Where to get a medical checkup for a health book? Registration and renewal of a personal medical book

Every able-bodied citizen should know where to get a medical examination for a health book. Without this document, it will not work in some areas. Therefore, many workers must provide medical books to their employers. But how to make a document? Where to go for help? Next, we have to deal with all of these issues.

where to get a medical examination for a health book


Making a sanitary book is a very responsible matter. Each person who plans to work with food products, as well as in the field of health and beauty, must have appropriate confirmation of their health status.

Such a document is a medical book. The paper is a small book in which information about its owner is stored. Here you can see information about the health status of a citizen.

About the order of receipt

Where to get a medical checkup for a health book? There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on the decisions of the individual.

First, let’s talk about how the paper under study is designed in general. The action algorithm can be represented as follows:

  1. Get directions from the employer to make the health book. You can arrange it yourself.
  2. Purchase the book itself (blank). This document is on sale in "Press" and "Stationery".
  3. Prepare a specific set of documents.
  4. Apply with the application for passing the commission to a medical institution.
  5. Go through the necessary doctors and pass certain tests.
  6. Listen to minimum sanitary courses.
  7. Get your hands on the finished document.

Nothing difficult or incomprehensible. Especially if you prepare for the process in advance. In fact, with the right approach to the manufacture of a medical book, the operation will not cause any significant trouble.

sanitary book clearance

Where to go?

Where to get a medical checkup for a health book? As we have already said, there is no way to unequivocally answer this question.

The thing is that modern citizens can realize their ideas in different ways. Under current law, a medical examination for medical books is allowed:

  • in any state budget medical institution;
  • in private clinics.

Citizens can take tests:

  • in clinics;
  • in private laboratories.

It all depends on the amount of free time and personal preferences. What is better to choose under certain circumstances?

About Lectures on Minimum Sanitation

First, a few words about where you can listen to lectures on the sanitary minimum. Without this step, a person will not be given a medical book of an established form.

sanitary book Price

Lectures on the sanitary minimum are given at the centers of epidemiology and hygiene. In private clinics, as a rule, such services are not provided. At the lecture you have to register in advance. The service is not free. On average, it costs 1,500 rubles.

What to choose?

Where to get a medical checkup for a health book? The answer to this question will no longer cause any trouble. But how to choose an institution for passing the commission and for passing tests?

You can go to the clinic at the place of registration or just to any public hospital. In this case, you do not have to pay a commission. Only some clinics require a small service charge. Quite a lot of time and effort is spent on the examination.

If you wish, you can go to a private clinic. Registration of the sanitary book will be made in a day or two. But in this situation, you will have to pay for a physical examination and tests. The exact cost depends on the region of residence of the citizen, as well as on the particular clinic.

About pricing

How much will the price of the sanitary book be? The book itself will cost about 60 rubles. An empty document is not that expensive.

But the commission will have to fork out. On average, the price of a sanitary book is from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. Usually analyzes are already included in this cost.

If you go to state clinics, then there is no need to pay for an examination by doctors. If desired, even in free clinics, you can go through a commission for money. You will have to pay at the lowest prices - up to 2,000 rubles for everything.

Registration term

How long does it take to translate ideas into reality? We have already found out where to get a medical examination for a health book. And how much will have to be paid in this or that case - too.

sanitary books for 1 day

The duration of the physical examination depends on the method of its passage. When observed in free clinics, you have to wait up to 1 month. In private organizations, it is allowed to receive sanitary books in 1 day.

About reality

The list of doctors required for a medical book depends on the direction of the citizen. This question will have to be clarified by the employer.

Some people wonder how long a medical health book will last. Ideally, the results of the commission do not lose their relevance for 1 year. After that, you will have to renew the document.

About renewal

How to extend the sanitary book? Making it no longer cause any trouble. And how to make the document being studied always valid?

Will have to renew it at the appointed time. To do this, you just need to re-pass a medical examination of the established form. Usually, employers issue commissions to all their subordinates.


Where to get a medical checkup for a health book? This question will no longer cause any trouble.

As we already said, the list of doctors directly depends on the direction of the citizen. Most often, sanitary books require inspection by the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • dentist;
  • dermatovenerologist;
  • ENT;
  • gynecologist (women only).

Among the analyzes should be the results of the following examinations:

  • fluorography;
  • clinical blood test;
  • scraping for enterobiosis and worms;
  • analysis for STDs;
  • staphylococcus;
  • typhoid fever.

After 40 years, women must visit a mammologist without fail.

It is important to remember that some tests are valid for up to 2 weeks. Therefore, a medical examination should not be delayed.

medical health book


Making a sanitary book with the right approach to the implementation of the task will not cause any trouble. All these steps will help to solve the problem.

When contacting a medical institution with himself, a citizen must bring:

  • passport;
  • referral to a commission (optional);
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • sanknizhku.

Nothing more is needed. When applying to private clinics, it is often enough to present a passport.

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