Roundabout: intersection options

For many drivers, there are traffic situations in which they feel insecure. One such problematic issue is roundabout. The rules provide for several situations of its occurrence, in which the actions of the driver will vary significantly.

circular motion
I think that you should not consider circular motion in the presence of a traffic light, because the driver’s actions are obvious, and such situations do not cause much difficulty. Therefore, we pay special attention to cases of intersection of equivalent and unequal intersections, with or without priority signs, the constructive solution of which does not include the presence of signaling devices.

Equal Crossroads

Crossing roads without established priority signs, as well as the absence of a significant difference in their surfaces, is called an equivalent intersection. The order of its passage is governed by the rules of the road. Circular movement without priority signs also fits this definition. When crossing such an intersection, it is necessary to concede to all vehicles moving on the right side, as well as to the tram, regardless of the direction of its movement. But in any case, it is worthwhile to closely monitor the traffic situation, because there are still drivers who get confused on the sides or simply do not know the rules for driving on roads.

Traffic Rules Roundabout
Uneven intersection

The intersection of roads in front of which priority signs are set is called an unequal intersection. This type also includes exits from adjacent areas, courtyards and parking lots. In addition, the intersection of roads with a different quality of coating is also considered an unequal intersection.

In the case of roundabouts, two scenarios need to be considered:

1. Roads where priority is given to the circular ring;

2. Roads where priority is given to incoming flows.

roundabout rule
Let's consider a little more in detail each of them. In the case when the roundabout takes precedence, the driver, entering a similar intersection, is obliged to give way to everyone who moves in a circle. Only after the path is clear, he has the right to go on the road with a roundabout and already then has an advantage over other participants.

If primacy is given to roads that enter the roundabout, the driver, entering it, is not obliged to concede to the rest of the road users, with the exception of trams and special vehicles with flashing lights on.

Knowing all these rules and principles of reaction to emerging circumstances, any driver will be able to avoid accidents and collisions on the road, where traffic is provided. This will protect not only him, but also other road users, including both drivers and pedestrians. In addition, such knowledge will reduce nervous excitement and stress when crossing the corresponding intersections. In this case, the expression “knowledge is power” seems very relevant and effective.

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