How did the Scandinavian runes appear? Value, character description

When it comes to runes, especially Scandinavian ones, most people recall magic and fortune telling. This is no coincidence, because in the modern world runes are used precisely for these purposes.

Meanwhile, in antiquity they served not only for divination, but also were the alphabet. With their help, important events were recorded, messages were left, they were used to transmit information. Of course, they were also used to find out what lay ahead.

A bit of history

The Scandinavian runes, meaning, the description of which do not cause any disagreement among historians, do not have a single version of origin. The hypothesis put forward by scientists in attempts to explain the occurrence of a specific form of writing is quite a lot.

The most famous theories explaining the appearance of runes belonging to the authorship of such scientists:

  • Isaac Taylor
  • Ludwig Wimmer.
  • Sigurd Agrell.
  • Otto von Friesen.
  • Karl Marstrander

Taylor believed that the Greek alphabet originates from the Scandinavian runes. The meaning, the description of which is now known, was given to them by the Goths after the VI century before the advent of our era. But this hypothesis is contrary to the generally accepted version, talking about the time when the Goths appeared in the Black Sea lands.

Wimmer dates the appearance of the runes to the 2nd century AD, and believes that the symbols are based not on the Greek, but on the Latin alphabet. Agrell also believes that runic writing arose under the influence of Latin culture, but dates its appearance a hundred years earlier, that is, the first century. Otto von Friesen in his hypothesis seems to unite versions of his predecessors. He believes that the runes arose on the basis of a combination of Latin and Greek alphabets, and this happened no later than the III century.

Runes on stones

Marstrander is one of the few who do not connect the runes with the famous cultures of the Black Sea region. His hypothesis explains the appearance of runes by a combination of North Etruscan and ogamic alphabetical characters.

What the legends say

Of course, myths claim that the Scandinavian runes owe their appearance to the gods. The meaning, description and interpretation of them was revealed to Odin at the moment when he hung on the World Tree for nine consecutive days, without water and food.

Runes and candle

Going down from the Tree, one got drunk with sacred honey and after that he drew the very first of the runes directly on the tree. And he did it with his own blood.

When runes began to be used in magic

Already in the first century, Scandinavian runes were used in magic rites. The meaning, description of the rituals and the procedure for conducting them were sufficiently detailed by Publius Cornelius Tacitus in one of his works. Tacitus is a Roman historian, thanks to his works today a lot is known about life in antiquity. Mentioned the magic rituals associated with the runes, and Caesar.

Circle of runes

However, those meanings and descriptions of the Scandinavian runes that are used in fortune-telling or other fortune-telling now, were introduced by Guido von Liszt, a German philosopher, occultist and famous researcher of runes. This happened at the junction of the past and the century before last. The same person is the author of the Armanian futark used today for fortunetelling.

About the meaning of the runes

In modern occult practices, 24 Scandinavian runes are used. The meaning and description, and a combination of different symbols allow not only to open the curtain of the future - they can be talismans and charms.

  • “Feu” - prophesies the acquisition of something or the increase in existing in any sphere of life.
  • “Uruz” is a symbol of the natural power of man, indomitable internal stimuli and forces. Prophesies quick changes and achieving goals.
  • "Turisaz" - has an ambiguous meaning, can portend both bad and good. This is a symbol of protection. Considered depending on other runes that have fallen.
  • "Ansuz" - this symbol is associated with communication and speech, verbal skills. In fortune telling, the rune predicts the need to consult with someone or talk heart to heart.
  • "Raido" is a sign of future travel, movement, long-distance travel.
  • "Kenaz" - symbolizes the "tamed fire." In fortune-telling can portend a long and warm relationship, reliable friends, stable work. Can foreshadow any discovery, awareness of priorities.
  • Gebo is a very good symbol that promises joy and happiness.
  • “Vunyo” - symbolizes a certain peak, milestone, a moment of climax. It predicts the end of one stage in life and the beginning of the next.
  • "Hagalaz" is a sign of destruction, a riot of natural elements. He predicts disaster, misfortune, loss, shock.
  • Nautiz is a symbol of difficulties. However, this rune is considered a good sign, as it portends a difficult path to the goal, which will still be successful.
  • “Isa” is a pause sign. In fortune telling, the rune is interpreted as a warning about a temporary suspension in any activity or about cooling in personal relationships.
  • "Hyere" is a symbol that promises a reward for the efforts made.
  • “Eyvaz” is a symbol-amulet. This sign protects from enemies and other harm, and also leads to victory.
  • “Perth” - secrets, unknown, not noticed, but obvious. This is a warning sign.
  • "Algiz" is a sign of the bridge between the worlds. This rune advises to listen to your own intuition and follow it.
  • "Soul" is a sign of the coming triumph. The rune predicts a stunning success in any of the spheres of life.
  • Teyvaz is a symbol of competition, rivalry, competition.
  • "Berkana" is a female rune. The sign symbolizes fertility, fertility, growth, fertility.
  • “Evaz” is a symbol of striving forward, movement, endurance and determination.
  • "Mannaz" is a rune, symbolizing the mind, memory, intelligence, communication with people, mutual assistance and friendship.
  • “Laguz” is another female rune. It means knowledge, foresight, intuition. As a rule, portends prophetic dreams and the embodiment of premonitions.
  • "Ingus" - warns of any event that will either turn everything in life upside down or will affect all human actions.
  • Odal is a sign of ownership. It can symbolize any property - from land to kitchen utensils.
  • “Dagaz” is a good symbol, portending an increase in well-being, both literally and figuratively. That is, the rune can portend the acquisition of new knowledge, spiritual enrichment. But it can also predict the growth of material savings or income.
Nordic runes

It is important to remember that the Scandinavian runes are not explained alone. Meaning, a description of what they predict, is determined only by a combination of characters, their combinations. It is also important how the rune falls out, if the throwing technique is applied - directly or inverted.

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