With the help of white blood cells, the body is protected from harmful microorganisms. They help
cleanse the blood of dying cells and fight bacteria and viruses. A low white blood cell count can be determined by a
white blood cell count. An increase in their number can also be an alarming sign, since it signals such viral diseases as hepatitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus, syphilis or toxoplasmosis. So, what happens in the body if the number of white blood cells is high or, conversely, the white blood cells are lowered?
Causes of changes in blood composition
If the test results show an increase in white blood cells, the causes may be hidden in bacterial, viral or fungal infections, such as tonsillitis, meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis, polyarthritis, abscess, appendicitis, peritonitis and pyelonephritis. This phenomenon can cause poisoning of the body with gout. An increase in white blood cells is also possible after serious burns and bleeding, injuries and operations, after a myocardial infarction, as a result of chronic or acute anemia.
In addition, the culprit of this indicator may be the development of a malignant tumor in the body.
Decreased leukocytes can be associated with bacterial and viral infections such as influenza, sepsis, measles, AIDS,
typhoid fever or malaria. A similar situation develops with rheumatoid arthritis and renal failure, as a result of radiation sickness and as a side effect of taking medications. The same picture is characteristic of leukemia, bone marrow disease, anaphylactic shock, anemia or exhaustion. If low white blood cells are a chronic condition of the body, we can talk about leukopenia. This disease signals a decrease in immunity, often caused by serious illness or cancer treatment. In addition, leukopenia is characteristic of people who consume insufficient amounts of protein, namely vegetarians.
What to do if you have low white blood cells?
If the causes of leukopenia lie in serious infectious diseases, the main condition for restoring the blood composition will be recovery and cessation of medication.
But you can help the body restore the amount of white blood cells. First of all, the correct diet will help. What to do if lower leukocytes are found, it is worth consulting with a doctor. He will advise a diet in which there will be an increased amount of protein and reduced carbohydrates, as well as increased consumption of ascorbic and folic acid, choline and lysine. This can be achieved through the regular consumption of liver, meat and animal fat, porridge from buckwheat, oats, barley, and the inclusion of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and greens in the diet. You should pay more attention to chicken eggs, nuts and caviar, drink natural juices from fruits and vegetables, especially carrots and tomatoes. Sprouted wheat grains can also be eaten.