What little tattoos are popular among girls?

Tattoos are divided into small, medium and large. Not every representative of the fair sex ventures to make pictures of the second or third type. But neat and small tattoos on the arm or wrist will suit many. It is because of this that they are so popular, and not only among girls.

Features of Mini Tattoo

Beautiful small pictures on any part of the body is a decoration that is always with its owner. They are original and elegant, do not catch the eye. Small tattoos on the arm can always be hidden with long sleeves if the situation requires it. They are easily combined with any dress or suit. And if one day you need to remove it, then the trace after such a procedure will remain very small. The process itself will take a little time and will be painless.

small tattoos for girls

Also, small tattoos can be applied to absolutely any part of the body, even to the earlobe or phalanx of the little finger. Thanks to this, they are especially popular with girls. Sometimes small tattoos are arranged in such a way that they make a whole finished composition.

Subjects and ideas

Some small tattoos are slightly larger in size than a mole. This may be the first letter of a name, a favorite number or the date of birth of the child. Before you go to a tattoo parlor, it’s best to make a tattoo sketch. Small drawings, as a rule, do not have complex elements, any person can cope with such a sketch. The main thing is to decide on the topic and idea. Do you want to perpetuate something? Or do you just want to decorate yourself? When you can formulate the main idea, you need to make a few simple sketches. If you are endowed with natural artistic talent, then you can draw the final version yourself.

small tattoo sketches

Naturally, you can highlight some plots that are especially popular with those who choose small tattoos. But such a picture should be individual and original, so it is best to rely only on your imagination if you decide to make yourself small tattoos. They should reflect the characteristics of the character, occupation and be fully suited to its owner.


If you choose small tattoos, the size of which is equal to a matchbox, then here you already have a wider choice of plots. In addition, drawing in this case can be more complex and detailed.

small tattoos on the arm

Such small tattoos for girls look much more attractive, but the master will have to pay more for the work. After all, the more detailed the plot you want, the more time will be spent on its creation, and here it’s not even so important what it is. You can choose a very small picture, but with many small elements and complex shapes. The cost of such decoration will be the same as if you decided to make an average, but relatively simple drawing. Even if it's a small tattoo on the wrist. But such a decoration will look much more beautiful.

Colors for a small tattoo

Any drawing can be done in 4 techniques:

  • monochromatic
  • multicolor
  • white
  • fluorescent.

Moreover, a monochromatic picture does not have to be black. It can be absolutely any color that you like, except for white, because the drawings in this color are performed a little differently. But such small tattoos remain almost invisible, which is convenient if, for example, you do not want others to pay attention to them.

small tattoos on the wrist

The newest and most fashionable way to fill a pattern is with fluorescent paints. Such tattoos become visible only under the influence of ultraviolet rays. They are especially popular with club lovers. In the daytime, such tattoos do not even need to be hidden under clothes. If you have a strict dress code at work that does not allow the presence of drawings on any part of the body, and you really want to make it for yourself, then this method of application is the most convenient and safe for you.

Tattoo Leaders

There is no arguing that this type of jewelry is very popular. And the most popular choice among girls is small wrist tattoos. They can be made in various styles. Most often these are words, hieroglyphs or small pictures (hearts, stars, butterflies). Tattoos on the forearm are not uncommon , drawings in the lower back and ankles take the next place in popularity.

small tattoos

Determining the most popular plot, of course, is not an easy task. In most cases, girls choose something soft and tender. For example, words, sayings, hieroglyphs. Someone prefers butterflies, someone likes cats with a curved back. Some people decide to make the tattoo more meaningful and personal, encrypting some important moments in life. But simple pictures have always been, are and will be the most popular subjects. In addition, the beautiful appearance for most tattoo owners is much more important than what is hidden behind it.

Where to get a tattoo?

It is safer and better to apply for a similar procedure in specialized salons. Here, experienced craftsmen and equipment are new and modern. In addition, such establishments always take care of their reputation, therefore they will treat the tattooing with due attention. Some fairly experienced craftsmen can offer their services at home. But in this case, you first need to make sure that all sanitary standards for the procedure are followed. Remember that a tattoo is not only a beautiful decoration, but also a mark on your skin that will remain with you for life. No need to try to save on it. The low price, which will bring you joy in the beginning, can become a huge problem later, when you realize how poor the work has been.

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