Gum treatment and its features

Today, gum disease is much more common than, say, several decades ago. Based on this, a separate area of ​​dentistry has appeared - periodontology, which is engaged in the elimination of these diseases. The most common diseases in this area are gingivitis, periodontitis, and periodontal disease.

As a rule, gum treatment should begin if you have the first signs of the disease. Initially, gingivitis occurs, which is characterized by inflammation of the gingival mucosa. If you start this disease, it quickly develops into periodontitis, which can also occur as a result of malocclusion, tartar or poor-quality prosthetics.

In addition, periodontitis can be caused by a lack of vitamins in the body, bad habits, impaired metabolism, poor ecology and some chronic diseases. Based on this, a number of methods can be distinguished, observing which, diseases and gum treatment can be prevented. So, first of all, it is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene, eat balanced, visit a dentist in a timely manner, replace low-quality prostheses on time and visit an orthodontist to correct the occlusion. Remember that any treatment of teeth and gums should only begin after a thorough examination. When the reason is established, the treatment necessary for this situation is prescribed.

According to dentists, gum treatment is best started when only a slight inflammation has appeared. To date, ultrasonic and mechanical means are used to treat gums in this situation. They are aimed at eliminating dental deposits (which contribute to the development of the inflammatory process), as well as treating the crown and root with preparations that contain fluoride-containing varnish and polishing the surface of the teeth. These procedures lead to the elimination of the early stage of periodontitis.

But, as a rule, patients go to the doctor with a moderate severity of the disease, when there is bad breath, redness of the gums, severe bleeding, swelling. At this stage, the teeth begin to stagger. Naturally, in this case, treating the gums is much more difficult. The main way to eliminate the disease is to conduct curettage of the gum pockets under local anesthesia. During the procedure, teeth are polished and tissues that are damaged by infection are removed. Curettage itself is the removal of deposits on the teeth with the help of special hooks (curettes) or through surgical intervention when the gum is cut (or the upper part of the gum is removed and then sewn back).

If, at this stage of the development of periodontitis, the patient does not seek the help of specialists, then the moment comes when the disease can no longer be eliminated with the help of conservative treatment methods. Surgery will be required. The operation consists in removing the most affected teeth and conducting an open curettage of periodontal pockets.

In order to avoid surgical intervention, it is necessary to begin treatment of gums at home, when the disease has just begun to develop. Such measures are applicable only with medicines prescribed by a doctor, and only after its approval. So, decoctions and tinctures of sage, chamomile, echinacea help eliminate bleeding and redness of the gums. Moreover, the broths not only rinse your mouth, but also moisten cotton swabs in them, and then apply to the inflamed gum. It is also necessary to regularly do gum massage and exercises to strengthen the muscles of the oral cavity (for example, clench your teeth, stretch the corners of the mouth, while taking a deep breath. After you pull your lips into the tube and exhale. Do not unclench your teeth).

In addition, you should stop smoking, brush your teeth three times a day with fluoride paste, and also use toothpicks or dental floss after eating.

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