Analysis for prolactin: on which day of the cycle to take, normal values

A complex human body depends on the coordinated work of all organs and systems. Failure in the functionality of any one organ entails a huge number of problems. For example, for some diseases, hormone testing is needed. And therefore, you can often hear a question from women: "And prolactin on which day of the cycle to take?".

The hormone prolactin

The hormonal (endocrine) system of a person is responsible for all the processes that occur during life. The main organ of this complex organization is the pituitary gland. This is where prolactin is produced . That it is in women? This is a hormone necessary for the growth of the female breast and lactation.

An interesting fact is that, despite the seemingly completely feminine purpose, prolactin is also produced by the pituitary gland of men. However, all the functions of this component of the lactin-like protein group have not yet been fully studied. So, this hormone is produced in a certain amount throughout a person's life.

prolactin on which day of the cycle to take

hormonal rhythms

Everyone has heard about biorhythms. Many may even feel certain changes in the body based on such rhythm. So the production of the hormone prolactin is subject to such fluctuations. They depend on many reasons that can both increase and decrease the production of this hormone.

For women, a characteristic increase in prolactin production occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But for both women and men, its production can increase significantly due to depression, stress, psychosis, anxiety, severe pain. Large doses of alcohol, drugs, some antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers, and normotics also affect the increase in prolactin production.

Most birth control pills, estrogen, and some anti-vomiting medications also trigger more prolactin production. But taking glucocorticoids, antagonists, and thyroid hormones reduces the production of this hormone. That is why in certain situations, analysis for prolactin is necessary. Where to pass and how, the attending physician who prescribes such an examination will tell.

prolactin what is it in women


The main purpose of prolactin is the work of the mammary glands and the activity of the reproduction apparatus of the human body. With the onset of sexual development, its production increases, reflecting on the development of the breast, ducts, and the formation of the mammary gland, capable of producing milk for feeding a newborn baby.

Scientists have found that the formation of prolactin in itself does not affect the secretion of milk, but this hormone is responsible for its formation, the amount in the mammary glands of the mother. The entire process of procreation is built on hormones and the cyclical nature of certain processes in the body of a woman. That is why some research depends on menstruation. "Analysis for prolactin on which day of the cycle to take?" - This question is of interest to those women who have been prescribed a similar examination by a doctor.

prolactin level


Breastfeeding is the main opportunity to strengthen the immunity of a newborn baby. The first months of his life are how he receives all the necessary nutrients. And the production of colostrum and milk is a complex process in which many reactions are associated. A significant role is played by prolactin.

Although this hormone has no effect on the process of milk isolation from a woman’s mammary glands, it works on the production of colostrum, its quantity, maturation and conversion to milk. According to some reports, it is precisely due to the presence of a significant amount of prolactin during lactation that a woman cannot become pregnant - the hormone acts as a contraceptive.

prolactin table

Male prolactin?

The hormone prolactin is necessary not only for women in order to be able to breast-feed a baby. It is also produced in men. Scientists have found that prolactin plays a role in the functioning of the immune system, in regulating the water-electrolyte balance of the human body. It is an important element of the entire endocrine system.

But for quality work, prolactin must be produced in a certain amount. So, an increased level of prolactin in men causes problems in sexual life - the feeling of attraction (libido) is reduced, the quality of sperm, in which the number of spermatozoa is reduced, is reduced. Therefore, men may also be interested in the question: "Why take prolactin?"

prolactin norm in women by age

Why the need for analysis?

Some conditions of the human body, diseases basically have a hormonal imbalance. And analysis for hormones in certain situations will help establish the cause of the malaise, some violations, and therefore, choose the right treatment. So, to determine the level of the hormone prolactin, it is necessary to donate blood to determine the level of its content. The most common reasons for appointing such an examination are:

  • abnormal discharge from the chest, both in non-pregnant and non-lactating women, and in men;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • chronic inflammation of the genital area;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • obesity;
  • impotence;
  • decreased libido;
  • severe climacteric disorders.

A prolactin test is also part of a comprehensive hormone study. For women, the appointment of such an analysis raises the question: "Prolactin on which day of the cycle to take?". The answer will be given by the doctor prescribing the examination.

on which day of the menstrual cycle do prolactin

Preparing for Prolactin Assay

On how to correctly pass the analysis for prolactin, everyone thinks to whom such an examination is prescribed. There is nothing impossible in preparation. For women who are not pregnant, blood donation for prolactin is necessary on the 5-8th day of the cycle. There are also several general recommendations that are not dependent on the patient’s gender:

  • exclude sexual intercourse one day before the analysis;
  • exclude visits to saunas and steam rooms a day before the donation of blood to the hormone prolactin;
  • exclude increased physical activity a day before analysis;
  • it is not recommended to eat fatty foods and alcohol a day before taking the test;
  • do not smoke one hour before blood sampling;
  • to be in a calm emotional state;
  • donate blood to prolactin in the morning, no later than 3 hours after waking up;
  • analysis is given on an empty stomach, you can drink only water.

Monthly cycle dependence

Women who are not expecting the birth of a baby in the next 9 months, when prescribing an analysis, are always interested in what day of the menstrual cycle prolactin is given. It is best to take this examination during the period from 5 to 8 days of the menstrual cycle. Some clinicians believe that the level of prolactin is little dependent on the rhythm of menstruation and can be easily counted depending on the day of menstruation. But it’s better to come to the analysis in the first days of the cycle in order to get the most accurate results.

how to pass prolactin analysis

Normal performance

The endocrine system is complex and multifunctional, it controls all the processes taking place in the human body, and failures in its work lead to many health problems. The same applies to such a specific hormone as prolactin. The norm in women by age and in men has been determined from numerous studies. But you should always take into account the fact that its level can fluctuate even depending on the mood and emotional state of the subject. In more detail, it will tell about the level of such a hormone as prolactin, the table below.

agemen, honey / mlwomen, honey / ml
0-1 month78-170563-1995
1-12 monthless than 607less than 628
over 1 year73-407109-557

It is characteristic that in newborn children the level of prolactin in the blood is initially high. This is due to being in the womb, the body of which is preparing for childbirth and lactation. Within a month or two, this figure decreases significantly. Gradient scatter in hormone levels for patients older than 1 year is associated with many factors, including a psycho-emotional attitude to the blood sampling procedure. The answer to the question: "Prolactin analysis where to pass?" simple - in a medical institution receiving such tests.

analysis for prolactin where to pass

If the indicator above the norm

The level of prolactin in human blood in the approximate norm has a fairly wide spread, because its production is enhanced for many household reasons, even a plentiful evening dinner or a cigarette smoked in the morning will affect the performance. But with certain health problems, prolactin levels will be high even if all the requirements for preparing for the test are met. Exceeding the norm of prolactin in human blood suggests the following:

  • some diseases of the hypothalamus that cause active production of the hormone;
  • pituitary disease, responsible for the production of prolactin;
  • violation in the functioning of the adrenal cortex;
  • renal failure;
  • diseases of the female genital area, for example, polycystic ovary;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • anorexia (nervous);
  • the use of certain medications.

Also, an increase in prolactin levels in the blood is characteristic of pregnancy.

why take prolactin

If the index is below normal

For women, the question is typical: "Prolactin on which day of the cycle to take?". A blood test on the 5-8 day of the menstrual cycle will give the most accurate results of such an examination. Although the level of prolactin in the blood can fluctuate for many reasons, its significant decrease indicates possible health problems for both women and men, such as:

  • pituitary tuberculosis;
  • Sheehan's syndrome (pituitary apoplexy);
  • neoplasms of the brain, including malignant;
  • taking certain medications;
  • head injuries;
  • radiation therapy.

Lowering the level of prolactin in the blood of a pregnant woman indicates a prolonged pregnancy and the need to take certain measures for the birth of a child.

Pathology and Prolactin

The level of the hormone prolactin in a person has one feature - he has a very wide spread in indicators that are considered normal, and the level changes for many reasons, quite common - overeating, smoking, stress, bad sleep.

Control of prolactin in the blood is necessary for medical reasons, because a steady change in the amount of this component of the endocrine system can cause malfunctions of the entire body as a whole, in women, for example, cause infertility. In men, changes in prolactin levels within pathological boundaries are extremely rare. Increased or decreased prolactin levels require re-examination after 10-14 days to confirm the result. Then a comprehensive examination is carried out to determine the cause of the violation of the level of the hormone in the blood.

prolactin on which day of the cycle to take

Treatment to reduce prolactin levels in men and women

One of the important hormones is prolactin. What is women like? This substance is produced by the endocrine system, contributing to the development of mammary glands, the production of milk for feeding the baby. The role of prolactin has not yet been adequately studied, but scientists have found that it has a huge impact on all organs and systems of the human body. Therefore, violations of its production cause many health problems.

Changing the level of prolactin in the blood of a man is quite rare. But for women, such a pathology is a common occurrence. The treatment of hyperprolactinemia is carried out in accordance with the cause that caused it. After the diagnosis, the attending physician may prescribe hormonal adjustment, treatment of the tumor with radiation therapy, and surgery.

All methods of treatment should correspond to the patient’s condition, take into account both the disease itself and concomitant diseases, anamnesis, possible contraindications to the chosen method of eliminating the problem.

prolactin what is it in women

For each person, problems of the endocrine system are a common cause of diseases and pathological conditions. Therefore, a regular medical examination, passing the necessary tests will help maintain health, improve the condition. To determine the causes of ailments, a commonly prescribed test is prolactin. On which day of the cycle to take it is an important question for women.

Although many doctors believe that it is here that the specific day of menstruation does not play any role, it is still best to come for an examination on the 5-8th day of the cycle. If the results do not meet normal values, re-examination is carried out after two weeks. Then, the doctor makes a decision on a further examination to establish the cause of violations of the prolactin level.

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