Deadline for registration of IP in tax

If a person decided to become an entrepreneur, it is extremely important to comply with the registration deadline for individual entrepreneurs. The thing is that if a citizen fails to register with the tax authorities on time, he will be fined. Or, for example, it will not be possible to conduct activities until the final registration. In general, registration as an individual entrepreneur has many features and nuances. All of them will be discussed later.

In fact, everything is not so difficult to understand. It is enough to turn to Russian legislation. And then everyone can solve the task without any problems. What to look for first? How quickly is it required to register with the tax service after registering an individual business?

registration period un

On yourself or with subordinates?

The first thing everyone should understand is one thing - a lot depends on how the entrepreneur plans to work. There are two scenarios. Depending on the circumstances, the registration period of the IP will vary. You can work for yourself. That is, without subordinates. This is the most common option for those planning a personal small business. Most often, in this case, a person is registered as a freelancer

And there is such an option as entrepreneurship with employees. It is easy to guess that there is a boss and his staff. These 2 situations have different periods of registration with the tax service and other authorities. And about this, as already mentioned, every citizen needs to know.

registration ip usn terms

Independent work

First, consider the situation in which you plan to work for yourself. In this case, the deadline for registration of IP in the FSS and PFR does not take place. Why? The thing is that a citizen who will not hire subordinates has the right to voluntarily appeal to these bodies. But already immediately after paperwork in tax authorities. Obligatory registration for entrepreneurs without workers in the Social Insurance Fund and the FIU is not provided.

After the direct registration of an individual entrepreneur, all the necessary data will be transferred by the tax authorities within 5 working days to the Unified State Register of Enterprises Accordingly, you can β€œcheck in” at any time in the Social Insurance Fund, as well as in the Pension Institution. But when working for yourself, all this is far from mandatory procedures. But, as practice shows, they are usually not neglected.

employer registration period

Work with employees

But if you need to hire subordinates, Russia will have slightly different rules. There is a certain deadline for registration of an IP employer in the bodies indicated above. Of course, tax services will also have to apply. This is a required procedure.

Accordingly, if an entrepreneur will work with subordinates, and not independently, you will have to think about registering with the FSS and PFR. Moreover, it is necessary to register as a direct employer. But in what terms should be kept within this or that case? Some features directly depend on what kind of organization a person addresses.

Pension Fund

How long is the registration deadline for a Pension Fund? More precisely, in what time constraints does an entrepreneur working with a staff of subordinates need to meet in order to register with the FIU? In 2016, there are no certain strict rules in Russia. More precisely, citizens have been given a very long time to implement their ideas.

Thus, in Pension Funds, an entrepreneur is allowed to apply with a package of documents for registration within a month from the date of registration of the IP. More precisely, 30 days. Otherwise, the employer will wait for a certain punishment. About measures of influence on dishonest bosses regarding registration in various organizations a little later. First you need to understand how much time is allotted for a particular procedure.

what is the registration period un


What is the registration deadline for IP? FSS - this is the next body in which the entrepreneur should be noted. Otherwise, as in the case of the Pension Fund, he will face punishment. What restrictions apply in this area? According to the established rules, it is necessary to declare the registration of the IP employer no later than 10 days after the receipt of the certificate of the established form.

It turns out that with the FSS everything is much tougher than with the Pension Fund of Russia. What punishment awaits an entrepreneur if he violates the indicated registration deadlines? And in general, how can I register as an individual entrepreneur? Even a person without a law degree can understand all this!

registration period ip fss

Delinquent penalties

From now on, the deadline for registration of IP in various bodies is clear. The procedure takes place after registration of entrepreneurship in tax authorities. What will happen if the employer does not meet the deadlines? In this situation, you will have to pay a fine. It is established on an individual basis, taking into account the organization in which the citizen did not register as an employer.

If we are talking about the FIU, then you have to pay about 5000-10000 rubles. But in the case of the FSS, payments increase significantly. So, the minimum payment is about 20 thousand rubles. Of course, a citizen will be required to register as soon as possible with both the Pension Institution and the Social Insurance Fund. Only after that it will be possible to work and make certain contributions to these organizations without problems.

IP registration procedure

And now it’s worth to find out how long the registration of IP takes place regarding tax services. How long does it take to start a business? To begin with, it is recommended to understand what the order of this process is. This will help speed up the design. How to register IP? There are only a few steps that will certainly help to realize the idea. Among them, the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Definition of type of activity. Be sure to choose taking into account OKVED.
  2. Definition of taxation. After registering an IP for some time, you can change the tax payment system. But more on that later.
  3. Collection of documents for registration. Their complete list will be presented below.
  4. Drawing up an application and submitting it to the tax office at the place of registration of the citizen.
  5. Obtaining a ready certificate of registration of IP.

There is nothing difficult or special about this. But how long are the deadlines for registering IP in tax?

registration period as un

Review of documents

It all depends on what is at stake. If the process of registration of IP, in principle, including the collection of documents, it is difficult to answer. Sometimes the process can drag on for several months. Especially if some papers are not ready for the citizen or they are currently in the process of exchange.

But if you are interested in the registration deadline for IP after the application of the established form, then approximate values ​​can be called. On average, from the moment a package of securities is transferred to the issuance of a registration certificate, 3 to 5 working days pass. Maximum is a week. Tax authorities will notify when it will be possible to apply for a certificate of registration of IP. But the tentative date is already known. It can increase with a heavy tax burden.

Documents for issuing IP

And what does a citizen need to register as an individual entrepreneur? It is important to know about the timing of registration with various organizations. But until a certain certificate is received from the tax authorities, you can not think about accounting in the FIU and the FSS. Documents that require for registration of IP are as follows:

  • certificate of citizen-leader (passport of the Russian Federation);
  • statement of established form;
  • TIN;
  • SNILS;
  • receipt indicating payment of a fee in the amount of 800 rubles.

Nothing more is required. Documents are provided in originals and with notarized copies. The application is already written to the tax authorities. It necessarily indicates the tax system that was chosen by the citizen to pay taxes.

tax registration deadlines

About changing the tax system

Now we understand the term of registration as an individual entrepreneur, as well as the procedure for registering a citizen as an entrepreneur. And what if, at the time of application, the person did not know which tax system to choose? There are some restrictions that allow you to change the procedure for paying tax fees for doing business without any special problems.

The general taxation system will be applied if the entrepreneur has not indicated any clarifications while the registration of the individual entrepreneur was carried out. USN, the installation time of which is diverse, is usually indicated immediately in the application. If this has not been done, then from the moment of registration there will be 30 days. Then the IP will be able to work this year on a "simplification". Or the application is submitted before December 31 of the current year. In such circumstances, the simplified tax system is applicable from next year. UTII requires notification of tax services no later than 5 days from the date of the decision. A patent is filed 10 days before the entrepreneur begins work.

Now the deadline for registering IP in one way or another is clear. Also, citizens will now be able to register as entrepreneurs without problems. After all, the registration procedure also became known.

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