What is a leader? Image and functions of a political leader

Not a single social group can do without internal structuring and differentiation, within which the governing and the ruled are distinguished at different levels. The topic of our article touches on the highest level of the social pyramid. We will talk about who such a leader is and what are its functions.

Leadership phenomenon

who is a leader
Every person on earth is already participating in a race called life. There are those running ahead, there are outsiders. Nevertheless, the majority wants to be in the lead, seeing this as a sign of the success of their lives. Who is a leader in the broad and narrow sense of the word? The term itself, translated from English, literally means "leading the way," "leading." In general, this is a person or a group of people who lead the rest of the society. Psychologists have established that no social community can exist for a long time without a leading elite standing out, whose authority is recognized by everyone and will be ready to obey. This phenomenon is characteristic not only of the human race, but also of many representatives of the animal world. Thus, we can assume that leadership is a phenomenon of the biological world.

Development leadership idea

image of a political leader
Although most of the historical events took place by many people, the annals of history include the names of mainly those who acted as generators of ideas and inspirers of various initiatives. Niccolo Machiavelli first paid such close attention to the question of who such a leader is and what qualities he should possess. In his work The Sovereign, he admires the leaders of medieval Europe, who were able to achieve their goal, regardless of methods and means. Friedrich Nietzsche saw a certain superman in the real political leader. This is one who stands above conventional morality, is able to step over everything on the way to the intended. Modern political science considers the leader mainly as a personal example, inspiring everyone in the common cause. So, during the Second World War, the son of Joseph Stalin was captured. The German command offered to exchange this prisoner of war for Paulus, who surrendered near Stalingrad. Stalin, being a true leader, did not go for such an exchange, saying that the soldier did not change field marshals. It was a difficult decision, which doomed his son to death, but it was not so much the father who made it, but the leader of a large country.

Types of leadership

In the broadest sense, formal and informal leaders are distinguished . The former have an official primacy status, while the latter, even without it, are a great authority for the group than the official leader. The following types of leadership are distinguished:

  • traditional - according to the origin, established traditions;
  • charismatic - based on the individual qualities of the personality and its achievements, superior to the dignity of ordinary people;
  • democratic - based on existing law.

Also, a modern political leader can build his relations with society on the basis of democratic, totalitarian or authoritarian principles of governance.

Qualities of a true leader

political leader functions
A leader is not only privileges of high social status, but also responsibility for those who follow him. Therefore, not everyone is able to perform the functions of a political leader. The population has developed a certain image of a leader. Leadership includes responsibility, determination, inspiration, prognostic thinking, administrative skills, a strong character and charisma. Yes, in our pragmatic age, the image of a political leader cannot do without this primitive component, which acts on people as if reluctantly, on a subconscious level. We can say that it sometimes outweighs all the other advantages of the candidate.

Image creation

In the political struggle for leadership, not only one person participates, but his entire team - the circle of closest proxies who provide support and create the image of a political leader. This process is quite important, despite the general belief that people will make out a good person. Unfortunately, the society is short-sighted; it needs to show in an accessible form that this or that figure is worthy of their trust and will be able to justify it. In addition, there are not so many true leaders. Given the prevailing understanding in society of what a leader should be, image makers create a particular political subject. This work includes creating an appearance, polishing speech, behaving, diction, theatrical art and much more. Thus , the image of a political leader can be just a dummy and a fake, or it can beautifully emphasize the dignity of the person, making him a more attractive figure for voters.

party leaders

Simulator and populist

There are politicians who are actually leaders, leaders of certain sections of society or the whole people, and there are those who only pretend that they are. The latter are called imitators, or populists. How can you tell, especially in the heat of the election campaign, who is the leader? The simulator makes a calculation for an urgent result, for immediate benefits. This false leader more likely and willingly makes promises, moreover, to all at once, rather than seriously weighing the situation and offering the best ways of development. For a populist, external rather than internal content is more important. Often, he uses incorrect methods of conducting political debates, unhealthy criticism of opponents, up to slander. He cannot make concrete, serious proposals.

modern political leader

Unfortunately, such figures often receive the support of the electorate, which is kept on promises to solve everything quickly and immediately. However, this practice leads to an increase in public mistrust of democratic institutions.

The role of a political leader

The functions of a political leader are very diverse and important. Firstly, it unites the society or its part around common ideas and goals. Secondly, it acts as a generator of strategic goals for the development of society and puts forward proposals on the way to achieve them. Thirdly, it mobilizes the population for activities in a given direction. Fourthly, it maintains a connection between the power structures and society, maintains consent in the state.

It should be noted that the leader should justify public expectations. If he does not do this and cannot explain why, then soon he will face not only distrust, but also an unfriendly attitude from the electorate. Remember the joyful jackal: โ€œAkela missedโ€?

how to be a leader

Political capital

One of the most important qualitative characteristics of a public leader is his political capital. It means achievements in the public sphere, which include statuses, positions, popular decisions made, justified forecasts, in short everything that can prove his professional and business abilities. This capital builds up for a very long time, but can be squandered in a very short period of time due to incorrect tactics or an erroneous decision. Such figures are called political corpses. So, many leaders of political parties that originated in the 90s and were very popular at the time, currently have neither political weight nor popularity. Despite all attempts to break into the State Duma, they lose election after election. Therefore, every politician must remember the responsibility and consequences of any of his promises and decisions.

Path to leadership

Many people reading this article may have a question: "How to be a leader?" In this regard, it is appropriate to rephrase the famous aphorism - they do not become leaders, they are born leaders. Why so radical? Most researchers on this topic say that innate qualities play a very large role in the formation of those characteristics that are necessary to fulfill the role of a leader leading social groups.

leader as a leader

Firstly, the future leader is distinguished by an active social position and a high degree of sociability. Secondly, the experience of social activities in various organizations and the skills of public activities at various levels will be very useful to him. Of course, education cannot be left anywhere. In Western countries there are special educational institutions from which future public figures and government officials come out. In conclusion, I want to note that any leader as a leader, first of all, works seriously and hard, and also assumes great responsibility for his subordinates.

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