Accreditation is ... or why universities and the media need it

Initially, the concept of “accreditation” appeared in international law and was used for the procedure for the adoption and appointment of a state representative in another country, as well as for the recognition of the authority of journalists working for international companies. Now, over time, this term has become more widely used. Accreditation is an activity, as a result of which confirmation of conformity of the quality of services with official standards is acquired. Most often it is used in an area where the consumer cannot, due to his competence, give a correct assessment of quality.

Accreditation of Universities

In most countries, higher education institutions receive state permission to

Accreditation is
conducting educational activities issued by the relevant authority. In this case, accreditation is a focused activity of higher bodies to determine the quality of work of all areas of the university - from personnel policy and material and technical base to the curriculum's compliance with the criteria and standards of Rosobrnadzor. There are several types:

Institutional accreditation is the definition of conformity of the educational institution as a whole. It takes place in three stages: self-assessment of activities, external evaluation by a commission of experts and decision-making by a special Council.

Specialized - aims at assessing the quality of individual educational

State accreditation

National accreditation is the definition of the quality component of an educational institution or program within one country.

International - in this case, the assessment process is carried out by a foreign accreditation agency.

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science monitors the activities of educational institutions. State accreditation is an obligatory process for universities, thanks to which the status of an educational institution by type (university) is established or confirmed; by type (university, academy, institute). It also determines the level of educational programs that are implemented as part of

Media accreditation is
institutions, there is a determination of their orientation and assessment of compliance of graduate training with federal standards and requirements.

Media Accreditation

Journalists, on the basis of legal documents and rules after filing an application, can improve their status, according to article 48 of the legislative act “On the media”. In accordance with it, media accreditation is a procedure that recognizes the powers of journalists not only in relation to international organizations, but also to state bodies and institutions.

The institute engaged in this activity regulates the relationship between the media and organizations-sources of information and creates favorable conditions for journalistic activities. In particular, the subjects that underwent the procedure have the right to attend meetings and meetings held by the body that accredited them. Thus, journalistic accreditation is an institution designed to streamline the contacts of journalists and authorities, to introduce their relations in a more civilized way.

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