Hair balm "Elsev": types, composition, effect on hair and customer reviews

An important tool in hair care is balm. It helps to easily comb washed hair, smooths their surface, protects from the negative effects of the environment. And also makes them more docile, smooth and shiny. One of the most popular products is Elsev hair balm. He won the trust of consumers due to high quality, affordable price and variety of the line. Each woman can choose a product suitable for her hair type.

What are balms for?

Only 25-30 years ago, balms brought from abroad were a curiosity. In the care of curls, most women were content with ordinary shampoo. Those who watched their appearance especially carefully used a nettle broth, chamomile, or a solution of vinegar with water to rinse their hair.

Modern women can no longer imagine the procedure of washing their hair without the use of a hair balm. Elsev, Gliss Kur, Dove, Wella and many other brands take care of women's curls daily, saturating them with nutrients, vitamins and organic acids.

The use of hair balm

Due to the creamy texture, the balm is able to penetrate deeply into the hair shaft. He closes all the scales, returning strands of specular gloss. To achieve maximum effect, choosing a product, you should focus on the needs of the hair.

Specialists in beauty laboratories, creating their product, are guided by the problems that it is intended to solve. The dyed hair balm should prevent color fading and keep it as long as possible. Dry curls need additional nutrition. And bold - moisturizing and volume. Unruly hair needs smoothing. If the strands are rare, then substances that stimulate their growth will be required. There are balms that can prevent the ends from being cut. In addition, there are products to strengthen the follicles.

Buying a balm, you can not take the first one. The product is selected based on the individual needs of the hair. Using the wrong balm will not bring ringlets good. On the contrary, such a product can provoke irritation, itching and even hair loss. The same applies to funds for curls of dubious production or to those whose expiration dates have expired.

The balm should be applied only to clean and moist strands. Distribute it along the entire length, retreating a few centimeters from the roots. The necessary time for exposure is three minutes. Then the product is washed off.

Why you should trust Elsev balms

The level of sales allows you to determine the most popular product among buyers. And also this can be done by studying the reviews. Elsev hair balm is the most talked about product. Girls praise him for his efficiency, affordable price and the ability to find a means to solve their problem.

Elsev balms are produced by one of the leaders in the beauty industry, the Loreal concern. The history of this giant began more than a hundred years ago, when a Parisian chemist created in his kitchen the world's first permanent synthetic hair color. The new product was immediately tested on the hair of the inventor's wife. The result was so impressive that mass production was urgently needed to meet growing demand.

In 1909, the company received the name L'Oreal. At its base, the first hair dyeing studio was opened, where French barbers were trained. And one of her best teachers was the hairdresser of the Russian Imperial House.

L'Oreal continues to create paints, the first homemade shampoo and other hair products. Huge investments in research and innovation allow her to stay the best. The professional hair care series L'Oreal Professionnel is highly regarded by the craftsmen and their clients.

The company is doing everything to ensure that customers have the opportunity to receive quality care for curls not only in beauty salons, but also at home. Shampoos, masks, serums, as well as Elsev hair balms help in this. This series is intended for home care. It allows women to experiment with hairstyles while maintaining the beauty and health of their hair.

Three valuable clays

Clay effectively fights fat. Hair balm "Elsev" contains three of its types: blue, white and green. The unique composition allows you to qualitatively clean the scalp and strands without overdrying them.

Hair balm

The Three Valuable Clays series was created specifically for women who have oily hair on their roots but have dry tips. This is a truly unique product. Most balms produced by competitors are unable to care for oily roots and dry tips at the same time.

The use of this tool will help maintain purity and volume for 72 hours. Clay contains freshness. Its action enhances the mineral montmorillonite. It is formed during the weathering of volcanic rocks.

Moisturizing the dry part of the hair shaft is ensured by hyaluronic acid and soybean oil. The strands are not overloaded, since there are no silicones in the product.

The product has a light creamy texture. Judging by the reviews, it is well distributed among the strands and quickly washed off. The result is noticeable after the first application. Hair not only comb well, but also become softer and smoother to the touch.

The luxury of six oils

For curls in need of additional nutrition, a series of care was created under the name “Luxury of Six Oils”. This is an ideal tool for resuscitation of damaged strands. Extracts of lotus, flax, sunflower, rose, chamomile and tiare flower were included in the hair balm "Elsev 6 oils." Customer reviews say that curls after its use acquire shine and smoothness. The tool does not make them heavier.

Hair balm

Applying the balm from this series after each shampoo, you can improve the hair and significantly improve their appearance. Gradually they will become smoother, more obedient, shiny, silky and soft. And additional nutrition and hydration of the scalp will strengthen hair follicles.

The luxury of six oils

Especially for women with dull and lifeless curls, Elsev Luxury of Six Oils hair balm has been improved and received the additional name Glossy Shine. A unique French rose extract was added to its composition.

The use of this tool provides strands absolute smoothness. All scales are securely sealed, each hair shaft receives the nutrition it needs. And reflective particles enhance the shine of curls.

According to users in the reviews, this product has a thicker texture, thanks to which the balm does not drain, and envelops absolutely every hair. At the same time, the product does not make strands heavier and is easily washed off. Smoothness and shine appear after the first application. In addition, the balm gives the curls a delicate floral aroma.

Color expert

The Expert Color series offers the most popular Elsev balm for colored hair. Customer reviews suggest that its regular use allows you to permanently preserve the color of highlighted strands.

Hair balm

A unique product from Loreal has a laminating effect. It provides the addition of flax oil to the balm. It is able to envelop the hair shaft with a protective layer that prevents pigment leaching. In addition, oil and other components in the composition protect the strands from ultraviolet rays.

Elsev balm for colored hair nourishes and restores each damaged curl. As women noted in the comments, hair becomes more supple and resilient. They shimmer in the sun and look so luxurious that it seems that the woman has just left the beauty salon. This effect persists for two and a half months. To achieve maximum results, the product from this series should be used immediately after staining.

The strength of arginine

Weak curls prone to prolapse require special care. Especially for them, a series called "The Power of Arginine" was created. The regular use of products from this line will strengthen the strands along the entire length and saturate the hair follicles with all the necessary nutrients. The loss will slow down significantly, and then completely stop.

Many girls who have been using funds from the Power of Arginine line for several weeks describe their impressions in reviews and share the results in a photo. Elsev (hair balm) visually transforms curls immediately after the first application.

The product has a bright, floral aroma. It has a dense texture, so it does not drain. The most valuable substance in the balm is arginine. This is an amino acid that is part of many proteins and lipids. Usually it is produced by the human body in sufficient quantities. But in the event that its synthesis slows down, first of all it is reflected in the hair.

Amino acid is able to penetrate the core and follicle. It nourishes the hair from the inside and protects against damage from the outside. The great advantage of using balm with arginine is that the product really heals strands, and not just creates a cosmetic effect.

Full recovery

To solve such common problems as dryness of strands, brittleness, split ends and damage to the shaft along the entire length, Elsev Complete Restoration Hair Balm was developed.

Hair balm

The composition of the product includes ceramides. These are natural fats that act as a natural barrier. On the one hand, they do not allow moisture to evaporate from the surface of the skin or hair. And on the other - they protect against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria inside. Since the amount of these fats decreases with age, as well as due to the adverse effects of the environment, the hair loses moisture and dries out. Balm with ceramides is able to compensate for their deficiency in the strands, so that they are strengthened and restored.

Another important component in the composition of the product is pro-keratin. It is a cleaved and improved molecule of fibrillar proteins. It is from them that human hair and nails are made, as well as beaks of birds and horns of mammals. A deficiency of these proteins is the cause of fragility. If you do not make up for the shortage of this substance, the situation will gradually worsen and may lead to hair loss.

In cosmetics, pro-keratin is used to strengthen strands. It increases their strength, increases the moisture content and returns shine. In addition, it works as an antistatic agent, so that the hair is not electrified.

Complete restoration for split ends

Dry and brittle hair under the influence of negative factors or due to its own severity can delaminate. Most often, the cross section is observed at the tips, but can extend to the entire length. To solve this problem, "Loreal" hair balm "Elsev Complete restoration for split ends" was developed.

In addition to ceramides, the composition of the product includes lactic acid. It stimulates cell renewal, helps maintain moisture in the strands and strengthens them. Active ingredients penetrate all layers of the hair shaft, sealing them and preventing splitting.


To improve the appearance of thin, damaged and sparse hair is able to balm "Fibrology". The product contains a unique substance created in the laboratory of L'Oreal, which was called Filloxane. It penetrates into the hair fibers, forming a 3D network and creating hundreds of microscopic compounds. This allows you to increase the diameter of the rod and its density.

Hair balm

The use of the “Fibrology” balm not only heals the hair, but also makes them visually thicker. This product has a cumulative effect. The more often it is used, the more dense and healthy the strands will look.


Hair, like skin, needs constant care. In order for them to be healthy, strong, shiny and thick, you need to eat right, use a hairdryer and ironing as little as possible. And also protect them from the sun and wind.

In that case, if a woman uses the iron daily and dries her hair with a hairdryer, sits on strict diets, combes wet strands, is fond of frequent dyeing, one should not hope for a miracle. No solution will be able to solve the problem in one application. Even as strong as hair balm "Elsev 6 oils."

Reviews of girls who regularly use Loreal products to care for curls confirm this. Balms work best when they are used with a shampoo or mask from the same series. In addition, it significantly strengthens hair intake of vitamins and a decrease in the frequency of use of ironing.

Hair balm reviews

In reviews of Elsev balms, users say that it is a quality product. In most cases, the funds have exactly the effect that is expected of them. Negative reviews are most often the result of the balm being selected incorrectly. You can not use "Three Clays" on dry hair, and "Six Oils" on oily. In this case, the balm will not only not show the desired result, but also harm the strands.

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