Virtuoso is a performer who masterfully owns the technique of musical art. The term originated in Italy in the XVI-XVII centuries. This word expressed honor to the person.
The work “Music in the Western World” by Richard Taruskin and Pierrot Weiss testifies that initially a virtuoso is a highly talented musician. From the nineteenth century, the interpretation of the term changes. From now on, a virtuoso is a performer, vocal or instrumental, whose technique is so refined that it can amaze the audience. Also, this term can be used in relation to a person who has managed to stand out technically in a certain area of human sciences. Also, the word is often found in the field of fine arts.
Virtuoso is a term of Latin origin, combining “valor” and “talent”. They describe a person who is noted in any artistic or intellectual field.
Great representatives
Next will be called true musical virtuosos. Domenico Gabrieli - Italian composer, cellist, representing the Baroque era. He was born in 1659. Sklyarenko Vladimir Petrovich - artistic director and creator of the ensemble "Trio-Sonata". He was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Adam Pavlikovsky is a Polish musicologist and composer. He was also a journalist and film actor. Domenico Gabrieli - Italian composer, cellist, representative of the Baroque era. Was born in 1651 or (according to other sources) in 1659. Valentinius Greff Buckfark - Hungarian musician, lute player, composer, representative of the Renaissance. His plays are an example of refined works of the 16th century. Kurosawa Kinko is a Japanese musician. He is the virtuoso of playing a special bamboo flute called shakuhachi. This man became the founder and first head of the Kinko School.