Sooner or later, girls think about how to do a pregnancy test. This is a pretty important question, especially if you need to diagnose a successful or inconclusive conception. With the help of special test devices, every woman at home can quickly check if she is pregnant. Sometimes the corresponding devices fail. To avoid this, you will have to follow simple instructions. We will talk about them later.
How does it work
How to do a pregnancy test? First, consider how this device works.
Home tests for an “interesting position” respond to hCG levels in the urine. The hormone is actively produced during pregnancy. A special reagent is applied to the test strip. If there is a pregnancy, it is colored and shows the second line on the measuring device.
It is because of the fact that urine has a low level of hCG, a false negative result is possible in the presence of a successful conception. Therefore, you will have to study the basic rules of home diagnostics of "interesting position".
Types of tests
Thinking about how to do a pregnancy test Evitest (or any other company), it is worth paying attention to the fact that they are different. And depending on the type of device, the algorithm of actions will slightly change.
At the moment, you may encounter such "measuring" devices:
- test strips;
- tablet tests;
- inkjet devices;
- digital.
Each girl decides for herself which test to buy. Strip strips have the lowest price, but they are more likely to encounter error results. And digital devices are expensive, but with high sensitivity.
Test strip
How to do a pregnancy test? Photos of various devices are presented to our attention. Now consider each view separately.
Let's start with the most common. It's about strip strips. To conduct a home pregnancy check, you will have to:
- Collect urine in a sterile container.
- Unpack the special appliance.
- Place a strip in urine to the indicated level.
- Hold the strip test in the collected biomaterial for 3-5 seconds.
- Lay the strip on a flat, dry, horizontal surface.
That's all. Now you just have to wait. The result will appear in 3-5 minutes. It is required to evaluate it no later than 15 minutes after the diagnosis.
Tablets to help
How to do a pregnancy test? The instructions offered to your attention earlier in the case of a tablet device will not help. But this does not mean that you have to try pretty hard to achieve your goal.
The tablet test has good accuracy, but its price is higher than that of strip strips. Included with the device is everything you need to diagnose an "interesting situation" at home.
In this case, you need to do this:
- Collect some urine in the attached container. If not, you need to purchase a container for collecting biomaterial yourself.
- Pipette a little urine.
- Insert a special cartridge into the test device. Usually they are offered 2-3 pieces.
- Pour urine into a designated hole.
- Put the tablet down and wait for the result.
In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. And each woman will be able to quickly and easily find out whether the conception occurred or not.
Inkjet devices
Need to do a pregnancy test? How to behave properly when it comes to a jet device?
In this case, there will not be any special problems. After all, such devices lack the need to collect biological material in containers.
The manual for using the jet test is as follows:
- Unpack the device.
- Remove the special cap from the measuring device.
- Substitute the device with the receiving part (the one that was hidden by the lid) under the stream of urine.
- Hold the test in a locked position for 5 seconds.
- Lay the appliance on a dry surface.
Within a minute you can see the result of the check. It will be displayed in a special window. Depending on the manufacturer, you can see "+", "pregnancy is" or an emoticon. One or two stripes may appear.
Digital appliances
How to do a pregnancy test? The last option is to work with digital measuring instruments. They allow not only to "see" the pregnancy, but also to see its term.
Using such a device does not cause any trouble. The girl just needs to put a little urine on the absorbent part of the receiver. For example, substituting it under a stream or by collecting biomaterial in a special container. The container can be purchased at any pharmacy.
The result will appear on the screen almost immediately. It will be displayed in the window of the device for 3 minutes. There are no difficulties in deciphering the results.
When do checks
We found out how to do pregnancy test strips. And how to behave with other "measuring" devices. This is a pretty simple task.
Now consider the basic rules that every modern girl should remember. For example, many are interested in what time of day to diagnose.
Ideally, the check is carried out early in the morning, immediately after waking up. This is due to the fact that in the morning urine the concentration of hCG is highest. And therefore, the result can be obtained already from the first days of the delay of menstruation.
In fact, pregnancy diagnostics are allowed at any time of the day. But in the case of test strips, it is better to limit yourself to the morning "procedure". But electronic and tablet devices will show the exact result even in the evening. Especially if you choose a highly sensitive device.
How long do
How to do a pregnancy test? In the morning, the result will be more accurate. But in what period of time to conduct research? The approximate period after fertilization is implied.
Modern tests help to see pregnancy on the first day of the delay. On the second or third day, the result will be more accurate. It is even better to wait 3-4 days after the delay of menstruation.
Until the absence of timely critical days, diagnosis should not be made. Even highly sensitive verification devices will not be able to cope with the task. This is due to the extremely small amount of hCG in the urine.
Important: in this case, you can give preference to a blood test for hCG. He may indicate an "interesting position" a few days before the alleged menstruation.
Any time of the day
How to do a pregnancy test in the evening? This is a fairly simple procedure, but you will have to prepare for it. Or rather, worry about a high concentration of hCG in the urine.
This will require:
- Refuse to drink plenty of water. It is advisable not to drink the fluid a few hours before the diagnosis.
- Do not urinate for 3-4 hours before collecting biological material. If possible, withstand 6-8 hours.
- Collect biological material only in sterile containers. This tip is relevant for all cases.
- Select tests with high sensitivity. The relevant information is written on the boxes with the devices. The lower the sensitivity digit, the earlier the device will show the correct result.
- It is advisable to rest before the diagnosis and not be nervous.
Perhaps this is all. The procedure for home diagnostics of an "interesting position" will not cause any difficulties. It is advisable not to conduct it in the early stages.
Urine Collection Rules
How to do a pregnancy test? It is important not only to follow the listed instructions, but also to be aware of the rules for collecting urine. This information is not useful to every woman. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous.
A woman will have to:
- Purchase a sterile urine container in advance at the pharmacy. It should not be disclosed before the procedure. Some tests already have a corresponding item.
- When urinating, wait 1-2 seconds. Only after that substitute the test under the stream or collect biological material. This will improve the accuracy of the diagnosis.
There are no more rules. Unless already known to us - do not urinate a few hours before taking the biomaterial and do not drink a lot of fluids.
False result
Even if you follow all the listed rules and instructions, the girl can see a false test result. For example, a false negative indicator in the presence of a successful conception.
Why is this happening? Most often due to:
- too early diagnosis;
- ectopic pregnancy;
- violations of the test process;
- low-quality "measuring" device;
- Use of an expired device.
The pale second strip on the test is most often interpreted as a positive result. It is advisable to repeat the diagnosis after a couple of days. If the control strip is brighter, there is a pregnancy.
We learned how to do various home pregnancy tests. In addition, we were able to get acquainted with the basic rules of the relevant procedures.
Modern verification devices do not always predict the exact result. If the girl saw the treasured two strips, you need to take a blood test for hCG, go for an ultrasound and to a gynecologist. Only in this way will it be possible to find out whether the pregnancy really takes place.