How to choose a parking sensor?

Parking radars today occupy a mandatory place in the optional provision of the car. They still compete with rear-view cameras, but for most drivers the choice is clear - in favor of parking sensors. Such systems not only help novice drivers to get comfortable with the nuances of driving in cramped conditions, but also save the time of experienced car owners who need to park quickly and safely. How useful will be the decision to choose this system depends on its configuration. Perhaps the most responsible component of such a radar is a parking sensor, which directly captures data on the position of the car relative to third-party objects. Therefore, his choice determines the effectiveness of the system as a whole.

parking sensor

Sensor in the parking sensors system

The work of modern type parking sensors is based on the principle of ultrasonic radiation, the characteristics of which allow us to determine the critical proximity of the machine to other vehicles, poles, curbs, trees, etc. The sensor in this system acts as an ultrasonic wave generator , also receiving a reflected pulse. The signal already processed in the central controller allows you to calculate the distance to the nearest objects. As a rule, the parking system sensor covers a limited area, so it is almost never used in the singular. The minimum set requires 2 sensors, and the maximum configuration allows the installation of 8 emitters on one side. The quality of the system is affected not only by the number of detectors, but also by the way they communicate with other components of the system.

types of parking sensors

Types of parking sensors

The main difference between parking sensors is the type of installation. In the families of large manufacturers there are mortise and surface models. Mortise-type devices are mounted in the niche of the bumper, requiring mechanical operations with metal. For reliable fixation, manufacturers offer additional installation accessories. For example, the ParkMaster parking sensor in the FJ modification includes a rubber damper and an improved waterproofing system. As for models of the laid-on type, they are attached by a special adhesive base. The advantages of this installation method include the elimination of the need to cut the bumper.

Sensors differ in the method of signal transmission. There are wired and wireless models. Devices that communicate with the central complex through wiring are stable in operation, but installation will not do without cabling. For obvious reasons, a wireless parking sensor is easier to install, but many owners of such models note the influence of third-party radio interference on the quality of signal transmission.

Sensor Specifications

rear parking sensors

One of the key performance characteristics of the sensor is its range. It determines the distance at which in principle it will be possible to fix the distance. Devices with low sensitivity indicators have a coverage area of ​​about 30-40 cm. The premium versions for this indicator can reach 120-150 cm. But this does not mean that models with a large working area are more profitable. Rather, they are suitable for large-sized cars, and for a typical passenger car, a detector with a radius of up to 50 cm is quite suitable. Such modifications allow fewer false signals and are not so demanding on energy supply. However, there are also combined installation schemes in which the rear parking sensors have an increased coverage range, and the front ones are the same 30 cm. Another important characteristic is the diameter of the case. The sensor is a very compact device, but its design parameters may affect the future installation method. Standard models have an average installation diameter of about 16-18 mm.

How to choose a parking sensor?

parking radar 4 sensors

Sensors are usually included in ready-made kits with parking radars. But if you wish, you can also include sensors from third-party manufacturers in it. For this, it is necessary to evaluate the compatibility with the control system according to the characteristics of signal reception. Next, the configuration parameters of a particular model are determined - detector dimensions, shape and presence of protective shells. It is desirable that the device has coatings that protect against dirt, moisture and mechanical shock. You should also consider the possibility of combining with a video camera. In particular, the rear parking sensors can be included in a single installation platform with a matrix, which will also send a video signal to a monitor in the cabin. This should be considered at the purchase stage. Do not ignore the aesthetic nuance. So that the sensor housing does not stand out against the general background of the automotive exterior, you must first determine the color scheme. In the standard versions, manufacturers offer silver and black devices, but there are other shades - including custom-made ones.

Optimum number of sensors

parkmaster parking sensor

The more sensory elements, the higher the coverage of the β€œblind” zones and, accordingly, the lower the risk of collision. On the other hand, 6-8 emitters increase the sensitivity of the system, and with it the probability of false signals. Therefore, in choosing it is important to maintain a balance determined by the needs of the driver himself. A minimal set with 2 sensors will allow easy movement next to adjacent bumpers and curbs. The optimal equipment in which the parking radar is supplied - 4 sensors on the rear side with 2 front sensors. In this case, safe parallel parking will be possible .


The segment is quite saturated, since almost all companies that produce electronics for cars participate in it. The leaders are BlackView, ParkCity and SHO-ME. You can also highlight the ParkMaster parking sensor, which even in low-cost versions has a wide coverage area and reliable protection against interference. The cost of production of these brands varies from 700 to 1500 rubles. average.


parking sensor

The success of parking radars with sensors is explained by the fact that there are almost no alternative solutions on the market with that degree of efficiency. However, in the complex of parking sensors there is competition between the individual components. Replace the parking sensor with electromagnetic tape. This is a strip on a metallized base that is glued from the inside of the bumper. Such a solution is advantageous in that it completely eliminates installation physical operations during installation and minimizes blind spots during operation. In turn, ultrasonic sensors benefit from a more accurate fixation of the object in the control field.

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