Installation of tachographs on trucks. Do I need tachographs on trucks?

Every year, industry and cargo turnover in Russia is gradually growing. Accordingly, one can observe the great development of the sphere of cargo transportation, especially automobile. However, a prerequisite under which goods are allowed to be transported by truck is the presence of a tachograph.

What is this device

The tachograph is a technical control device that performs the function of recording information about the route of movement and speed of a particular vehicle. Also, this device is able to control the rest and work of the driver. All this information is recorded on the so-called “puck” (you can see it in the photo below), or on an electronic chip.

installation of tachographs on trucks


Depending on how the device records information (in electronic or mechanical form), there are several types of tachographs:

  1. Analogue
  2. Digital They gained great popularity in Europe in the 2000s and replaced themselves with analog devices.

What is the difference between digital and analog tachograph

The main difference between these devices is the way information is stored. Digital tachographs have a special smart card, where all data is recorded in electronic digital form. Analogue record on round record sheets. Such “washers” are disposable. Their driver must use during the day, after which the tachograph cover is opened, and a new note sheet is installed in its place.

installation of tachographs

Features of analog devices

Such devices include three pens. The latter, during movement and parking, carve out traces on a round diagram (“washer”), the surface of which is covered with a layer of wax. The following options are displayed on this sheet:

  1. Vehicle speed.
  2. Kilometer for a certain amount of time.
  3. Driver mode.

The last parameter is divided into several subcategories. In driver mode, special characters display driving time, rest, and other working hours. Among the above, one point should be noted. The analogue tachograph displays the standby or sleep time in the cab of the second driver. That is, knowing all the inscriptions on the “puck”, it is possible to determine, up to a minute, how long, how far and how fast the truck traveled along a certain route. By the way, the route itself is also indicated on the sheet (though manually). There are special fields on the “puck” where the driver records his daily working period, place of departure and destination, the number of vacations and other work done outside the freight vehicle.

Features of digital devices

Almost all European car companies from 2003-2004 began to install a digital tachograph on a truck . Such devices consist of two parts:

  1. Unit of the vehicle.
  2. Speedometer.

The tachograph works very simply. The truck unit receives a signal from the sender (this element is located at the checkpoint), which then goes to the speedometer, where the driver can see it. The time for the signal is set in GMT.

truck tachograph law
The unit itself has a built-in system memory, which can store data about all drivers and their driving period for 12 months. It also records all errors that occurred in the device, the time of the last calibration, the marks of the regulatory authorities, as well as any attempts to intervene in the system.

What cars to install

The law on truck tachographs states that for the implementation of domestic and international transport, the following types of vehicles must be equipped with this device:

  1. Machines weighing more than 15 tons (including truck tractors).
  2. Trucks weighing from 3.5 to 15 tons.
  3. Dangerous goods trucks by ADR.
    truck tachograph

It is these three categories of vehicles that fall under the tachograph law. On GAZelle-type trucks, the installation of these devices is not mandatory.

In addition, the installation of tachographs applies to buses, whose total mass is more than 15 tons. At the same time, it is not necessary to mount these devices on ordinary minibuses that carry out urban and suburban passenger transportation.


Since 2014, the Ministry of Transport approved new fines that apply to individuals and legal entities for the lack of a tachograph in the car. So, if the truck does not have the proper device, a fine of 1 to 3 thousand rubles is imposed on the driver (or company). The same amount may be issued for a defective or not calibrated tachograph in time. Recall that every 3 years this device undergoes a mandatory calibration in specialized services.

For violation of the regime of work and rest, the driver is fined 1 and 10 thousand rubles (for individuals and legal entities, respectively).

How much can you install tachographs on trucks

The price for installing these devices varies from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Replacing the device with an analog one is about 15 thousand. The installation of tachographs on trucks includes a whole range of works. This includes:

tachographs for trucks Price

  • Mounting.
  • Block activation.
  • Primary calibration.
  • Sealing the control device.

Note that the installation of tachographs is performed exclusively by trained masters. It is impossible to do installation and calibration on your own. And any illegal interference in the system is punishable by a fine. Therefore, the installation of tachographs on trucks is done only in specialized workshops. They have all the necessary permissions to work with similar devices.

Many companies offer the “tachograph with installation” service. That is, you buy a device from the company, and you immediately install it on a car. Such a service costs from 35 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the type of device (digital or analog). The installation of tachographs on trucks takes no more than 3-4 hours. You can also order the installation of a GPRS modem in the device. Thus, you will always be aware of exactly where your truck is located at one time or another.

So, we found out whether it is necessary to install tachographs on trucks, and also examined the features of digital and analog devices.

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