Productivity and structure of teacher's pedagogical activity - interconnected components

The productivity and structure of pedagogical activity are two phenomena that are very closely related. Only the observance of the basic rules and principles will determine the success of the teacher. It is necessary to consider the main components that have been identified by N. Kuzmina.

The structure of pedagogical activity includes:

  1. The cognitive (gnostic) component can be attributed to the sphere of knowledge of the teacher. Moreover, in this case it is not necessary to narrow it down to subject data. Of no less importance are: self-knowledge of one's own activity and personality; age-anatomical and psychological characteristics of students and the characteristics of communication in the pedagogical process.
  2. The design component includes tactical and strategic ideas about the tasks of education and training. Knowledge of how to achieve them is also important.
  3. The constructive component implies that the teacher must be able to build not only his own activity, but also the activity of the students, taking into account the near and distant goals and objectives of the training. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what "segments" of the subject are in question: a separate lesson, topic, thematic block, class cycle, and so on.
  4. The communication component of the teacher is one of the most basic. Since even a very good specialist who does not take into account its importance, the professional activity of a teacher will not be able to bring success. It implies the nature of communication and the specifics of its interactions with the class and students.
  5. Under the organizational component is meant the nature of the system of skills of the teacher, which helps to organize their activities, the activity of the class and students.

The structure of pedagogical activity is not so much a system of interconnected components, but it also “dictates” the basic functions and tasks that are presented to it. In accordance with this, we distinguish: organizational, communication, constructive, design and gnostic functions. The educational process should be aimed at the uniform provision of each of them.

In addition to the classical scheme, the structure of pedagogical activity can be presented in a slightly different way, more simply, but of significant practical importance.

In this approach, the structure of pedagogical psychology is laid as a basis , which includes the psychology of education, the psychology of education and the psychology of professional activity of a teacher. Such a balanced learning process can become productive.

Based on this, we highlight the special, interconnected components.

  • An educational component that includes a system for transferring theoretical knowledge and skills. However, as a rule, this process is aimed at mechanically memorizing the material. At the same time, the correct approach is the formation of the logical component of the basic cognitive processes (thinking and memory). In addition, the focus should be on the development of imagination, intelligence and voluntary attention.
  • The educational component is very often “forgotten”, as well as the fact that it is necessary not only to transfer knowledge and skills, but also to form a diverse personality. The teacher should keep in mind that teaching in the classroom is an educational process that should use the potential of the classroom team.
  • The block of professional and personal qualities of a teacher is presented in more detail in the classification of N. Kuzmina.

But the structure of pedagogical activity should be constantly adjusted based on the demands of modern psychological and pedagogical science and the demands of society.

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