Natalia Dvoretskaya: biography, career, personal life

What is known about such an actress as Natalya Dvoretskaya? Biography, career, films, successes and achievements of the artist - all this will be considered in our material.

early years

natalya butler

Natalya Dvoretskaya was born on August 25, 1984 in the city of Chelyabinsk. Soon, the family of our heroine moved to the Far East, and then to Germany. The girl’s childhood passed in the small German town of Wünsdorf. Here Natalia went to school, where she studied in-depth foreign languages.

From the age of 17, Butler worked as a model. Our heroine did not even think about the profession of an actress. Surprisingly, the girl’s only dream for many years remained the profession of pilot. However, it later became clear that only men can be trained as a pilot. Natalia was offered an alternative, namely the profession of an air traffic controller. Actually, the girl stopped at this, having successfully passed math and physics during entrance exams. Our heroine studied with interest, although it was difficult to call her a disciplined student.

How did Natalya Dvoretskaya become an actress?

natalya butler personal life

Returning to her homeland, the girl entered the Shchukin Theater Institute. Once, as a student of the last courses, the aspiring actress, by chance, met with an assistant for the selection of actors. The latter suggested that Natalya be cast in the film "Frozen Souls". So Butler was in a joint project of French and American directors, in which she played one of the main roles along with the famous actor Paul Giamatti.

Work on radio and television

After quite successful filming in the debut film, Natalya Dvoretskaya repeatedly appeared on the screens in episodic roles. In parallel, comprehended the profession of journalism. In 2007, her author’s program, entitled “Not Our Cinema,” was published on the main radio station in the city of St. Petersburg, which covered news from the world of arthouse films. It is worth noting that at one time, Natalia managed to invite such eminent personalities as Guy Ritchie, Woody Allen, Pedro Almadovar.

Then, Dvoretskaya was followed by work on television in a program about the world of cars called “Test Drive”, which aired on the popular domestic NTV channel. Altogether, Natalia was the host in more than a hundred episodes of the program.

The finest hour of the actress

Natalia Butler Biography

The artist gained wide recognition in 2013. At this time, she was invited to a major role in the television series Yasmin. The series of the young director Denis Evstigneev became a kind of domestic response to the popular Turkish film "The Magnificent Century." The story, which told about the adventures of Russian concubines during the sultanate, pleased the audience, and Dvoretskaya herself acquired the status of a real sex symbol on Russian television.

Another success was expected by Natalia in 2014, when she managed to get the main role in the spectacular action movie “Piranha Trail”, based on the successful novel by writer Alexander Bushkov. Here, the actress appeared in the image of an American beauty named Gene. Then for our heroine was followed by an equally successful role in the crime drama "Safety" directed by Nikita Vysotsky.

Natalya Dvoretskaya - personal life

The actress never loved to dedicate journalists to her own affairs outside the set. At some point in her career, there were rumors of a likely marriage to a wealthy American whose name was kept secret. However, changes in the personal life of the actress never happened.

Today, it is only known that Dvoretskaya lives in New York, periodically visiting Moscow. A well-known artist and television journalist prefers to devote her free time to traveling around the world, is fond of photography, and is also studying foreign languages.

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