Extra applications, or How to wash hair dye from skin?

Any girl, especially a brunette, in pursuit of a change of image, is faced with the question of how to wash hair dye from her skin? Accuracy during dyeing of keratin fibers is an important factor in the prevention of the appearance of “extra applications” on the forehead, cheekbones, ears and collar area. But one delicate treatment is not enough.

How to wash hair dye from skin
Good high intensity hair dyes are cosmetics with a high content of ammonia or peroxide. On the one hand, thanks to these components, the paint stays on the hair for a long time, does not fade, and the locks retain a natural shine, and on the other hand, an accidentally planted spot threatens to stay on the skin for weeks, spoiling the impression of the image.

Prevention of stains on the skin during staining

In order for you not to be tormented by the question of how to wash hair dye from your skin, you need to prepare protective agents before staining. These are gloves and a fatty nourishing cream (you can night).

How to wash paint off skin
With a thick layer of this cosmetic product, without touching the hair itself, you need to process the contour of the scalp. The cream protects the skin from the rapid absorption of chemicals. If it gets on keratin fibers, it will degrade the quality of their dyeing.

And how to wash hair dye off the skin after the procedure?

It does not hurt to stock up with shop and home solvents of dark shades of paint. Of professional liquids, experts recommend using Lokon, which is used in the cold method of chemical perm of hair. You can buy it in any store or department of household chemicals. In addition, there is a whole series of foreign tools for removing Color Remover inks: Hair Light, Dikson, Igora, Utopik Cleaner and others. Perfectly clean the skin with special wet wipes from world manufacturers of cosmetics to get rid of hair dye.

Wash hair dye with soap
Fresh stains from home cosmetics and hygiene products can be easily removed with toothpaste, petroleum jelly, warm vegetable oil with baking soda or pure, lotion with a small alcohol content, baby massage oil, hydrogen peroxide (you can add 1 drop of an aqueous solution of ammonia). Using a small amount of water, soda can be turned into a pasty mixture, which, like an abrasive, will erase bright traces. The same effect has the ashes of cigarettes. Some experts advise before washing off the paint from the skin, apply a little alcohol, nail polish remover (containing acetone) or lemon juice to the stain. But it should be noted that these substances are aggressive, which can cause redness and irritation of the skin. Stylists sometimes use conventional makeup removers, and apply a little fresh paint to dried-up spots, so that they can easily be erased with the previous layer.

Will a soap solution help?

A concentrated solution of shampoo or soap erases well only fresh marks of painting. No wonder some girls try to wash the hair dye with soap. Use for this household. To do this, several times lavishly soap the head with soap, leaving it for 3-4 minutes on the hair. Then wash off the foam thoroughly.

Washing head
Trichologists have a negative attitude to this method, since the concentrated alkaline composition of laundry soap destroys the surface lipid layer of healthy keratin fibers, turning them dull and brittle. After such a shampoo, prolonged treatment with warm oil wraps will be required.

In conclusion…

To solve the question of how to wash hair dye from hair off the skin, it is necessary in advance, having prepared several options for getting rid of stains. Act quickly: the fresher the paint mark is, the easier and more effective its removal will be. If you take advantage of these tips, then a terrific hair color plus clean skin without spots will be guaranteed!

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