If you have pancreatitis or you have diabetes, or you just need to get rid of several kilograms of excess weight without causing harm to your health, you will find in open sources a lot of folk recipes for getting rid of these ailments with the help of buckwheat based on kefir.
Yes, buckwheat, which we used to eat from childhood mainly in the form of porridge or as a side dish for other dishes, is a very valuable food product rich in vitamin B and fiber so useful for the smooth functioning of the intestines. It has a beneficial effect on blood formation, it is recommended for hypertension and metabolic disorders, buckwheat is also prescribed for pancreatic diseases. Kefir is a storehouse of calcium, in addition, it contains protein.
But in this case, when it comes to a diet such as buckwheat with kefir, you do not need to boil buckwheat, just pour kefir overnight (you can also grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder, just “not to dust”, but make a rather large grinding )
If you just want to lose a couple of kilograms on the eve of some important event for you, then they recommend eating in this way for several days in a row (but not longer than a week), and to consolidate the result you like, repeat the buckwheat with kefir periodically (for example, once a month ), since it is good not only for unloading, but also for the comprehensive improvement of the body.
Buckwheat with kefir for pancreatitis and buckwheat with kefir for diabetes
The fact that a mixture of buckwheat with kefir has a positive effect on the pancreas and reduces blood sugar levels is also often and often said by traditional healers. At the same time, a portion prepared from a glass of cereal and 500 ml of kefir (after fermentation for 12 hours) is offered, split in half, use one part for breakfast (after which 2 hours there is nothing), and the second part in the evening, 2 hours before sleep The course is continued for 10 days, then take a break for the same number of days, and then another 10 days there is buckwheat with kefir in the morning and evening. Such purifications for the pancreas are recommended to be done 2 times a year.
I note that this recipe is not a treatment for such serious diseases as pancreatitis and diabetes, although it can be used as food, in certain cases indicated for some diseases.
As for diabetes, here doctors say that there will be no benefit from such a prescription, rather you will harm yourself - after all, the carbohydrates contained in buckwheat and kefir are the same sugars, and only an additional carbohydrate load will occur, in which there is talk of a decrease sugar does not go at all!
Keep in mind that starting to eat soaked raw cereals, which is called “neither light nor dawn,” can also be not only not useful, but also harmful, since proteins and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, begin to be absorbed fully. from 8-8.30 in the morning, when most working people already run out of the house or are on the way to work. This does not mean that you need to sit hungry, waiting for this hour, just try not to neglect the recommendation of nutritionists, starting some new diet. And at least it’s not worth it to have breakfast with people with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases. Yes, buckwheat with kefir well removes all excess from the intestines, but its effect is quite tough, and in the presence of gastritis and peptic ulcer, a raw product can only provoke an exacerbation.
Once again I urge that you should not approach a particular diet with fanaticism, as soon as you hear something from friends or read in open sources - first consult with experts if you can adhere to such a diet in case of your diseases. And even if there are no obvious contraindications, listen to your body, which is good for one person - it may not be suitable for another.
Follow the measure in everything, be healthy!