Of course, today, if the front door has lost its former attractiveness, the issue can be solved radically - just replace it. Fortunately, the times are gone when this procedure was really a problem due to the total deficit of absolutely everything. But ... Firstly, not everyone wants to part with their solid, albeit already cracked and letting through all the sounds and smells door. Secondly, not everyone can afford installing a new one. What to do in this case? To breathe a second life into it - to cover the door with dermantine! Do it yourself or invite a specialist. True, the first option is preferable if only because it will allow you to save quite a substantial amount. And this, you see, is a weighty argument. So arm yourself with materials, tools, and knowledge on how to upholstery a door with dermantine. And do not be alarmed. Even if you held a hammer in your hands just a couple of times in your life, everything will work out! The process is very simple, you will not have any difficulties.
So here we go. We offer you a master class on the topic: "How to upholstery a door with dermantine." Study, and then with full confidence in your abilities proceed to work.
All about dermantine
But first you need to say a few words about the most upholstery material, which, incidentally, has been updating the doors for a very long time. It is considered a kind of artificial leather, but it is a more budgetary option. The wrong side of it is cotton fabric, and the front side is a layer of nitrocellulose.
If we talk about its operational characteristics, it should be noted that dermantine is distinguished by its strength, durability, ease of care, more than affordable cost. In addition, there is such a variety of colors and textures on sale that if you decide to cover the door with dermantine with your own hands, you will not have problems with the choice. On the contrary, you can pick up such an interesting version of this material that your front door will look no worse, if not better, than an expensive, custom-made neighbor.
What is needed
With the upholstery sorted out. But since it is necessary to pad the door with dermantine using a heater - a special lining material, you need to stock up on them. Usually, for these purposes, use either foam rubber or special batting. As for the amount of material needed, both insulation and dermantine need to be bought according to the size of your door (taking into account allowances for seams - ten to twelve centimeters on each side).
You will also need furniture nails. They are usually produced with metal hats, which can be made in different colors and styled in silver, gold or bronze. If you wish, you can also find cloves in which the hats are studded with dermantine. Still need to purchase metal corners (four pieces), PVA glue.
How to pad a door with dermantine without a tool? No way! Therefore, stock up with a screwdriver, screwdriver, hammer, stapler and scissors. You can start.
Preparatory stage
The door, of course, will have to be removed from the hinges. Then remove from it - if any - all the old upholstery. In the process, get rid of everything that can interfere with the update process: remove the lock, remove the peephole, loops. If there are any defects on the door leaf, repair them. When the surface is completely prepared, you can proceed to the main stage.
How to upholstery a door with dermantine
Free up space in the room or hallway, place two stools, set the door on them. Screw the metal corners in the corners. They will make your design more durable. Cut out the insulation in accordance with the dimensions of the door, spread the door leaf with glue and glue the foam or batting. To avoid waiting for the glue to dry, grab the material in several places with a stapler. Then lay out a piece of dermantine on the heater, so that on each side there are the same allowances for the seams. And then turn the edges inward, under the insulation, forming a kind of small roller and nailing them with nails at the same time. Algorithm of actions: we start from the top edge, then we fix the left and right sides, the bottom - at the very end. When fixing the roller, be sure to ensure that its thickness is uniform. And be sure to drive the cloves at the same distance from each other, otherwise your door is unlikely to have a neat appearance.
That’s probably all. At this workshop, “How to upholstery a wooden door with dermantine” can be considered completed. But still it is necessary to mention one small detail, thanks to which the front door to your apartment will become truly exclusive.
Decorative finish
To decorate the surface of the updated door, you can use special braid or cords. Of these, in the center or on the entire surface, a pattern is laid out, and then in the right places is fixed with carnations. And you can “depict” anything you like: a grid, vignettes, rhombuses. This is how fantasy tells you.
Now that's really it. It is possible not only to teach everyone with a clear conscience how to properly cover the door with dermantine, but also to demonstrate the result.