Profession obstetrician: features, advantages and disadvantages. How much does an obstetrician earn in Russia?

The meaning of a person’s stay on Earth is to leave life after himself. Children give each of us a true meaning of existence. The birth of a child is a great sacrament known to units. One such unit is an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Historical reference

The obstetrician profession is one of the oldest medical professions . This is now called the first assistant of the woman in childbirth as an obstetrician, but before this concept was not at all. In Kievan Rus, a woman who took birth was called a midwife or midwife.

profession obstetrician
The ancient obstetricians did not have a special education, and the abilities and skills of accepting childbirth acquired gradually. This explains the quite frequent cases of death of a newborn or mother in those days. The point in the history of non-professional obstetricians was put by the Russian doctor P.Z. Kondoidi, who became the first founder of obstetric schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Since 1757, the profession of obstetrician takes on a new meaning and enters a new level of development.

Who is an obstetrician?

An obstetrician is a specialist in the field of medicine, specializing in providing basic and emergency medical care to women and newborns during labor and in the postpartum period.

A modern obstetrician-gynecologist must have a completed higher medical education, know the features of the physiological and pathological processes in the female body that are associated with conception and pregnancy, delivery and postpartum activity, diseases of the fetus and baby.

obstetrician gynecologist

What qualities an obstetrician should have

To become an obstetrician you must:

1. Have the necessary special medical education. If the profession of an obstetrician is to assist the doctor in the process of childbirth, there is no need for a higher medical education, a diploma of secondary specialized education will be quite enough. But about any professional growth and career take-off in this case there can be no question. To become a doctor, you need only a diploma of graduation.

2. Corresponding to personal characteristics. The obstetrician profession is related to people. The obstetrician's task is to help those who need it. Therefore, representatives of medicine in this area, first of all, should have certain qualities, among which:

  • humanity;
  • friendliness;
  • cleanliness;
  • punctuality;
  • condescension;
  • sympathy;
  • sociability;
  • politeness;
  • emotional stability;
  • equilibrium;
  • resourcefulness;
  • analytical thinking ;
  • developed memory function.

Profession obstetrician: advantages and disadvantages

Any kind of activity, any profession has its own significant advantages and obvious shortcomings. Obstetrics and the profession of obstetrician-gynecologist, in particular, are no exception.

The indisputable advantage of the profession is the fact that the obstetrician is the first person who is consecrated to the sacrament of human birth. When the doctor takes the baby, hears his first cry, puts the crumbs on the mother’s chest, he experiences indescribable emotions, which are difficult to compare with anything else, probably impossible.


The profession of an obstetrician-gynecologist requires a person to have a certain amount of knowledge that will be useful to him not only professionally, but also personally. Obstetrics is a universal area of ​​medical activity, because representatives of this profession should be able to help both an adult and a child.

Unfortunately, the doctor and the expectant mother are not always experiencing positive emotions. Recently, cases have become more frequent when pregnancy proceeds with complications. This leads to stressful situations and nervous strain, which affects primarily health.

In addition, the irregular work schedule can be attributed to the disadvantages of the obstetrician profession. Crumbs are born in the morning, at lunch, in the evening and at night. There is always an obstetrician on duty at the hospital who must remain alert at any time of the day. This to some extent infringes on his personal freedom and space.

profession obstetrician gynecologist

Legal and moral responsibility lies with the obstetrician. He is responsible for the life of the mother and baby. Such responsibility is a heavy burden that not everyone can withstand.

How much does the obstetrician-gynecologist earn?

Statistical data allow us to conclude that the profession of an obstetrician is today one of the most popular. So you need to talk about the availability of demand for obstetric specialists among employers. It is this factor that is fundamental in determining the level of salaries of obstetricians.

So, we will consider indicators of the average income of a specialist in megacities of the Russian Federation and Russia as a whole. The maximum average salary of an obstetrician is typical for the capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow, where it reaches 41,000 rubles, an average obstetrician in St. Petersburg earns 35,000 rubles. The average salary in Russia is 33 thousand rubles.

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