Cellulitis: causes and treatment

Many women are well aware that cellulite is a disease that is characteristic exclusively of the fair sex. However, what provokes the development of the "orange peel" and why do men rarely experience this ailment? In our article you will learn about the causes of cellulite and the treatment of the disease in the clinic and at home. In addition, we will also tell our readers about how you can once and for all forget about cellulite, if you follow preventive measures.

What is cellulite?

Before you start talking about the causes of cellulite in women, you must first understand what this disease is. Most specialists use this term to mean a phenomenon called lipodystrophy. Should this disease be considered a disease? Specialists do not have a consensus on this. However, only one thing is clear - cellulite can and should be treated.

As a rule, lipodystrophy develops in young girls, whose age is from 20 to 25 years. In most cases, this happens after pregnancy, however, if the fair sex does not monitor her body, then cellulite may appear in her earlier. The main sign of cellulite is the so-called "orange peel", which is well manifested when compressing the skin.

Why is the disease manifested exclusively in women? It is all about the differences that the opposite sexes have in the body. More precisely, the fault is the different consistency of fat cells. In the fair sex, they are more elongated and are closer to the surface. But in men, the fatty layers lie much deeper than the epidermis and have a round shape. Because of this, cellulite is formed only in women.

The main causes

Cellulitis in women can occur due to a number of different factors. Only a qualified endocrinologist can diagnose the cause accurately. However, if you want to prevent the development of the "orange peel" or to avoid its appearance at all, then you should know at least about the most common factors provoking the occurrence of this disease. You can find more detailed information in the list below.

Three girls eat pizza.
  1. Decrease in the number of female hormones. It is these substances that regulate the water balance in the body. If a woman consumes too much meat, then the amount of female hormones in her blood decreases. As a result of this, an orange peel appears on the body, since fat cells cannot normally absorb.
  2. Unbalanced diet. It is not difficult to guess that the main cause of cellulite is overweight. If a woman is excessively fond of fast food or sweet food, then all fats and carbohydrates will begin to be deposited in her body. As a result, this will lead to obesity and the appearance of cellulite.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle. Why are girls who play sports or just move a lot, much less exposed to the “orange peel” than lovers of lying on the couch? The thing is that physical activity helps get rid of layers of fat, including those that are in the buttocks and hips.
  4. Smoking and alcoholism. Very often, the cause of the appearance of cellulite is in poor circulation. This feature in the body appears after consuming a large amount of alcoholic beverages and tobacco. The main enemy of beautiful skin is beer, which not only impairs blood circulation, but also contains a huge amount of carbohydrates.

However, there are natural causes of the appearance of cellulite. For example, a similar ailment is very often characteristic of pregnant women or girls in their teens. The thing is, during these periods, the female sex hormone changes dramatically, which can lead to the appearance of an “orange peel”. However, in most cases, such an ailment passes over time.

What products does cellulite come from?

Since we are considering the causes of cellulite and how to deal with this disease, one can not help but say a few words about which foods most contribute to the appearance of an “orange peel” on the woman’s body. This information will allow you to prevent the development of the disease or even forget about it forever. In the following list you will find products that should be limited to consumption in the first place.

  1. All foods that contain fast carbohydrates that are instantly absorbed. In a matter of hours, such substances turn into fats and are deposited in adipocytes - special fat cells located under the skin of a woman.
  2. Too salty food that provokes fluid retention in the body. If a lot of water accumulates in the girl’s body, then this is no better than if there was very little of it. Excess fluid will quickly transform into an orange peel.
  3. Products with a large number of preservatives and other chemical compounds. This category should include various canned goods, sausages, chips, crackers, sweet water and other “poison” that can be stored unnaturally for a long time.
  4. High-fat dairy products. The digestive system of an adult is designed in such a way that it cannot absorb animal fats in large quantities. As a result, all trace elements settle in the buttocks and hips.
  5. Alcoholic, carbonated and too sweet drinks. Packaged juices, alcohol and tea contain a lot of sugar, which can turn into excess fats if it is not quickly absorbed and converted into energy.

Try to remember that various spicy dishes, smoked sausages and processed cheeses also have nothing to do with a healthy diet. In addition, in some cases, the appearance of cellulite can be triggered even by some berries: melons, bananas, strawberries and others, which contain a large amount of sugar. Of course, you should not refuse them at all, however, you still need to limit consumption.

Vacuum can massage

Now you know about the causes of the appearance of cellulite on the legs and pope. However, this knowledge will not be enough if you decide to start fighting with the "orange peel". In order to say goodbye once and for all to a disease in problem areas (hips, buttocks, breeches and so on), it is necessary to choose the best way to deal with the disease. For example, one of the most popular treatments is vacuum can massage.

Cupping massage against cellulite.

What is this procedure? All the necessary information can be found in the name. First, the cosmetologist lubricates the problem areas with oil, and then begins to drive them with special vacuum suction cups, which literally break down body fat. As a result, the dermis gains firmness and elasticity, and the orange peel disappears over time. In addition, blood flow is improved in the treatment area.

LPG massage - new technology

Speaking about the causes and treatment of cellulite on the legs, one can not help but mention one of the most advanced hardware techniques that was developed in 1986. With the help of LPG massage you can completely get rid of the “orange peel” in just a few sessions, since the device is aimed at removing fat folds under the skin. The device works on the principle of a vacuum massager, but has several fundamental differences from it.

Firstly, several rollers have an impact on the human body, each of which performs a certain job, depending on the task. One can capture the fat fold, the other can gently massage it, the third can remove fatty deposits through the skin, as well as toxins, poisons and other decay products undesirable for the body. Skin renewal in a problem place occurs due to the injection of collagen and elastin.

Ultrasonic cavitation

Now you are well aware of the causes of the appearance of cellulite on the legs and pope. This information will help you prevent the development of orange peel in the future. However, if the patient already suffers from a similar disease, then the cosmetologist may recommend him undergoing cavitation. This procedure is also called "ultrasonic liposuction." The technology is based on the creation of vacuum bubbles, which are filled with fat and explode.

Ultrasonic cavitation against cellulite.

It should be noted immediately that ultrasonic cavitation does not apply to surgical methods of intervention. All fat from the body is excreted approximately 21 days after the procedure. But on the body there are no scars and scars, and the rehabilitation period proceeds relatively quickly and without complications. Although, at the request of the patient, mechanical removal of fluid from the body through special injections is possible (then you will have to wait for the skin to heal).


An interesting fact is that cellulite on the hands (the causes are the same as in the case of the legs) in most cases is treated with this procedure, since it affects the middle layers of the skin, otherwise called mesoderm. In addition, this technique is also recommended for older people suffering from cellulite, since the dermis tends to lose its elasticity over time.

The mesotherapy procedure is the introduction of a large number of injections directly under the skin of a person. The depth of introduction of the mesococktail, as well as its composition are selected strictly individually. As a result of local exposure, fat cells under the skin begin to break down, and cellulite is completely defeated. Injections can be administered manually or using a special device that makes it faster and more efficient.

Ozone therapy

Causes of cellulite in women can be very different. However, whatever the cause of such a disease, you can get rid of it with the help of ozone therapy - a relatively new technique that is also used to eliminate excess weight and treat stretch marks on the skin. Although it is impossible not to note the fact that the modification of oxygen began to be used in medicine in the 19th century, however, today the technology has stepped up significantly.

Ozone molecule

The methods of introducing ozone under the skin can be very different: intravenously, injections, rubbing mixtures, applying masks, visiting saunas and so on. In most cases, such therapies are combined with treatments for obesity. As soon as ozone reaches the problem area under the skin, it activates the process of splitting fat cells, after which they are eliminated from the body in a natural way, and cellulite and excess weight disappear right before our eyes.


The treatment methods and causes of cellulite in most cases are inextricably linked. If a person is prone to overeating constantly, then it will be almost pointless to fight only with the "orange peel". Therefore, an endocrinologist or cosmetologist will recommend a comprehensive treatment procedure. However, if the appearance of cellulite was caused by a hormonal imbalance, then carboxytherapy can be used.

The essence of the method is that the cosmetologist tries to increase the carbon dioxide content in the blood, causing the body to experience severe stress and work in an enhanced mode. The circulatory system will seek to restore oxygen deficiency by delivering molecules to fatty tissues. However, the introduced carbon dioxide dissolves very quickly, so the procedure does not do almost any harm, but is very effective.


Quite often, the cause of cellulitis on the hips can be an unhealthy diet. However, a woman does not have to be overweight. Just fatty fibers will be deposited directly under the skin, forming an "orange peel". Therefore, it makes no sense to torture yourself with diets and refrain from eating your favorite foods. Moreover, if you can cope with the disease using one of the most modern techniques - electromyostimulation.

Electromyostimulation against cellulite.

This procedure contributes to the breakdown of fatty fibers and their removal from the body with the help of an electric current that affects the problem area. Under the influence of impulses, human muscles begin to contract, as a result of which the membranes of fat cells gradually break down. In addition, the doctor can change the intensity of the effect of neurons on the skin, based on their characteristics of the anatomical structure of the patient.


Now you know a little more about the causes of cellulite and the treatment of "orange peel". However, we have not yet talked about all the procedures that are used in the present tense. For example, electrolypolysis deserves special mention - a relatively new non-surgical procedure, the main task of which is the fight against fatty tissues located directly under the skin.

What are the features of this technique? During electrolipolysis, as in the previous case, electric pulses of a certain length and frequency are used. As a result of this effect, fat cells become much softer and are easily eliminated from the body. However, during electrolipolysis, body temperature in a certain area also increases. This is necessary in order for the fat to become more fluid.

Shock wave therapy

But how to get rid of cellulite, the cause of which became bad habits? Usually in these cases, the cosmetologist will recommend shock wave therapy, which implies the impact on the body of special acoustic waves that come from a special device. As a result of this “shake-up”, fat cells under the skin are destroyed in a matter of minutes, after which they are removed from the body within a few days.

Shock wave therapy.

Also, one cannot fail to note the fact that as a result of undergoing shock wave therapy, the skin at the site of exposure becomes much more elastic, therefore, a rejuvenating effect appears. In addition, acoustic waves can normalize lymph flow, which improves blood circulation on the legs or pope. In addition, the metabolic processes of the body also return to normal if the procedure was carried out in accordance with all the rules.

Pressure therapy

You are already well aware of the causes of cellulite in the pope. But you probably did not know that a special kind of hardware massage, which helps break down fat cells and remove them from the body, can help to combat this ailment. During a pressotherapy session (can be used not only on the stomach, but also on the hips), the patient is dressed in a special suit, in certain areas of which air is supplied under high pressure.

What happens to waste after splitting. Everything is very simple - they enter the lymph, after which they are excreted from the body naturally or through sweat. In addition, this procedure allows you to normalize the flow of lymph, which also favorably affects the patient's condition and water balance in the body. In most cases, just a few procedures are enough to completely forget about the "orange peel".

Sport Against Cellulite

All the above procedures are very expensive and can only be carried out in the office of a qualified specialist. However, what to do to a person who does not have the opportunity to visit a cosmetologist, but wants to overcome cellulite on his own? Most doctors will recommend a certain set of physical exercises aimed at combating overweight and "orange peel."

Girl crouches in the hall.
  1. Half squats and squats. As a rule, 3-4 approaches per day with maximum repetition will be sufficient. Such exercises are considered one of the most effective for combating cellulite, especially if the patient will also use the additional load in the form of a vest or barbell.
  2. Swing feet. Very useful exercises to combat the "orange peel" on the hips. Such movements are best performed in a standing position, with one hand resting on the wall. However, if this seems too complicated for you, then you can accept a lying position.
  3. The swing of the press. The development of the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen will be very effective if it comes to the fight against cellulite in this area. In addition, this exercise helps to fight well with excess weight as a result of the breakdown of body fat.
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Cellulitis in a young girl.
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If you follow a diet in which these products are present, then you can not only keep your body in good shape, but also prevent the appearance of an “orange peel” in the future. Most importantly, do not overdo it, but rather, make a diet plan with your doctor.

We hope you now know more about the causes of cellulite and how to deal with this problem. If you have an orange peel on your priest or hips - this is not a reason to despair. Modern medicine will help the patient cope with this disease in a matter of days. Well, if the girl also adheres to proper nutrition and an active lifestyle, then she will be able to forget about cellulite for good.

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