Homeopath: what heals, features and scope

The stories of the doctors of the past say that like is treated like. And most likely, Hippocrates was one of the first to put this principle at the forefront as part of the treatment of patients. But he did not isolate the principle as the only correct one, but believed that it should be correctly applied in conjunction with other practices known to medicine. For many centuries, mankind has gone to such an approach in the treatment of diseases.

There is significant interest in the method of treatment with homeopathic medicines. He is quite famous in the world, which was facilitated by the popularization of works and the teaching activities of the famous German scientist S. Hahnemann.

The Birth of Homeopathy as a Science

The principle of similarity can be observed in eastern medicine, where the use of medicinal plants is built on it. Eastern doctors found a similarity in the plant and the human body. Paracelsus, a well-known physician of medieval Europe, also adhered to this principle.

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But homeopathy owes its birth and development as a science to the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. To understand what a homeopath is, you need to turn to the practice of this outstanding scientist, who, conducting experiments and studying the toxic properties of poisons, deduced the principles on which the treatment method is based. And he called it "homeopathy" - "like a disease."

Homeopaths as stepsons of medicine

What they just do not say and do not write about homeopathy. Some insist that this is a pseudo-scientific and quack concept of treatment, while others, using the examples of recovered people, prove the opposite. Many, not knowing who a homeopath is, what methods heals patients, make their unflattering conclusions about him. Having come to such a doctor and received real help, they say that they were wrong. And how many times did the drug treatment misfire, and the person who took all the medications as prescribed by the doctor turned into a chronically ill patient at best or even passed away without curing his illness. Just do not interfere with official medicine, as it was in the 60s of the last century, during the USSR, and give the sick person the opportunity to get help from a homeopath.

In those distant 60s, homeopathic doctors (who they treat and what, see in the article) were not hired by government agencies because homeopathy did not have a state status. Why wasn’t he? Because official medicine believed that the homeopathic method does not have the depth of scientific justification necessary for homeopaths to work on the same level as physicians of recognized medicine. At that time, the most eminent physicians came up with accusatory articles about homeopathy in the press, reducing this branch of medicine, recognized in the world, almost to quackery.

homeopath doctor who is it and what heals

Homeopathy - therapeutic treatment

To understand who a homeopathic doctor is, what a homeopathist treats , when you turn to him, you need to become more familiar with homeopathy and not confuse it with herbal medicine. Homeopathy is a therapeutic treatment that involves the use of homeopathic medicines of the selected concentration for a particular patient. Approved by official medicine, the type of treatment “like is treated like” as pseudoscientific is opposed by homeopaths to the principles of rational pharmacotherapy.

If traditional medicine based on modern pharmaceuticals and synthetic drugs mercilessly fights against an ailment, trying to defeat it, homeopathy by selecting the necessary doses of the drug works physiologically with an ailment. That is, treatment is aimed at supporting the body's defenses so that they themselves can fight the disease. Thanks to homeopathy, the immune system is strengthened.

who is a homeopath
In ordinary language, our body does not accept chemical “raw materials” in the form of synthetic drugs without resistance. He has no enzymes to process it. That is, there is an accumulation of foreign, unprocessed “raw materials” that negatively affect the patient’s organs. In principle, it turns out that we treat one and treat the other. For homeopathic medicines side effects on the body are not noticed. This is due to the fact that small doses of active substances with prolonged use in the body do not accumulate.

The principle of treatment with homeopathic medicines

The success of treatment with homeopathic medicines depends on the appointment of a homeopathic doctor. What does the doctor treat and what is the principle of therapy with homeopathic medicines? At first glance, the same pathology in patients can be treated with different homeopathic remedies. That is, the selection of funds for the treatment of the patient does not depend on the components included in it, the principle by which he is selected acts here.

who is a homeopath with what methods heals
Namely, it all depends on the physiology of the patient. The homeopathic doctor prescribes treatment after a complete diagnosis of the patient, clarification of the lifestyle, causes and course of the disease. The patient should tell the doctor what he treated and what drugs he took. The fact is that treatment with homeopathic medicines in combination with traditional medicine can both increase the chance of recovery and reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

What does a homeopathic doctor treat?

A homeopathic doctor deals with almost all therapeutic diseases, if they are not in a severe chronic form. The homeopath does not treat a single organ, he, thanks to properly prescribed homeopathic remedies, is engaged in healing the whole body. Most often, patients who traditional medicine cannot help him turn to him. What diseases does the homeopath deal with in this case? These include female and male infertility, allergies, skin diseases, metabolic disorders, diseases of the nervous system, various gastrointestinal disorders. The doctor treats these diseases by selecting and changing the dosage of homeopathic medicines. Having a medical education, he understands that some diseases must be treated in combination, that is, in a combination of medication and homeopathic medication. That is, he is an analyst, a practitioner, and a pharmacist. That’s what a homeopathic doctor is.

homeopath what does he do

Pediatric homeopathy

If there are skeptics who do not accept the homeopathic treatment of adults, one can imagine how many statements are made against treating children with such remedies. Some believe that children generally need to be treated with proven pills and potions, and all homeopathic medicines can cause intoxication in the child's body. But studies have established that homeopathy can not give intoxication, moreover, such drugs are most safe for children.

The principle of work of homeopathy preparations

As mentioned above, the homeopath must have the pharmaceutical ability to calculate the concentration and selection of the components of a substance. The German scientist S. Hahnemann conducted research to establish the dose ratio of a homeopathic substance with the resulting therapeutic effect. As a result, the scientist came to the conclusion: the lower the concentration of the substance in water, the higher the therapeutic effect. Scientists cannot establish the reason why this works, but this is consonant with the theory of “Memory of water”.

what diseases does a homeopath

Treatment method

The treatment method is one and consists in taking medications prescribed by a homeopathic doctor that provoke a pathological process. Since the concentration of substances that cause this process is negligible, the effect of recovery is obtained. The homeopath never at the beginning of treatment prescribes several drugs. A certain stage of treatment should be carried out with one drug. Vitamins can be prescribed to strengthen the body. In order for the treatment to be effective, the patient must learn what the homeopath does. He selects the drug necessary for treatment, and the regimen, which are based on the patient’s condition both physically and psychologically. Self-medication in homeopathy is unacceptable.

Form release homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic preparations are available in the form of tablets, alcohol solutions and granules-grains similar to sugar, but slightly larger. Any of these drugs should be prescribed by a homeopath.

Homeopath doctor that treats a homeopath when contacted
What each drug treats, how to dilute an alcohol solution, how many granules to take and how many times a day - all this is told by the doctor after taking the patient. In homeopathic pharmacology, there are single drugs that you can have in your home medicine cabinet. They are aimed at helping at the first signs of acute respiratory viral infections, the occurrence of dizziness.

Obviously, the article shed a little light on who a homeopath is, and it became clear that his task, like a regular doctor in a medical institution, is to restore the patient's health.

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