Indoor plants can significantly affect the energy of a home . The monstera, which will be discussed in this article, is a beautiful liana that is often found in offices. It has large dark green leaves that have a circular shape, with interesting cuts along the edges and holes in the middle.
All plants, as well as soil, absorb human excess energy, whatever it may be. Good, positive people and plants grow in abundance, fueled by the positive energy of the inhabitants of the apartment. Sometimes you can observe the opposite situation, when the flowers in the room do not bloom, wither and die. In this case, we can assume that the energy that plants receive from people is negative.
However, the issue with the influence of plants is not the energy of the home is ambiguous and requires an integrated approach. Let us turn to the wisdom of the ancients. According to Feng Shui, plants with round leaves are harmonized in the energy of the room (if they are small, they are called money trees for their similarity to coins). But cacti and acanthus are similar to poisoned arrows, and disrupt the smooth flow of Qi. Because of the shape of its leaves, the monstera is an energy vampire, not only absorbing energy, but also introducing an energy imbalance that can cause depression and a bad mood. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep it in residential premises. Especially harmful may be its effect in the bedroom.
Sometimes it happens that in a prosperous family, relationships go wrong, quarrels and misunderstandings begin. Remember, is not an energy vampire growing in a monstera’s apartment? In addition to the negative impact on a subtle level, this green jewelry can also harm physically. After all, plants, including indoor plants, can not only emit oxygen, but also absorb it.
The leaves of the monstera are very large. In the daytime, it emits quite a lot of oxygen. However, at night the reverse process occurs. Monstera, an
energy vampire, also takes oxygen, releasing a significant amount of carbon dioxide due to the area of its leaves. Unpleasant consequences can be a headache and general
poor health.However, growing this beautiful exotic plant is definitely worth it. But not in the living quarters. It is perfect, for example, for the office.
Although many people believe that the monstera is an energy vampire, it is sometimes advised to place it in the kitchen or in the dining room.
The fact is that the smell of this plant helps to improve digestion. Having set a monster near the kitchen table, the owners of the apartment will forget about disorders such as
lack of appetite, upset stomach and intestines. In this regard, it can be extremely useful.
There are other indoor vampire plants. These include, for example, ivy, which has, as a rule, sharp leaves (the popular name is “husband”), orchids, thuja and various kinds of decorative peppers.
How seriously it is worth taking such recommendations, of course, everyone decides independently. The fact that a monstera is an energy vampire can be believed or not. However, it is absolutely clear that it should not be kept in places of rest.