Food Compatibility for Separate Nutrition: Diet Design Features

The problem of overweight is familiar to so many people, and some of them are constantly looking for a method or tool that will help them. Unfortunately, most of them require either severe restrictions on food, or debilitating loads. However, there is one way to get rid of excess weight. It is enough to know the compatibility of food with separate nutrition.

separate food compatibility
Theoretically, this method has been known since very ancient times. Confirmation of these facts is in the ancient scriptures of Greek and Roman healers, who already then warned of the interaction of certain products. At all times, the human body reacted the same way to the food consumed, so doctors warn that it is not necessary to treat this with frivolity.

Compatibility of food with separate nutrition involves the preparation of a special diet, which should be observed throughout life. I must say that this method has a beneficial effect on the body not only from the side of weight loss, but also from the point of view of health. This means that you not only lose weight, but also improve the condition of the skin, hair and internal organs.

split food product compatibility
How does food compatibility work with separate meals? According to experts, our digestive system is not perfect, and the breakdown of different groups of food elements requires certain enzymes that are produced sequentially. Otherwise, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are digested for a long time, and the body has to work in a more intense rhythm. At the same time, enzymes produced under extreme conditions begin to suppress each other, and the result is one - the accumulation of toxins, toxins and extra pounds in the body.

separate food product compatibility table
Food compatibility with separate nutrition consists in the conditional division of the food consumed into three main groups: proteins, plant components and carbohydrates. At the same time, some of them are representatives of alkaline foods, others are acidic, and still others play a neutral role. When the first and second components are mixed, the processes of decay begin in the stomach, poisoning us from the inside.

Separate nutrition, the compatibility of products and some drinks - this is the basis and guarantee of health and longevity. For example, we are not used to considering milk as food, namely, it belongs to a separate group, which is undesirable to combine with other food components. To some, this all may seem complicated and impossible, but in fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. It is enough to exclude the combined use of proteins and carbohydrates, and food of plant origin can be added to both types of food elements.

Separate food. Product Compatibility Chart

SquirrelsPlant food (neutral group)Carbohydrates
FishFresh fruitsBread
MeatFresh vegetables (except potatoes)Candy, confectionery
EggsFreshly squeezed juicesFlour products
NutsVegetable oilsHoney
Sunflower seedBuckwheatJam, Confiture, Jams
EggplantDried fruitsCereals

From the table it follows that the products from the first and last column are incompatible, and the middle group is allowed with both.

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