Do I need to take piracetam during pregnancy?

With the development of the modern world, the advent of new technologies and improvements, there is a risk of developing serious diseases. This also applies to pregnant women. Moreover, their body is most sensitive. No matter how much the expectant mother tries to protect herself from unwanted influences, sometimes they can be simply inevitable. Among them are the unfavorable ecological situation around, and a lifestyle without movements, and constant stressful situations, as well as the lack of minerals and vitamins for the body. Often the abuse of potent drugs also poses a danger to the unborn child. Therefore, before taking pills, you need to think carefully and take the right step. Wrong decision can lead to grave consequences.

Doctors often have to prescribe piracetam during pregnancy. This is the result of numerous tests that lead to a deplorable diagnosis. The use of such a powerful medicine while waiting for a child is an exceptional measure.

It is worth noting that this medicine refers to nootropic drugs. Regardless of which company produces it, the properties, side effects and effect will be the same. In pharmacies, you can find different forms of the drug piracetam, tablets in the shell must be taken orally. There are capsules, suspensions. Often found piracetam in ampoules. It is necessary for injections that are given intravenously.

The doctor usually prescribes this potent drug in cases of serious brain injuries, with psychoses or special depressive states, and various viral infections. Piracetam is prescribed for small children or, on the contrary, for older people. After all, it helps with Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, memory impairment. Children take it if there are birth injuries, meningitis, ZPR and even encephalitis.

Like most medicines, piracetam has its contraindications. It is not recommended for use if there is a serious kidney disease. In infancy, the child should not be given the drug. Regarding the question of how to use piracetam during pregnancy, the prescription of instructions here is ambiguous.

Somewhere it means that such treatment is completely contraindicated for expectant mothers. Other sources claim that it is better not to take the medicine, but in special cases, such therapy is simply necessary. Among such situations is one where there is simply no other way out . Those. Improving maternal health is much more important than the risk that it can negatively affect fetal health. Finally, some instructions suggest that piracetam was not tested at all during pregnancy. Therefore, it is impossible to speak unequivocally about its effect on the unborn child.

Scientists have long proved that this drug easily crosses the placenta. This means that a large proportion of the concentration of the drug is also in the baby’s blood if the mother uses piracetam during pregnancy. However, during animal testing, taking this medicine did not harm the further development of the embryo.

It is worth noting that if a doctor, that is, a highly qualified specialist, prescribed this drug, knowing about pregnancy, then this is vital for the future mother. Just because piracetam is not recommended for use. Moreover, it will not be prescribed as a prophylaxis.

You just need to think about your health. After all, a neglected disease can even worse affect the future baby. If any doubts arise, you can consult with other doctors who work in well-known and specialized clinics. And if their opinions coincide, then definitely need to take the drug piracetam.

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