Natural fur products have always been a certain indicator of the high status and the distinctive good taste of their owners. For some, a fur coat is a cherished dream that one has to go to for many years, for others it is an indispensable and integral part of the wardrobe. There are quite a few varieties of fur , but it is the blue mink fur coat that is a real favorite in the world of fashionable winter clothes made from fur of elite breeds.
Unfading fashion
The popularity of the mink is due to its excellent data, as well as its comparative availability. The fact is that animals with fur of different shades of gray-blue color were bred by breeders; they breed mink in special nurseries with a fairly extensive geography. Favorites among breeders are states from the northern regions of America and Europe. Overseas Blue Mink coats are not so common in Moscow, but it is easy to find products made from Russian and Finnish fur.
Mink coats can be of other colors (usually black and different shades of brown), but it is blue that is distinguished by special tenderness and softness. This material is very popular among designers, from it they create a great many models of fur coats, ranging from neat short fur coats and ending with floor-length products. In addition, elegant blue hats, stoles and boleros can be sewn from blue minks, which will become a real find for socialite ladies, who often have to attend events that require a strict dress code.
Characteristics of fur and its features
The blue mink fur is special, it can not be confused with any other. The animals bred in captivity give luxurious material with a very thick underfill and a low sparkling pile. Specialists distinguish up to 340 varieties of fur color! It should be understood from the outset that not all of them are natural and absolutely natural, this diversity was achieved due to the tendency of the mink to cross, as well as the fact that the fur of this animal is perfectly served.
Since the mink is bred in fairly severe climatic zones, its fur is resistant to the most adverse conditions. A blue mink fur coat will warm in severe frosts, it will not lose its attractiveness after the first wet. A short run under wet snow or even accidental exposure to rain will not spoil the appearance of the product. The sellers assure that the mink coat will faithfully serve its mistress for at least five years, and if the correct operating conditions are observed, assuming that the outer clothing will be stored in a dark, cool place with normal humidity, in a protective case, it will retain an unsurpassed appearance even longer.
True, a fur coat made of blue mink simply will not survive a systematic check by extreme conditions - it will turn yellow, and the pile will lose an unsurpassed gloss and beautiful luster.
Luxury palette
Another factor explaining the popularity of blue mink fur among fur producers is the fact that this material offers truly unlimited scope for creativity, and sometimes outright fraud. In order not to fall for a trick by an unscrupulous producer, you should know that a blue mink fur coat can be sewn from fur of five main types. This is a brief description of the most popular colors that you should arm yourself before making a purchase:
- The classic fur of gray color, giving off a light blue, with the same texture and a characteristic dark color of the villi walking along the skins at the site of the animal ridge, is sapphire.
- Blue ace is a noble fur, which is distinguished by a deep blue hue; this magnificent color is set off by the magnificent mezra of a dark color, which makes the coat look especially rich.
- Silver blue - this type of fur is a classic of the genre for such a product as a mink coat. The blue mink, which is bred to obtain this material, has a silvery-blue coat without dark spots and is quite impressive in size.
- Steel sapphire, or blue iris, is a gray fur; its distinguishing feature is ash-colored villi.
- Sapphire cross is a special kind of blue mink fur with a delicate light shade, against which a dark pattern that resembles cross-shaped shapes is clearly visible.
To achieve the perfect appearance of blue mink fur exclusively by selection is simply impossible. So that all the skins have the same color, and the finished product looks as luxurious as possible, manufacturers additionally process the fur. Most often, there is an artificial coloring of the down and tinting of longer villi. Methods of such processing do not harm the fur and its basis, they are aimed only at giving it maximum aesthetics.
Making the right choice is easy.
The disadvantage of fur products often becomes their bulkiness and giving the hostess additional volume. Blue mink fur is devoid of such a flaw, very flexible, elegant products are obtained from it, so a girl of any complexion and height can choose the perfect fur coat. However, when making your choice, you should pay attention to the colors of the clothes. Stylists recommend remembering a few rules:
- light fur will pale even more blondes;
- longitudinal natural pattern on skins - a great opportunity to make a figure slimmer;
- Dark shades of fur - a universal option for both burning brunettes and blonde blondes.
Leather and fur salons offer fur coats for every taste, color and wallet. The outlets have both quite budget models available to middle-income Russians and very expensive items. A blue mink fur coat, the price of which depends on its model and the quality of the fur, costs an average of 150 thousand rubles. A short fur coat can be found for 50-75 thousand, the most expensive fur coats are sewn from fur of rare colors, and their prices reach 300-400 thousand rubles.