Temple of Prince Vladimir in Kuzminki at the Moscow Cossack Cadet Corps named. M. A. Sholokhov

This touching wooden temple of Prince Vladimir in Kuzminki leaves visitors with only bright impressions. It is located in Kuzminki, next to the cadet corps, where adolescents are brought up daily. The description of the temple will be devoted to this article.

Moscow Cossack Cadet Corps named after Sholokhov

Building description

The foundation year of the Vladimir Church was 2011. The Orthodox Church of Prince Vladimir in Kuzminki is an active church. This is a small building in the form of a rectangle. The wooden chapel church has an entrance tambourine in the west and a rectangular apse in the east. The completion of the building is an octagonal tent, on it there is a glaucus. There are no belfries on this building.

After the completion of this sacred construction, the temple was consecrated. This event happened in the same year when the construction was successfully completed. In 2013, a wide wooden refectory was added, the entrance of which was decorated with a belfry. The following year, the consecration of the throne took place, and the church was attributed to the men's monastery building. The location of this shrine is Kuzminki in Moscow.

Inside the temple

The role of the shrine

The temple is named in honor of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, who not only brought Christianity to Russia, but also actively worked on the development of education in his native land. Therefore, the temple of Prince Vladimir in Kuzminki is a place where you can turn with a prayer and a request for help to higher powers. And the Lord will show the right path if his prayers are sincere.

The historical connection of the Cossacks and Orthodoxy is inextricable. Therefore, it is important for the Cadet generation of youth to be saturated in the spiritual sense. Before the temple was built, cadets were brought to neighboring churches to fully understand the wisdom of church sacraments. The territory adjacent to the cadet corps was chosen for the construction of the temple. And soon the project came to life. Thanks to the disinterested help and support of many concerned citizens, the construction of the temple was crowned with success.

Temple revival

Since the temple of Prince Vladimir in Kuzminki is a building that is located separately from the cadet corps, not only Cadets, but also other Christians can come here. The church was built in accordance with a government decree. According to the state program, it was planned to erect 200 churches in order to compensate for the losses incurred by these buildings during the Soviet era. As you know, during its existence, these religious objects were massively destroyed. The era of atheism is a thing of the past. The time has come to revive the shrines.

The church was named in honor of the ruler who granted Christianity to Russia. Grand Duke Vladimir is depicted here on the icons and walls of the temple. The church feels the atmosphere of coziness and warmth, the ease of bright thoughts, which gives believers peace and enlightenment.

Cadet and priests

Prince Vladimir

Grand Duke Vladimir is an exceptional and fateful person in Russian history. It was him who was granted by the Lord the opportunity to present the gift of the Orthodox faith to his people. And the prince himself had the mission to perceive Jesus with all his being. He became a bearer of Christianity, revealing to the people the joy of God's grace.

Prince Vladimir

Vladimir received the title of Equal-to-the-Apostles for his deeds, which they began to equate with the affairs of the holy apostles. These figures enlightened other nations, granting them Christianity.

At the commemoration in the temple, Vladimir is called Equal to the Apostles. The Baptist became famous for the large-scale action that took place in the high-water Dnieper. This prince is also called the Red Sun, because from this ruler came the good and mercy that Baptism provided. This is the only person in Ancient Russia who radically influenced the course of the history of his country.

Cadet corps

The Moscow Cossack Cadet Corps named after Sholokhov was previously just a boarding school. It was on the basis of this educational institution in 2015 that the school arose. Today, almost 400 cadets study here. Grades five through eleven work. The school is five days old. The fullness of the classes is 15-25 people.

Pupils of the cadet corps study general subjects. They also receive knowledge from the history of the Cossacks, ethics and aesthetics, the basics of military service, and are engaged in drill training. There is an equestrian section.

Cadets are taught:

  • shoot and fight hand to hand;
  • dance and play musical instruments;
  • sing and dance, for which a special ensemble has been created.
    Russian cadets

For those wishing to enter the school

If the parents of adolescents who want to become cadets serve in the ranks of the National Guard, then their children have benefits for admission. For teenagers who are interested in the issue of admission to this educational institution, open door days are held. During such events, representatives of the younger generation can listen to the appeal of the commander in chief, inspect the building of the cadet corps.

To enter this school, you must successfully pass the math, Russian language and physical training. Diagnostics is also performed by qualified psychologists.

During the exams, the confessor of the school reads the text of a special prayer in the walls of the wooden church of Prince Vladimir. Parents of adolescents can join the confessor in prayer for the successful passing of exams.

Christian faith

About Rector

The rector of the temple was Mark Kravchenko. After graduating from secondary school, Kravchenko became a student at the Moscow Theological Seminary, and later at the Moscow Theological Academy. At the end of his studies, he became a deacon. Since 2011, he is the rector of the church in the Kuzminki microdistrict in Moscow.

In honor of the celebration of Easter, M. Kravchenko received an award from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill in the form of the right to wear a pectoral cross.

To summarize

The date of foundation of the Orthodox Church of Prince Vladimir in Kuzminki was 2011. The temple is located under the cadet corps, so that the younger generation can be brought up in the spirit of the Christian faith. The current building is a wooden church.

The construction of the temple was carried out according to the state program. It was planned to erect two hundred churches in compensation for the damage caused by the Soviet government.

Prince Vladimir, in whose honor the temple was named, went down in history due to the fact that he christened Russia. This ruler is considered an outstanding personality, popularly called the Clear Sun. Christians are grateful to Vladimir the Great for his deeds and, in honor of the ruler, they named the church under the cadet corps.

This can be done from the fifth grade. To do this, you must pass three exams and pass an interview with a psychologist. In addition to studying general educational subjects, cadets master martial arts, sambo, dancing and playing wind musical instruments. They are also taught riding, ethics and aesthetics. Mandatory subject is drill and drill.

Thanks to such a program, cadets can become successful citizens of the country. And for the spiritual education of the younger generation, young people communicate with priests.

The rector of the church since 2011 is Mark Kravchenko. He received a full-fledged spiritual education, for his service received the right to wear a pectoral cross.

The Orthodox faith is confidently reborn after a period of atheism. This can be proved by the example of such an educational institution as the Moscow Cossack Cadet Corps named after Sholokhov.

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