such a union is dysfunctional.

Modest hard worker

Virgo and Cancer are as if created for each other. Despite the differences in character, both partners show mutual respect and understanding. The union will be more favorable if the person whose Cancer zodiac sign is a girl. Then in this pair there will be complete mutual understanding, because the wife will be engaged in the home, and the husband will become the earner in the family.

Charming diplomat

Cancer and Libra are those signs of the zodiac that can adapt and compromise. Therefore, in such an alliance it will be possible to avoid quarrels and misunderstandings. If the partners are really interesting to each other, then they will be together, despite the dissimilarity and various goals in life.

Passionate warrior

Scorpio and Cancer have a lot in common. Both of them crave passionate feelings and unforgettable emotions. They will be able to get what they want from each other. The only obstacle to their happiness may be a reluctance to reconcile, vindictiveness and intolerance to the shortcomings of the other. The couple may break up if the sharp angles in the relationship are not smoothed by the partner whose zodiac sign is Cancer. Compatibility with other signs is unlikely to be characterized by greater electrification and sensuality.

Carefree optimist

zodiac sign cancer girl

With Sagittarius, Cancer can never find mutual understanding. Our hero is jealous and strives for the full possession of a partner. But Sagittarius cannot fully devote himself to one cause or person. In turn, it is difficult for him to understand the complex nature of the partner whose zodiac sign is Cancer. Compatibility with other marks will be more favorable.

Solid materialist

Cancer and Capricorn are two opposites. Their union will be successful if both partners have already acquired life wisdom and will be able to accept another person who is not like them, without trying to change him. Otherwise, the couple will face insurmountable difficulties.

Freelance rebel

Aquarius and Cancer will better interact in creativity, work or friendship, but not in love. These people are too different to build a happy family.

Distant romantic

Cancer and Pisces are the most romantic signs of the zodiac. Together they will soar above the clouds and dream. But in everyday life problems can await them. They have different views on the general economy, money and place of residence. This can lead to a break in the pair.

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