Not often, of course, but it happens that users are interested in where on the computer to see the brand of the motherboard. This may be necessary in many situations, including cases of replacing equipment, installing additional memory strips, or even flashing the BIOS primary input / output system (UEFI). To obtain such information, you can use several simple methods, among which there are tools of Windows operating systems, and some third-party tools. This is what will be discussed later.
How to find out the brand of the motherboard in the computer: the most primitive method
If the question of finding the right information is exclusively about stationary computers, not laptops, one of the simplest methods is to look at the markings of the motherboard with direct access to it by removing one of the side covers of the system unit. In laptops, also related to the class of desktop PCs, such a procedure is difficult, because it is sometimes impossible to disassemble a device without special knowledge. How to find out the brand of the motherboard in the computer in this situation?
Primary BIOS / UEFI Information
By and large, you can “fish out” such information directly when you turn on the computer or laptop, when brief information about the installed components appears on the screen. But after all, it is delayed for only a couple of seconds, and the user simply does not have time to react.
In this case, you can go into the primary BIOS system itself and look at either the main tab (Main) or the system information section (System Information). In the usual display of the item, Motherboard may not be here, but the model number and name are always present. This number is the identifier.
How to find out which motherboard is on your computer: system information
But not all users are “friends” with primary systems, preferring to receive information through the familiar and more convenient graphical interface of Windows operating systems. How to determine the brand of the motherboard on a computer using Windows? There is nothing easier than using the system information section, which lists all the item names of the equipment and the numbers of some basic devices with brief characteristics. This toolkit is called through the Run console by entering the abbreviation msinfo32.
In the main section, you should find the item “Name of the main board” and look at the specified number. But the problem with some computer devices is that sometimes the serial number may not be indicated. How to find out the brand of the motherboard in the computer if there is nothing specific in the system information?
Using the DirectX Dialog Toolkit
In such a situation, it may be advisable to use the DirectX diagnostic tool, which is part of any version of the platform. You can call up a dialog from the same Run menu by entering the abbreviation dxdiag.
True, the manufacturer of the computer and its model will be indicated on the main tab, nevertheless, it is precisely by the full name of the model of the PC or laptop that you can search the Internet, for example, on the manufacturer’s official website and find out which motherboard is installed in it .
Accurate definition of the motherboard model through the command line
But the methods described above do not always provide the most accurate information. If you can determine the manufacturer without any problems, then you may not be able to find out the marking of the "motherboard". How to find out the brand of the motherboard in the computer if the user has not received a comprehensive answer to their questions? For the most accurate determination of the number of the main board, if we talk only about the means of the Windows operating systems, you should use the command line (cmd).
The manufacturer is determined by executing the wmic baseboard get manufacturer command, and the motherboard model number is displayed after entering the wmic baseboard get product line. Please note that only the product number will be shown, but not any additional specifications.
Obtaining information using information utilities
If you need to find out which motherboard is on your computer, and even look at some additional information, you should use third-party utilities, which today can be found on the Internet quite a lot.
So, applications like AIDA64 or Speecy are especially popular.
The well-known CPU-Z program also looks good in this regard. In principle, there is no particular difference which particular software will be used to obtain comprehensive information. Almost all applications of this class are very similar to each other both in terms of the organization of the interface and in the displayed characteristics of the installed equipment. The difference can only consist in the fact that some of them can be used, say, to overclock the central or graphic processors using software methods.
Universal Detector from Intel
Perhaps one of the most interesting and, in a sense, universal is the SSU application - a program that defines the motherboard and all related hardware components on all computers without exception and in completely different operating systems. For Windows, it comes in a portable version - as a single executable file of the EXE format.
After starting the application, in the list of the main window you need to select the desired item (in our case, it is Motherboard) and use the scan button, after which the necessary information result will be shown. The advantage of this utility lies in the fact that at the final stage of determining a particular component of the computer, you can use the troubleshooting tools, when activated, the user will be redirected to the official website of the equipment manufacturer on the Internet.
Access to manufacturers' online resources and online testing
Finally, let's see how to find out the brand of the motherboard in the computer based on the information that can be obtained on the World Wide Web. In this case, it is recommended to turn directly to official resources, where you can get the necessary information by model number. However, some manufacturers who, on their own, were not able to determine the information on the motherboard, offer online testing of a PC or laptop, after which a list with all installed equipment will be displayed (in the case of laptops, a list of basic equipment and what is installed in reality). In addition, so as not to access the site every time, as an additional tool, you can install a special agent program (such as Dell Assistant), which can track the configuration of a computer system.