How to use shampoo for hair extensions?

Many girls dream of beautiful and long hair. However, not everyone receives such an object of female pride from nature. In this case, the technology of hairdressing in the form of hair extensions comes to the rescue. But after the procedure, the curls need special and proper care. What shampoo for hair extensions to use?

General rules for the care of curls

First of all, the owner of hair extensions should carry out thorough and constant care for them.

What shampoo is suitable for hair extensions

Therefore, do not do the following:

  • Do not sleep with wet or wet strands. Indeed, in this case, natural curls will be confused with artificial ones, and it will be difficult to bring the hair to a normal state. After the hair has dried, it must be braided in a loose braid.
  • It is forbidden to get the composition of nutritious masks at the place of attachment of curls, because with prolonged exposure to the material, its destruction will occur.
  • Swimming in the sea without a special hat is also not recommended. Salt water can adversely affect the solution used to fix hair.
  • You should also not go to the bath without a cap, especially if the curls are built up using the cold capsule method.

All these tips must be observed so that there is no negative effect on artificial hair, especially in the places of their attachment.

Selection of funds

Which hair shampoo is best for hair extensions? Not all means can be used when caring for such curls.

Shampoo for hair extensions

Shampoos should only be selected with a neutral pH. You can use funds for weakened, thin or normal hair. Shampoos for oily curls can dry out curls that suffer from a lack of nutrients. They contain oils that can affect adhesive components and cause their destruction. Means for increasing the volume are able to lift the hair from the roots and entangle them.

Nourishing masks and conditioners have an excellent effect. When applying oils and serum, it is necessary to ensure that they do not fall on the root zone.

The best professional tools

Currently, there are many shampoos. In order to carry out proper care for the grown curls, it is necessary to use products that have certain properties. What shampoo is suitable for hair extensions:

  1. Estel Therapy Curex. A specially designed tool that is used for artificially grown strands. It does not include parabens and silicones that weight the hair. His consistency is also ideal: liquid and suitable for the care of curls.
  2. Keune Design. Shampoo is developed according to special technologies that involve thermal protection of curls. Due to its rich vitamin composition, the product perfectly nourishes the hair.
  3. Barex. The manufacturer produces a series of shampoos that care for artificial curls. They are mainly used for tape extension, which, thanks to special components, allows you to comb your hair well.
  4. Concept. It has a natural composition, it lacks preservatives and silicones. The liquid consistency of the product promotes easy application, and minerals perfectly look after the curls.
  5. Kapous. The product gently and delicately cares for different types of hair, preventing them from tangling and making natural and artificial strands soft.
  6. The best shampoos for hair extensions include Natura Siberica. Due to the natural composition enriched with vitamins, they can be used for all types of hair.

What shampoo for hair extensions

Professional products are available to customers in specialized stores where they can be purchased according to your preferences.

Proper protection

In order not to harm artificial curls, it is necessary not only to choose the right shampoo for hair extensions, but also to protect them from the effects of negative environmental factors. In winter, you should definitely wear a hat so as not to destroy the capsules under the influence of frost. In summer, hats will help prevent burnout of curls and prevent their drying out.

Shampoo for hair extensions reviews

When swimming in the sea to prevent salt water from getting on artificial hair, it is best to wear a special hat.

How to wash artificial curls?

Full-fledged care is not only in choosing the best shampoo for hair extensions. There are several rules that must be observed when washing curls:

  • In the first few days after extension, it is better not to wash your hair.
  • Before the procedure, they should be thoroughly combed so that they do not get tangled.
  • When washing hair forward, it is better not to throw your head back, in order to avoid tangling. This is best done in the shower under medium water pressure.
  • Dilute a small amount of shampoo with water and beat in foam. This mass must be gradually applied to the hair, starting from the ends and ending with the roots. Do not rub into the scalp and avoid the place of attachment of the capsules.
  • Do not use too hot water to prevent negative effects on artificial hair. The best option is warm or slightly cool water.
  • Washing your hair should not be too frequent, it is best to do it once every 2-3 days.

What shampoo to wash hair extensions

What shampoo to wash hair extensions? It is best to use a proven tool that is perfect for curls and makes them soft and shiny.

Proper drying and combing

Special hair care includes not only washing, but also drying. Key tips:

  1. After washing, the curls do not need to be rubbed with a towel and wrapped in it so as not to confuse them and not damage the capsules. It is enough to get wet the locks slightly.
  2. It’s best to dry your hair naturally without using a hair dryer.
  3. Artificial curls usually dry longer than natural, so they should be washed several hours before bedtime. Wet head is not recommended.
  4. If you don’t have enough time to dry your hair, you can use a hairdryer using the minimum speed and temperature.

The right shampoo for hair extensions and care for them will allow the curls to always look perfect.

The best shampoo for hair extensions

The procedure must be carried out as follows:

  • Artificial curls should be combed at least 3 times a day.
  • In the wet state, this should not be done. After all, hair is then the most vulnerable, it can be damaged and stretched.
  • It is necessary to start combing from the ends of the curls, gradually moving up to the root area. In this zone, you do not need to touch the hair, so as not to tear the locks.
  • If the hair is thick, then comb it best divided into locks.
  • Take the scallop with not too frequent teeth, on which there are no curves.

In the complex, the right shampoo for hair extensions, their drying and combing will allow curls to look perfect for a long time.

Timely correction of artificial curls

To make your hair look beautiful and well-groomed, you need to not only wash it properly, but also dry it. Once every 2-3 months, the curls need correction. This must be done due to the growth of one's own hair, which, when growing back, begins to get confused.

Also, at least once a month, you must visit the salon for a special procedure aimed at maintaining curls of elasticity.

Periodically, artificial hair must be removed so that the natural strands do not fall out much.

Customer reviews

According to reviews, shampoos for hair extensions, which are ideal for artificial curls, include Estel. Buyers are attracted by the price of the product and its ideal effect on the head of hair.

The second group of women speaks positively of Kapous shampoo, which, despite its liquid consistency, has all the necessary qualities.

What shampoo to use for hair extensions

Some customers are very pleased with the positive properties of Natura Siberica, which shows them due to its natural composition.

Hair extensions need careful constant care. When using high-quality shampoos for artificial curls to achieve an excellent appearance of hair will be completely uncomplicated.

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