Pregnancy planning tests for men and women: list, features and recommendations

This article discusses a rather sensitive topic - tests for planning pregnancy for men. The fact is that this issue is currently relevant. Increasingly, modern men are conscious and take family planning very seriously, taking tests and consulting doctors beforehand. This makes it possible to avoid abnormalities in the development of the child, premature birth and miscarriage. As you know, in many respects the success of the birth of a baby depends not only on the health status of the future mother, but also on the father.

Where to get a man tested before planning a pregnancy? You can contact the clinic to which the spouses are attached at the place of residence, or in paid laboratories.


You can pass tests for planning pregnancy for men much faster than women. In order for the future father to fully diagnose the state of his health, you only need to donate urine and blood. This in most cases is enough to complete the picture. Additional studies are prescribed only if one or another sexually transmitted or other infectious disease is suspected.

tests for planning pregnancy for men

If in the history there are several attempts at conception, which were unsuccessful, you will need to make a spermogram. This will help determine the quality and quantity of sperm and conduct a compatibility test. Such laboratory tests for planning pregnancy for men are quite rare, and therefore you should not worry about them if before that everything was fine with conception.

Minimum required

If a man wants to become a father, he needs to go to the urologist. A specialist will examine the genitals, examine their structure, visually establish the presence of inflammation, determine possible deviations from the norm. He will also tell you what tests to take when planning a pregnancy for a man. Mandatory rectal method to check the condition of the prostate gland. Such an examination can be replaced by ultrasound.

To determine the infection, take a swab from the urethra. This test is called PCR, or polymerase chain reaction. The study allows you to determine the presence of bacteria and viruses in the genital tract. The most common cause of male infertility is the presence of untreated infections. Pathogenic microorganisms that are dangerous for conception are the papilloma virus, chlamydia and Trichomonas.

Before undergoing PCR, the doctor will ask the man to take some provocative actions - to drink beer at night and eat salted fish. A smear is taken in the morning, as all infections wake up and show up in the smear. If any disease is found, both a man and a woman should be treated. The probability of the pathogen staying in a dormant state is high.

list of tests for women and men during pregnancy

List of core studies

The list of tests for women and men during pregnancy is largely the same. But there are differences. As soon as a smear was taken from the future dad and the result is obtained, you can go through the necessary studies. These include:

  • A complete blood count is a standard procedure for every medical examination. It makes it possible to determine the course of inflammation processes (according to ESR level), as well as check the rate of hemoglobin and white blood cells.
  • What other tests a man needs when planning a pregnancy is the determination of the blood group and Rh factor. Such a study of biological fluid is necessary because it allows you to determine the Rh conflict. With a negative value in a man and a positive in a woman, a conflict between the mother's body and the child can occur. This is a potential danger to the bearing of the fetus. To support the body of a woman, she is prescribed medication.
  • A general urine test is another mandatory study that allows to exclude the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. The level of leukocytes will increase with any pathologies, that is, a therapeutic course will be needed. Tests for planning pregnancy for men do not end there.
  • A blood test for biochemistry makes it possible to get a detailed picture of the state of health. A biomaterial is taken from a vein. Thanks to the analysis, you can find out about the condition of the liver and kidneys, determine the concentration of sugar in order to exclude diabetes.
  • The next important study is a blood test for the presence of syphilis viruses, HIV infection and hepatitis. This will determine the infection at an early stage, which will greatly facilitate the fight against it.

What else is on the list of tests for men when planning pregnancy?

where to get a man tested before planning a pregnancy

Additional research

If there are problems with conception in the past, the urologist can prescribe other tests to the man:

  • The study of hormones makes it possible to identify the level of testosterone in the blood, it is he who is responsible for the production of sperm and rapid fertilization. What tests to pass to a man when planning a conception is interesting to many.
  • Thanks to the spermogram, the diagnosis of infertility is excluded or confirmed. Before taking the test, you need not to drink alcohol and energy for several days, do not take sleeping pills and a number of other drugs (the doctor will indicate them). For the time being, visits to the bathhouse, gym and sauna are excluded. Have to give up exotic dishes and spices in the diet. Sperm is obtained at the clinic, as it must be fresh (it is obtained during masturbation a maximum of three hours ago).

Analyzes to a man before planning pregnancy are mandatory:

  • If there is a history of inflammation of the reproductive system or prostatitis, you need to additionally pass a smear from the urethra to the secret of the prostate gland.
  • As an alternative to expensive tests, an ultrasound scan is prescribed if there are complaints of pain in the lower abdomen or in the groin area.
  • An electrocardiogram is required, in particular, after forty years. Such a survey is also relevant for overweight men who have bad habits and abuse alcohol.

Tests for women and men when planning a pregnancy can be very informative.


In order to quickly conceive a baby, in addition to passing the examination, it is necessary to adhere to a number of simple recommendations:

  • Do not use tight underwear;
  • give up bad habits: energy drinks and alcohol, smoking;
  • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • temporarily do not go to the bathhouse, sauna, refuse a hot shower;
  • to exclude significant physical activity;
  • refrain from masturbation, as it affects the quality of sperm;
  • avoid contact with toxic chemicals;
  • exclude infection with sexually transmitted infections by abandoning promiscuous intimate relationships.

It happens that even in completely healthy people, conception can come soon. This area of ​​science is still little studied. However, compliance with all the conditions listed above will definitely accelerate the arrival of the desired pregnancy. About the tests for men when planning pregnancy, we talked about. Next, find out how to prepare a woman for conception.

a list of tests for men in planning pregnancy

Features of preparing women for pregnancy

Pregnancy planning includes:

  • medical consultation;
  • examinations and analyzes;
  • rejection of the wrong lifestyle and bad habits.

All of the above applies to both men and women. Both partners must be healthy and actively prepare for conception. It is important for a woman to get around all the specialists who can tell her about possible contraindications for pregnancy at present.

List of doctors

The list of doctors is as follows:

  • Gynecologist consultation. The specialist will keep the pregnancy history of the future mother, starting from the planning stage and to examinations after the birth of the baby. The first trip to the doctor should be at least three months before the proposed conception. It is necessary to come immediately after menstruation, do not use means for intimate hygiene. Do not have sex, a day before visiting a gynecologist. Stop taking strong drugs, antifungal agents and antibiotics two weeks before taking them. This is necessary so that the results of the smears are as reliable as possible.

A gynecological examination usually takes place painlessly, however, if there are abnormalities in the vagina and uterus, unpleasant sensations may appear. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will give directions to all the necessary tests, recommend taking vitamins, and tell about the lifestyle in preparation for conception.

The gynecologist also collects information that is needed for childbirth: features of the anatomical narrowing of the pelvis and the deformation of its bones. If there are no contraindications or they have been treated, the next examination by the doctor will be either during pregnancy or in the absence of it within six months.

  • Therapist consultation. The doctor will examine the expectant mother and prescribe the tests that are needed in the presence of chronic diseases. If there are such and create contraindications, for their treatment the specialist will give referrals to narrow-profile doctors. The therapist together with the gynecologist will monitor the patient’s pregnancy and give recommendations.
  • Consultations are also required for the following specialists: dentist, otolaryngologist, mammologist, endocrinologist, optometrist, geneticist, allergist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, etc.
tests before planning a pregnancy for a woman and a man

Examinations and tests for women

Women do not need to wonder what kind of studies are being submitted before planning a pregnancy. Experts usually give directions for analysis as necessary. For all women are required:

  • A smear on the flora. It is taken from the urethra, uterine neck and vagina at the first gynecological examination with a special spoon. Such an analysis makes it possible to identify hidden infections or inflammations that could manifest themselves during pregnancy against a background of reduced immunity.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

When examined by a gynecologist, it is not possible to study the inner uterine layer - the endometrium, to which the fetal egg should be attached. The entire pelvic area can only be seen on ultrasound.

  • A smear on cells of an atypical nature. This is a cytological analysis - during the study, uterine neck cells and their features are studied. The smear is taken with a brush or spatula. Such an analysis helps to identify cancer at any stage, even a very early one. Like any other pathology, cancer during pregnancy develops much more intensively and becomes even more dangerous.
  • Blood tests. When planning pregnancy, three analyzes are required: general (its purpose is to study the state of the body as a whole), biochemical (to determine blood coagulation), blood sampling for sugar content.
  • The study of biological fluid for hormones. It is not prescribed in all cases, the indications are painful periods, cycle failures, excess weight, miscarriages or abortions, unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant.
  • Blood test for genetics. This analysis when planning pregnancy can forever break the hopes of the spouses if hereditary contraindications are found.
  • Torch analysis - a study on ToRCH infections. It shows the presence of the most dangerous ailments: rubella, toxoplasmosis, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus. A woman must have antibodies to any of these diseases, otherwise it is strictly forbidden to become pregnant until they are completely eliminated.
  • Diagnosis of PCR of STIs, etc.

Diagnostics is used to detect other dangerous diseases: hepatitis C or B, HIV, papillomavirus infection, chlamydia, syphilis, gardnerellosis, tuberculosis, ureaplasmosis, infectious mononucleosis, etc. As with ToRCH infections, any pathology from this list is a contraindication for conception. Diagnosis is carried out in several ways: analysis of urine, saliva, blood and urogenital smear.

pregnancy planning tests for women and men
  • Analysis of urine. It is carried out for the diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary tract.

In modern laboratories, the results of the study are very quickly provided, sometimes even on the day of delivery. If some analysis revealed contraindications for pregnancy, then there is nothing irreparable in this: most of the diseases are treated, the correct therapy is selected for them.

The main thing to remember is not to panic, follow the recommendations of specialists and lead a healthy lifestyle. In a few months, the coveted permission to conceive and have a baby will be obtained.

What tests you need to pass to a man when planning a pregnancy, it is important to find out in advance.

Compatibility Tests

In the process of passing surveys and analyzes on the compatibility of partners, there are studies that are recommended as a pair for both. It is especially important to pass genetic tests during planning. What kind of research do you need before pregnancy?

  • Rhesus factor analysis. It is imperative to know exactly what this indicator is for future parents. When a woman has a negative Rh factor or this value will be different for partners, the patient will need an injection of anti-Rhesus gammaglobulin. Otherwise, an immune reaction of the female body may occur, directed against the baby.
  • The study of genetic incompatibility. Such an analysis of the venous blood of both partners examines it for leukocyte antigens. It happens that the female body does not produce antibodies to protect the baby and the placenta, the fetus is rejected, and there is a risk of miscarriage.
  • Karyotyping is a chromosomal blood test.

This analysis is intended to exclude the likelihood of having a baby with a deviation. This happens if the chromosomes of women and men are very similar. Generally, absolute genetic incompatibility is rare, but cannot be ruled out. For karyotyping, special training is not needed. This analysis of genetics in the process of planning pregnancy is one of the most significant.

  • Postcoital test. In some cases, pregnancy does not occur for a long time, despite the positive tests and the normal health of the partners. The cause may be the uterus, which produces antisperm cells. This is determined through a compatibility study, that is, a "post-coital test." It requires considerable preparation: during 3-4 cycles, basal temperature is measured, ultrasound of the ovaries is performed, tests for STDs and tests for ovulation for the woman are done.
tests for a man before pregnancy planning


Currently, medicine can help conceive a child, even those couples who have poor predictions. The most important thing to do is to take care of pregnancy planning in advance, take tests on time, visit doctors and strictly follow their recommendations.

We reviewed the analyzes of women and men before planning pregnancy.

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