ZIL-111: photo, specifications

The Soviet car ZIL-111 belongs to the elite class. It was produced from 1958 to 1967. at the Likhachev plant in Moscow. The car did not go into a large-scale series, just a little more than 110 copies were collected. The main purpose of the vehicle is to service the heads of the Soviet state. This model replaced the obsolete ZIS-110. According to the directive of the government, the design bureau had to develop a more advanced machine within three months. The new project was partially copied from modifications of the American automobile industry. Consider the features of this elite limousine.

Executive car ZIL-111

History of creation

ZIL-11 from its predecessor was distinguished by more modern contours, the body part was copied from several foreign modifications (here are traced elements from the Buick, Cadillac, Packard "). In general, the exterior of the model turned out to be not quite presentable, without features that would make a representative car spectacular and stylish.

As a result, they announced a competition for the best design project. Several solutions were proposed, most of which were based on American automobiles from the 1950s. There was nothing shameful in copying foreign modifications, however, one had to know the measure, otherwise disputes about licensing could arise.

The final version of ZIL-111 was approved and began to be assembled in a separate experimental workshop. First, they created several prototypes, after testing which they decided to release a limited series. The main problem arose with the stamping of the plumage, since the dimensions of the wings of the updated car went beyond the standard framework. The solution was found by creating an exclusive snap on which elements of external design were made.

Technical characteristics of ZIL-111

Below are the main parameters of the overall weight plan:

  • Length / width / height - 6.14 / 2.04 / 1.64 m.
  • Front / rear track - 1.57 / 1.65 m.
  • Wheelbase - 3.76 m.
  • Road clearance - 21 cm.
  • The weight of the equipped car is 2.6 tons.
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 120 l.
Characteristics of a car ZIL-111

The running and speed characteristics of the ZIL-111 car met the standards adopted for the classification of vehicles serving government structures. In the exterior of the car, the handwriting of American mid-range modifications was definitely recognizable, including large windows, rear fenders like fins, low landing and a slight disproportion between the width and height of the car. The basis of the frame type allowed to withstand the elongated chassis. The supporting body did not have such strength.

Engine ZIL-111

The power unit of the car in question is an atmospheric carburetor engine consuming AI-93 gasoline.

Main engine parameters:

  • The volume of work is 5 969 cubic meters. cm.
  • The number of cylinders is 8.
  • Location - V-shaped.
  • The number of valves - 16 pcs.
  • The working mechanism is the OHV version.
  • Compression - 9.
  • The diameter of the cylinder is 100 mm.
  • Piston movements - 95 mm.
  • Food - a four-chamber carburetor system of the K-85 type.
  • Power indicator - 200 horsepower.
  • The cylinder head is made of aluminum alloy.
  • The body material of the assembly is cast iron.
    ZIL-111 engine


ZIL-111 is focused on low speeds. The main purpose of the car is to transport heads and members of the government as part of a motorcade, drive out to parades and meet senior guests at the airport. In principle, this is where the car’s functionality ends.

In this case, the chassis of the vehicle has a significant margin of safety. Such a safety net is needed so that the car does not fail at the most crucial moment. The reinforced chassis of the frame type carries a front suspension. Its design includes an independent multi-link assembly, torsion bar of lateral stability, steel springs and reinforced hydraulic shock absorbers.

The rear analogue is of a dependent type, equipped with half-ellipses springs, hydraulics, a planetary gear with a differential. The block design is continuous, it aggregates with the transmission through a two-section driveshaft. Hypoid gearing in the form of a gear pair ensures silent operation of the assembly. A slight noise was observed only when moving backward.

Transmission system

As for the transmission, the ZIL-111 car is equipped with a two-stage automatic transmission with a hydraulic transformer and planetary gears. The speeds are switched using the buttons that are located to the left of the steering column. Gear ratios: (3.54 / 1, 72/1, 0 / 2.39) - main / front / second / rear speeds.

Photo of the car ZIL-111


In 1959, the standard model ZIL-111, the photo of which is presented above, went through the first stage of modernization, received the name 111A. The car was equipped with the first in the Union special air conditioning, and also significantly reduced the rear window. This decision allowed to strengthen security measures and increase comfort of movement.

In 1960, a small series produced the phaeton 111B. It was a huge car with seven seats, equipped with an awning, which was folded and unfolded using hydraulics. By design, the roof resembled the analogues used on ZISah.

The modified 111G version has become the most significant in the direction of cardinal implementations and transformations. The car received double front lights, chrome swept moldings on the sides and an updated nickel-plated radiator grille. ZIL-111 (photo of the cabin below) was completely decorated inside, a new half-hidden air conditioner appeared. As a result, the vehicle has become more massive by 200 kilograms and longer by 50 millimeters.

Convertible ZIL-111

Later, parade phaetons (ZIL-111D) were designed on the basis of the 111G model. The first copy came off the assembly line in 1963. Similar machines were produced only seven units. The total number of open-type limousines based on the technology in question was about 120 pieces. Thus, the problem was solved with domestic executive cars.

Interesting Facts

Regarding the ZIL-11D chaise, it can be noted that the three cars were made strictly in black color. One copy was sent to the GDR, its further fate is unknown. The other two limousines stood for a long time in the walls of the plant. The gray-blue counterparts have a happier story; they periodically appeared in parades for a long time.

For the first time the phaeton left for Red Square in 1967 (a parade dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the October Revolution). Several cars under the 114 index were prepared for this date, but these government limousines did not get to the event.

Description car ZIL-111

The leader of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev wholeheartedly presented one chaise to Commander Fidel Castro. The ruler of Cuba returned home by plane, and the present still traveled to the destination by sea for a long time. Upon arrival to the island, ZIL-111 was solemnly handed over to Fidel, and the event from the Union was led by Ambassador Alekseev.

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