Apple diet for weight loss: menu, results and reviews

Are you familiar with the apple diet? It has many benefits, including cleansing the liver and kidneys, lowering cholesterol and improving overall health. Since this type of food is not always applicable for each person, it is better to consult a doctor.

The following is an apple diet plan that will help you lose extra pounds, deeply cleanse your body and increase the resistance of the immune system. This is one of the most popular mono-diets, as it supplies the body with a lot of vitamins and minerals. An apple diet for weight loss in a short period of time will allow you to remove hated kilograms.

Fruit benefits

green apples

An old adage that has again become popular is: eat an apple a day to avoid visiting a doctor. It seems stupid, but it is very true.

Even one apple a day gives us so many benefits and provides many nutrients for our body at the cellular level. Apples are considered one of the best foods for burning fat, because they contain few calories, but a lot of fiber and have elements that stimulate metabolism and promote healthy weight loss.

Apples are full of vitamins C, B, iron, antioxidants, and more. They promote heart health, cleanse the liver, prevent high blood pressure, regulate the digestive system, normalize intestinal locomotor activity and even fight cancer.

How to choose and eat apples

To get the most out of apples, choose organic, preferably local fresh apples and eat them with peel and even seeds. Apple seeds are known to contain pectin, which is a fat-containing fiber that stimulates healthy weight loss and controls appetite.

7 days plan

The 7-day apple diet menu for weight loss, which is offered here, is a mono-diet. Do not extend this diet for more than a week. On an apple diet, removing 10 kg per week is quite realistic. In addition, you can increase immunity and deeply cleanse the body. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids every day. Do not be surprised that you often use the bath, as the body will remove toxins and fat at a high speed.

red apples

A weekly apple diet is the easiest diet you have ever tried. It involves a minimal amount of preparation. All you need to do is eat 3-4 apples a day and drink 10-12 cups of water. Apples contain very few calories, and if you feel hungry, it is permissible to increase the number of apples consumed and drink more water.

If you feel bloated and constipated, try drinking apple juice and see if the situation has changed. Often people at the beginning have difficulty processing fiber, and it takes time to adjust. But do not be afraid - in the end, everything will normalize.

Once the digestive system is cleansed of toxins, you will feel much more energetic, younger and healthier.

If you want to increase weight loss, try a few cups of strong green tea every day. Green tea burns fat, is full of antioxidants and is a great addition to any diet plan for detoxification and weight loss.

An apple-based diet can provide amazing weight loss and a built-up body in just one week. The diet plan is quite elementary, you need to remember to remove sugar and salt from the diet and drink a lot of water, tea (green and other herbal teas).

Diet menu

girl with an apple

The apple diet menu looks like this.

Day 1:

  • Breakfast: 2 large apples (or 3 small) with lemon juice. Combine it with a handful of nuts if you want.
  • Lunch: salad (cut 3 large apples into pieces, add 20 g of parsley and 30 g of green onions).
  • Dinner: 3 apples.

Day 2 (apples and rice):

  • Breakfast: rice (cooked without salt, 1 cup) and 3 apples.
  • Lunch: Apples and rice. Wash and peel the apples, cut into pieces. Pour boiling water and leave them. Add lemon juice. Boil the rice, then add it to the apples and cook a mushy mixture.
  • Dinner: rice without salt.

Day 3 (apples and cheese):

  • Breakfast: 2 apples and low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: Cut apples (two pieces) and sprinkle them with lemon juice. To a cup of low-fat cottage cheese and add 2 hours of honey and a few nuts, mix and add apples at the end.
  • Dinner: 50 grams of low-fat cheese.

Day 4 (apples and carrots):

  • Breakfast: 2 large carrots and 1 large apple.
  • Lunch: Salad (wash, peel and chop 1 large apple and 1 carrot).
  • Dinner: 2 apples (baked in the oven) and some honey.

Day 5 (carrots and beets):

  • Breakfast: 1 carrot (boiled) and 1 piece of boiled beets.
  • Lunch: 1 egg (chicken) and 1 piece of boiled beets.
  • Dinner: carrots (as much as you like) with honey.

Day 6 (apples):

  • A menu similar to the first day.

Day 7 (apples and rice):

  • A menu similar to the second day menu.

If at some point during the diet you feel hungry, do not be afraid and shy, you need to increase the number of apples.

5 day diet

Going to the party in a week, but you need to lose at least 2 kg to fit into your favorite dress? Well, okay! There is a way to lose up to 3 kg in 5 days! All you need to do is follow a diet. Volumes before and after the apple diet will change for the better. A 5-day diet will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your health.

For weight loss

apple and scales

We present you a five-day diet plan, where the main part of the meal is apples. On the first day, only apples are allowed. On the second day, apples and vegetables are allowed. On days three through five, fruits, freshly squeezed fruit juices, vegetable smoothies, proteins and dairy products along with apples are allowed on the diet.

Ideal components for a diet are apples that are rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Apples (in addition to having a laxative property) are nutritious and useful for strengthening the nervous system, so they have become an indispensable element in a huge number of weight loss programs. Fiber in the apple interacts with fat molecules, preventing its deposition on the sides and hips. Then the fat associated with dietary fiber is directly excreted from the body. Eating an apple before each major meal will make you feel less hungry and prevents overeating. The results of the apple diet will please the indicator on the scales. The nutrition program is safe.

Diet menu

A five-day apple diet allows you to consume only apples and distilled water on the first day. On other days, fruits are combined with other foods. Apple diet recipes are elementary in cooking.

The first day

Food Schedule:

  • Breakfast: 2 apples.
  • Lunch: 1 apple.
  • Dinner: 3 apples.

All food is required to consist only of fruits, comprising about 1.5 kg. Nutrients from the fruit are necessary to maintain the proper fat content in the body, good health of the cardiovascular system and improve brain function, prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

This day can reduce calorie intake, but increase fiber intake. Please note that apples have sufficient sugar reserves and therefore they do an incredible job of stabilizing blood sugar.

In addition to apples, you need to drink plenty of water. It effectively removes toxins.

Second day

apple and centimeter


  • Breakfast: 1 apple and milk (0.5-1 percent fat, 1 cup).
  • Lunch: a salad of apples and greens with two carrots and half a beetroot is ideal. Make a light salad dressing with mint leaves, Dijon mustard, oil (preferably olive or other vegetable), onions.
  • Dinner: 2 apples.

On the second day, eat apples with a healthy vegetarian lunch. The logic of this day is that the body will urgently need some necessary nutrients that can only be obtained from vegetables.

You need to stock up on olive oil - a rich source of healthy fats, which, as you know, preserve the integrity of the cell membrane.

Be sure to continue to drink water for detoxification. Water provides a much-needed environment for leaching toxins.

Day three

Detailed ration:

  • Breakfast: 1 apple + bread (multigrain or whole grain, 1 slice) + fried eggs (or omelet).
  • Lunch: 1 apple + salad with cucumber, tomato, green onion.
  • Evening snack: 1 cup of yogurt (no additives, low fat).
  • Dinner: 1 apple + turkey (preferably breast fillet), carrots and broccoli salad.

This is the so-called protein day. Proteins are the building blocks of our body. So start the morning with a good source of protein, such as scrambled eggs (use one whole egg). Yogurt will help in digestion. Since apples were mainly used for two days, the body lacks energy.

It is worth noting that even the most meager diet should take into account the needs of the body in a balanced diet. A diet that is too focused on losing all calories can be too dangerous.

Day four

Food Schedule:

  • Breakfast: 1 apple + cabbage.
  • Lunch: 1 apple + fried vegetables, vegetable soup.
  • Dinner: 1 apple, salad (beets and celery).

Start the day with a smoothie (cabbage and apple). Cabbage helps to lose weight. Take a glass of fresh fruit juice or an orange. Try a vegetarian dinner with an apple. It will calm the digestive system.

Fifth day


  • Breakfast: 1 apple and 1 egg.
  • Lunch: 1 apple + fried vegetables.
  • Snack: 1 peach.
  • Dinner: 1 apple + fish (baked in the oven or on the grill) and asparagus.

On this day, the diet will be allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, good fats, good carbohydrates and proteins. This will help prepare the body for a low-calorie diet.

many apples

Foods to Avoid During Diet

Categorically not:

  • Fats and oils - lard, butter, mayonnaise.
  • Drinks: packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, soda and alcohol drinks.
  • Fat beef and pork.
  • Dairy products - cream cheese, high-grade yogurt.

Diet benefits

Here's what the slimmers pay attention to:

  • The consumption of apples has a beneficial effect on health, reduces the risk of strokes.
  • The diet is very simple and comfortable to use.
  • The program will not allow you to drink packaged (artificial and harmful) juices.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • This diet is a balanced diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, proteins, dairy products, good fats, good carbohydrates, trace elements and fiber.

Diet side effects

apple in hand

It may become boring to eat apples alone. Those who are used to eating plentiful and high-calorie foods will be hard, nervousness and irritability will appear. The main difficulties will fall on the first two days. You may feel weak and sleepy.

An apple diet may seem like a lifeline for weight loss, but it is not without its own drawbacks. Therefore, before you start eating on the program, you need to carefully study the pros and cons.

The fact is that this diet is not for everyone. Therefore, review the pros and cons described above, and decide whether to adhere to this technique.

How much can you lose on an apple diet? Weight loss depends on a variety of physiological factors (age, height, body type, current weight, level of activity, medical history and genes). Therefore, the results on the same diet will be different for everyone.

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