Foot socks: types, purpose, prices and reviews

Despite the fact that all the girls want to be beautiful, few of them provide proper care to their legs. But they also need him. After all, even the most beautiful girl will look ridiculous in open sandals with groomed heels. Of course, we all know that you can use special bathtubs, pumice and various products for foot care, but few have heard that there are mask socks for the feet.

Foot socks masks

What it is?

Despite the fact that in our country few people have come across such a tool, in the world they have long become very popular. Exfoliating mask-socks for legs was originally made in Japan, but today you can find analogues from Korea or China. They differ in more affordable prices, although the effect of their use is the same. As the name implies, this tool is produced in the form of ordinary socks, which can be selected by color or size.

Features and properties of mask socks

It is believed that the mask-socks not only allows you to make a wonderful peeling, because it has an exfoliating effect, but also allows you to heal your feet. With this tool, you will overcome corns, corns, quickly remove the roughened skin and prevent the appearance of new ones, get rid of cracks. Also exfoliating socks mask will help improve the work of sweat glands, stimulate metabolic processes in the skin of the feet and make them more elastic and resilient.

Mask socks

The composition of the mask-socks for the feet

Why is this mask so effective in dealing with quite unpleasant leg problems? All this is due to its special composition. Almost painless removal of keratinized skin occurs with the help of special acids. In addition, foot mask socks also consist of extracts of papaya, apricot, apples, as well as other natural ingredients. They help protect the delicate skin of the feet from external influences, nourish and moisturize it, and also restore it. But remember that the acid, which is part of the mask, can also adversely affect the skin if you do not follow the instructions. Do not use it more often than 2 times a year. Also remember that after use, the skin can peel up to 2 weeks.

Skinlight mask socks reviews

Sock mask application

Of course, like any other tool, foot mask socks must be used correctly.

  1. Cut the plastic bag along the indicated line and remove the socks.
  2. Be sure to steam the feet before use in a bath of hot water (about 10-12 minutes), after which you can wear mask socks. In addition, wrap your feet with cling film, you can put on a regular sock on top for convenience.
  3. The mask socks are worn for about 1-1.5 hours.
  4. After this time, remove it from the feet and wash it with warm water to wash off the remnants of the gel.
  5. Dead skin and dead skin will begin to slime on about 5-7th day after applying the mask.

Do not try to speed up the process of removing old skin from the foot, as this can lead to damage. Be sure to let this process go all the way on its own, only then you will see the effect of using the mask. To improve the condition of the skin, you can use a moisturizer or warm baths. How does mask socks act on the skin? Its dead layers gradually exfoliate and fall away.

Mask socks exfoliating

Types of tools and benefits of using mask socks

To date, in the stores of Russia you can find three main types of this tool, which allows you to quickly and accurately take care of your legs. They are divided depending on the active components that are part of the mask and affect the therapeutic effect that will appear after its use. So, today in our country, the most popular are masks-socks with mint to soothe and relieve irritation, a mask with milk for nutrition and a mask with lemon for greater exfoliation.

Why are they so popular?

  1. You can easily and without visiting a beauty salon make deeply cleansing and exfoliating peeling.
  2. Exfoliating mask-socks for legs will save you from corns and cracks, as well as prevent their subsequent appearance.
  3. You can choose socks to fit your foot size.
  4. The effect of the mask will last up to 2 months.

Gel mask socks and moisturizing feet

Exfoliating Foot Socks Mask

If you are already tired of constantly treating your feet for irritation, fatigue, dryness and cracks, then you should definitely buy a mask-socks. Their special gel impregnation allows you to effortlessly make the legs velvety and silky. They are also often used for moisturizing. As a rule, the mask for socks for the legs is universal, it can be used by both women and men, and even children. It has the form of ordinary low socks, which can be in three primary colors: blue, pink and green. Socks are made of cotton or microfiber. There are special mask socks for men who are taller, have large sizes and are made in gray. They allow you to perform the necessary spa treatments in a pleasant, comfortable environment.

Of course, for such gel socks to serve you longer, you need to properly care for them. After use, be sure to rinse them in warm water and dry well. Squeezing or twisting them is not recommended. Store these socks at room temperature.

Mask socks for feet reviews

The composition of gel socks-masks for the feet

Gel socks for feet with gel are distinguished precisely by their special composition. It is environmentally friendly, natural and safe. Thanks to special impregnation, they are suitable even for allergy sufferers. During use, the skin of the feet continues to "breathe", but incorporates all the healing components. The composition of the gel includes: olive and jojoba oil, aloe vera or lavender extracts , vitamin E. Thanks to the presence of spandex, they stretch perfectly, so they fit absolutely any size.

Skinlite Masks - Quality and Efficiency

Today, you can find several manufacturers of medical cosmetics that produce such products. But the most popular is considered a mask-socks for legs "Skinlite". This is a South Korean company that is distinguished by the release of natural cosmetics based on herbal ingredients and collagen. This mask is designed for multi-stage skin care of the feet, its main ingredients quickly and effectively penetrate even the deepest layers of the skin, moisturizing and nourishing them. The mask socks have an affordable price, in most cosmetic stores it can be purchased from 200 rubles per set, you can also get a discount, then the cost of the product will start from 140 rubles. That is why many choose the company "Skinlight". Mask socks, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, today has become very popular among those who monitor the beauty of their entire body.

Mask socks for legs Skinlite

Reviews on mask socks from consumers

If you want your feet to be as soft and tender as your baby’s feet, then you need to take good care of them. But it often happens that there is simply not enough time for lengthy procedures, and going to a beauty salon is too expensive a pleasure. It was then that a modern remedy would come to the rescue - a mask-socks for feet, reviews of which indicate that it allows you to quickly and painlessly carry out the deepest peeling of the skin of the feet. Many people have already got rid of bored corns, painful cracks and permanent calluses with it. In two or three weeks all these problems disappear without a trace, and the effect of them is noticeable even after a few months. For example, an excellent purchase will be a remedy from the Korean company Skinlight. Mask socks, reviews of which are only positive, was created specifically for home peeling. It will quickly and efficiently remove not only the troubles that are on the surface of the skin and are noticeable when wearing open shoes, but also completely get rid of dead particles in the deep layers of the dermis. It also helps to heal the skin. Due to the presence of citrus and glycolic acid, which is part of the mask, it perfectly removes the keratinized layers of the epidermis, while chamomile extract soothes and nourishes the skin. Reviews also indicate a convenient mask shape. The fact that it is created in the form of socks allows you to continue to do your daily household chores while the components of the mask look after your feet. Thanks to the special properties of the mask, which improve the functioning of the sweat glands, you can forget about the use of expensive special products. Your legs will always have a pleasant smell.

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