Types of disinfection - what you need to know when caring for the patient

Disinfection refers to a set of measures taken to destroy the causative agents of various diseases in our environment and to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Disinfection is carried out in children's and medical institutions, as well as in the family in case of infection. Unlike sterilization, in which absolutely all types of microorganisms are destroyed, disinfection involves the elimination of only pathogenic forms. A synonym for this concept is disinfection.

All objects in contact with the patient should be disinfected - dishes, heating pads, thermometers, household items. Medical facilities disinfect tools, gloves, floors and couches. For instruments that come in contact with blood, the surface of an open wound, or injection preparations, disinfection is the pre-treatment step before sterilization.

The main types of disinfection are prophylactic and focal. They differ in purpose and methods of exposure to pathogenic microorganisms, the severity of the threat of infection. In addition, these types of disinfection differ in terms and frequency of carrying out.

Preventive disinfection on a regular basis is carried out in the family, in any children's team, as well as in medical and kindergartens (schools, kindergartens) in order to prevent the occurrence of infections, that is, when there may not be specific cases of the disease. Preventive disinfection measures include wet cleaning , ventilation, water filtration, boiling, disinfection of effluents, etc. They are designed to reduce the number of bacteria in the environment.

Focal disinfection is carried out if there are diseases or suspicions of them. The types of disinfection in this case are current and final. Current disinfection is organized by the patient himself, his relatives, employees of a medical institution or SES and is carried out while the patient carries the risk of infection for others, that is, he is a bacillus carrier. Final disinfection - a single event after isolation or recovery of the patient or his death at home or in the hospital. Its purpose is to prevent the spread of the disease through objects that were in contact with the patient. It is advisable to conduct it as soon as possible, it is best immediately after the source is eliminated.

The types of disinfection by the method of exposure relate to one of two methods - physical or chemical. The physical method is based on the disinfection of the treated surfaces under the influence of physical factors - high temperatures (boiling, calcination, pasteurization, hot drying), radiant energy (ultraviolet, ionizing and radioactive radiation, high frequency currents). This method also includes mechanical methods of exposure - shaking, knocking out, washing with soap or synthetic means.

Glass, metal objects, as well as products made of heat-resistant plastic, are boiled in distilled water or with the addition of soda. Products with an internal channel (syringes) are washed in boiled chlorinated water.

Chemical disinfection is carried out using an aqueous solution of chemicals. She exposed to objects made of glass, rubber, polymers and metals that are resistant to corrosion. Disinfect objects by immersion in the active solution or wiping with a cloth soaked in the solution. To obtain disinfectant solutions , chlorine-containing products are most often used. These include chloramine, chlorhexidine (or gibitan), bleach, sulfochlorantin, desam, dichloro-1, chlordezin. Other disinfectants are hydrogen peroxide, ampholan.

There is also disinfection using saturated steam in an autoclave under pressure (the so-called steam method). So disinfect products from latex, rubber, heat-resistant polymers, as well as glass and metal.

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