How to make horror movies: description and recommendations

Becoming a director of your own scary movie is easy. The main thing is to learn the basics of how to make horror films. And it’s not at all necessary to fill everything around with liters of fake blood, because the secret of a truly successful project lies in other, more subtle details.

For all those who would like to learn the secrets of how horror films are made, we have prepared special material on this topic. And who knows, perhaps some of our readers will want to try this manual in practice to create their own masterpiece!

Building the right atmosphere

It's no secret that people enjoy watching scary movies because they like to be scared. Another reason is that the viewer himself is always completely safe and therefore can safely watch what is happening on the screen. Learning to truly scare means to use common fears and cinematic techniques in your work, alternating with one another.

How to make horror movies

Of course, the main role in the question "how to make a horror film" is played by building the right atmosphere. In a well-posed movie, there should not be constant frightening scenes that occupy almost all of the screen time. The secret of the ominous tone lies in the eerie atmosphere and subtext. It is with their help that you can provoke feelings such as fear, surprise and tension in the viewer. In general, keeping the beholder in suspense is almost the most reliable way to cause real horror.

Waiting for something scary

In this chapter, we talk about how to make horror films using various ways to create tension. Despite the importance of this effect, it must always be in control and be natural. There are various ways to transmit voltage, and here are some of them:

  • The use of darkness, shadows and the effects of blindness. It is always scary to hear a sound and not to see its source. Another good trick from the same category is to show something fast and subtle. Most often, directors use this effect in scenes with darkness, but it can work in the light.
  • Someone is following the hero. This method of creating tension consists in shooting from not quite familiar angles. So, the camera can be installed under the bed, behind the curtains, in an open closet or behind an ajar door. The resulting frames will create the effect of tracking the character, which can also affect the sense of security of the viewer himself.
Horror movies shot on camera
  • We see what the hero cannot see. Another very common technique used by directors to transmit voltage. This does not have to be a scrimmer or a loud sound added to the scene. It is enough to show a frightening silhouette in the background, so that what he saw provokes the necessary emotions.
  • Move the character to the territory of the monster. The viewer knows that the hero is in a dangerous place for him, but he himself does not suspect anything. Thus, the correct tension is created and the expectation of something frightening.

Using Jump Scare

Another popular way to scare the viewer, which you can get acquainted with examples of how to make horror films today. Scrimmers and the so-called jump scare (Jump Scare) - these are techniques that demonstrate something terrible and unexpected. As a rule, various ominous sounds and eerie music are added to the scene.

The effect of such moments is most effective when they were preceded by a lull, tension or a demonstration of everyday life. The main thing is to show something unusual, something that the characters in the film have never encountered before.

Where are horror films made?

The importance of sounds and music

With the right sound and music effects, you can turn an already terrible moment into something truly scary. Many filmmakers are often advised to review a particular picture without soundtrack - so what they see on the screen will be perceived in a completely different way. Sound and music play a key role in creating the right mood and atmosphere.

Scary something

According to the canon of any good horror film shot on camera, someone must hunt for the characters. In the image of this terrible something can be anyone: a ghost, a monster, a serial killer, etc.

Take, for example, the cast / ghost / spirit - one of the most popular cinema "Boogeyman". Usually this type of monster is the personification of some events from the past, which can be associated both with the main character, and with someone else. The cast appears on the screen so that the character had to fight him. The main thing is to show a difficult and painful struggle.

How to make horror films: behind the scenes

Also in the role of “scary something” one of the main characters of the film may look good. This may be a close friend or dear to the relative of the protagonist, who suddenly begins to pose a serious threat to him. As a rule, such stories feature a zombie virus, a bite of a vampire or werewolf, an obsession or loss of mind. As a result, a confrontation unfolds between the main character and a person close to him, from which the most dramatic scene in the film often emerges.

Scenario development and preparation for filming

Everything that was mentioned in the article up to this point should find its place in the script. We advise you to work as efficiently as possible on the description of frightening scenes, to work out the plot and individual characters.

It is also important to determine where the horror film is shot, and prepare the site and all the necessary locations in advance. If the team has a small budget, then you can shoot a movie right at home, the main thing is to tell a suitable story. Do not forget about economical special effects that are easily created right in the frame: wet floorboards, burning candles, mirrors, thick fabric on the windows, etc. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with various documentaries that detail how horror films are shot behind the scenes. From these videos you can draw a lot of great ideas and get the necessary inspiration.

How to make a horror movie

And of course, do not forget about good casting, as actors on the role should show a believable game. If you can’t get the right people, you can try to make some corrections to the script. Cinema can have only one good actor and at the same time be able to tell a decent story.

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