Glucometer without test strips: price and reviews

Unfortunately, absolutely all categories of citizens are subject to diabetes today, regardless of their age. To control the level of glucose in the blood of children, it is especially important to use painless methods, but other patients also have the desire to undergo this procedure without skin punctures. That is why recently glucometers without test strips are gaining popularity. What is their feature and principle of operation will be described below.

What is this device

A glucometer is a device for calculating the level of glucose in the blood yourself. Every patient with a diagnosis of 1 or 2 type of disease is obliged to have it, since in such situations the frequency of tests cannot allow you to visit a medical institution each time.

Glucometer without test strips

People who claim to be without glucometers are just lucky ones who have not yet encountered the possible consequences of a sharp change in sugar levels, and it’s not worth hoping that you are one of them. The uncontrolled course of diabetes can lead to heart attack, gangrene, blindness and impaired brain activity, so there’s no point in joking.

Popular appliances

To date, non-invasive and invasive devices are offered to diabetics. The latter are used most often, but indicate the need for additional purchase of test strips for the meter. Their price depends on the manufacturer and the number of pieces in the package. Invasive devices work directly with the blood, and to determine the value of sugar each time it is necessary to take it by means of a finger puncture. The resulting biological fluid must fall into a specially designated place on the strip, the glucose level is determined by the results of the chemical reaction.


To accurately determine the amount of sugar when a skin is punctured, the device requires test strips. For “Kontur”, “VanTach” and “Accu-Chek” glucometers, you can get them at any pharmacy, but there are also less common brands, finding material for which will be a problem. This should be taken into account even before the purchase of the device itself, since it is impossible to use it without stripes, this will be an extra waste of money.

Glucometer Test Strips

Each strip is disposable and can only be used in the device of the same name. That is, the test strips for the Bionime glucometer can only be used in it and will not work in another device. They are sold in stationary pharmacies or on specialized sites on the Internet.

Maximum accuracy

Among the abundance of modern devices for monitoring glucose levels, the German glucose meter “Contour TS” is most accurately characterized. Test strips for it, in comparison with other brands, are inexpensive, only 350-400 rubles per pack of 25 pieces, which is another advantage of the device. The meter itself is also inexpensive, it will take only 450-500 rubles to pay for it.

Device for measuring sugar level "Contour"

In addition, the device is reliable and easy to use, therefore it is very popular among the older population. The disadvantage is the ability to “remember” only 250 of the last measurements and the analysis duration of 8 seconds, but for such a price this can be forgiven.

Modern technologies

Non-invasive devices - these are glucometers without test strips, since direct contact with blood is not required for their use. Modern models are equipped with many secondary functions and are able to determine the level of plasma, cholesterol, ketone bodies, lactic acid and other substances. There are devices with voice control that can voice the results, rather than display on the screen. This is especially useful for visually impaired patients. Also, depending on the company and model, the devices differ in analysis time, size, weight, memory size and other functionality.

Domestic development

The result of the work of Russian scientists for diabetics today is a glucometer without test strips "Omelon". The principle of its operation is based on the fact that glucose is an energy material that affects the tone of blood vessels. It is on its amount in the blood that blood pressure and pulse largely depend, which are the main factors for calculating the sugar level in patients. Thus, the device measures the pressure of both hands, analyzes it and calculates the glucose level, displaying it on the screen.

The device for measuring sugar level "Omelon"

At the same time, you do not need to make any punctures, everything is done by measuring the pressure, as on an ordinary tonometer. The sugar level display is calibrated using the Samoji-Nelson method. The device is suitable for monitoring healthy people and patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes. The cost of the first model of the device is approximately 5 thousand rubles, they will have to pay 6.5 for the modified version, but the principle of operation is the same for them.

Terms of use

To make the measurement result as accurate as possible, it should be carried out on an empty stomach in the morning or 150 minutes after an extreme meal. First you need to relax to bring the pulse and pressure back to normal, and then turn on the device. If you plan to compare the results of a non-invasive meter with another, then you should first use it, and then the model that requires a puncture.

Economical model from Accu Chek

An innovation of its kind is a device from a Swiss brand that requires blood sampling, but does not have test strips for this. The Accu Chek Mobile glucometer in its configuration has a special cassette designed for up to 50 uses at once, and a punch for puncturing. The device protects a person from accidental puncture, weighs only 130 grams, is able to store in memory the results of the last two thousand measurements and costs 3.5-4.5 thousand.

Accu Chek sugar level meter

In addition, the device is able to analyze the available data, display the average sugar level coefficients for certain periods of time and connect to a computer without additional software.

Not the best option

According to reviews, such is "GlukoTrek" from an Israeli company. He performs the measurement of sugar in contact with the earlobe thanks to a special clip. The procedure itself is not very convenient, and the device requires regular calibration by a specialist, so it has not received proper distribution.

The best option for frequent use.

If you need to control your sugar level, you should pay attention to the tCGM Symphony meter as often as possible. It represents a whole system and makes an analysis without contact with blood, completely painless. Before use, the attachment point of the device is treated with a special solution and a device is left on it that can capture and output new data every 15-20 minutes.

Symphony sugar level meter

Its accuracy is 94.5%. Such a glucometer without test strips removes the upper stratum corneum of cells to improve thermal conductivity and analyzes the change in the composition of the intercellular fluid. It is still very difficult to buy it, but the cost, according to the requests of manufacturers, is only 560-850 rubles. (10-15 dollars). According to patient reviews, there is no irritation after using the device, so it can be used without fear for all groups of diabetics. Test results are then transferred to the phone.

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