Basinger Kim: biography and films of the Hollywood actress. What is Kim Basinger doing now?

Chic, sexy, beauty icon. It seems that time has stopped before the famous Hollywood actress and sex symbol of the late twentieth century Kim Basinger. Even at sixty, this spectacular blonde looks, as before, stunning.

About childhood and youth

Basinger Kim was born on December 8 in 1953 in the United States of America in the city of Athens. In addition to Kim, the family had two more girls and two boys. The father of the family worked as a financial consultant, and my mother worked as a fashion model. In childhood, Kim was a very shy and shy child, which was caused by Puritan upbringing and loneliness. Due to the peculiar character, the girl had a hard time with her peers at school.

Basinger Kim
But already in high school, the appearance of the future star began to change for the better. This change entailed the courtship of the guys, which added confidence to the girl. From timid and uncertain, she turned into an independent and self-confident.

The path to high fashion

Basinger Kim's first bright victory came at a school beauty contest. It was she who inspired the girl to continue such activities. Already at the age of seventeen, Basinger took part and won the Miss Georgia competition among juniors. Next was New York. It was with the participation in the Miss America contest that the career of a charming girl in the world of high fashion began to develop.

Kim Basinger, photo
This is not to say that everything came easy to her. Hardworking Kim is constantly busy with work: in commercials, fashion models, fashion models. In addition, she also practices dancing and singing, plays in amateur productions. All this helped her achieve independence in the personal and financial spheres, but she did not bring any pleasure. In search of a better life, Kim decided to go to California, where she began acting in television films. But even this did not bring her long-awaited success.

The success of an irresistible beauty

Hesitating for a long time, Kim Basinger still decides to work with Playboy magazine. And not in vain. After the publication of her photos, offers with best roles fell one after another. Already in 1983, she played in the film "The Man Who Loved Women." Further success was in the tape from the series of films about Bond "Never Say" Never ". By participating in this work, Kim was able to show all her abilities - plastic, athletic form and sexual grace. In the film, the girl appeared in the image of a mysterious, fair-haired, irresistible, erotically attractive beauty. In this image, the aspiring actress also liked the viewer. It is not surprising that the film was a huge success at the global box office.

Star role

It is from such work that Kim Basinger receives satisfaction. Films with her participation fell in love with viewers in many countries of the world. And the popularity of the actress soared to the maximum. But by far the most “stellar” in Kim’s life was E. Line’s 9 ½ Weeks film. Having become a hit not only in America, he received tremendous success and brought an income of more than one hundred million dollars. Despite the fact that several countries expressed indignation against overt eroticism in the film, this only contributed to the even greater popularity of the tape.

Kim Basinger, movies
Playing his role, Basinger had to combine two professions - actresses and fashion models. Thanks to her musical data, perfect mastery of the body, absolute sense of the camera, the girl brilliantly coped with the task in love scenes. After the long-awaited release of the picture, the image of the Golden Lady of eroticism firmly stuck to Kim Basinger. Photos of the actress with even greater power flashed in newspapers and magazines.

Filmography of the actress

After finishing work in the movie Nine and a Half Weeks, Basinger successfully played in such films as Nadine (comedy), Absentee Date, No Mercy (thriller). In each tape, it is different in different ways - moving, with humor, resourceful, sparkling, optimistic and energetic.

In 1989, Kim played the role of a photojournalist in the movie Batman. The image of the blonde beauty, who entered the fight against the forces of evil, again attracted the views of millions of spectators.

Kim Basinger is now
In 1997, the actress received two awards - Golden Globe and Oscar for the brilliantly played role of a prostitute in the detective "Secrets of Los Angeles."

Of course, Kim Basinger remains in demand in the 2000s. Films with her participation: “I dreamed about Africa”, “Save and Save”, “The Burning Plain”, “While It Was Not Yet”, “Informants” are being released. In 2010, she starred in the movie "The Double Life of Charlie Sun Cloud."

Personal life

The personal life of the actress can not be called cloudless. The first choice - makeup artist Ron Britton - was sixteen years older than Kim Basinger. The biography of the actress in 1980 was replenished with a new festive event - a wedding. However, scandals were constantly present in the young family due to jealousy on the part of her husband. Eight years of such a life turned Kim into an alcoholic, drug addict and hysterical. In addition, after the divorce, she was forced to pay child support to her ex-husband. After such a marriage, Kim could not look towards the men for a long time.

However, after Basinger saw Alec Baldwin on the set of Batman, he began to look after her stubbornly. It was an incredible effort to win Kim’s heart.

Kim Basinger, biography
In the meantime, Basinger agreed to shoot the film “Elena in the Box,” but after reading the signed contract, she changed her mind abruptly. In this regard, she had to pay almost ten million dollars forfeit, which practically made her bankrupt. Therefore, Kim Baysinger accepted the marriage proposal from Alec Baldwin without hesitation. The romantic wedding of the actors took place in 1993, and after a couple of years they had a beautiful girl Island. Their married life was also saturated with bright colors of passion and constant quarrels. After seven years of cohabitation, the couple separated. Alec flew to New York and went into political life with his head, and Kim and her daughter remained in Los Angeles. If you believe the rumors, then after the divorce, Baldwin began a relationship with a young actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. And the ex-wife in revenge spun romance with rapper Eminem, twenty years younger than her.

In 2013, together with family and close friends, the sixty-year-old Kim Basinger celebrated the next anniversary. Now the actress is a member of the US Democratic Party. And for her significant contribution to the development of cinema, she was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

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