Disinterestedly - how is it? We use this word so often in our vocabulary, but many do not even know the definition that lies behind this simple and familiar term for all of us.
To begin with, we should consider the word "disinterestedness" as a term. This is the ability to bring other people good and good, while not expecting gratitude from them. Acting disinterestedly is noble, although this behavior is not always justified. People endowed with such moral qualities are very kind and open. Kant claimed that acting disinterestedly means not doing anything, expecting to receive a reward in return, and doing good just like that. Many scientists, in fact, have been studying this behavior. However, in general, they came to a general conclusion: the lack of selflessness in the moral relations between people turns them into purely utilitarian and mercantile.
Is love evil?
Love is different. It can be consumer, possessive, mutual. But there is also selfless love. This is the purest and most true feeling. A person who loves disinterestedly, being near the object of his adoration, experiences happiness and joy. And he doesnโt need anything else. Selfless love can also be christened as "feeling in the name of a beloved." This is something amazing. No egoism, pride, the main thing is that the beloved be happy, the main thing is that the beloved be well. He is worried about his lover, always ready to help, protect, support. He is concerned about everything connected with him. And even if not everything in their relationship is smooth, a disinterested person suffers. Because he loves.
Selflessness has a lot of different definitions. To list all of them - it makes no sense, since the whole essence is reduced to one phrase. Selflessness is the greatest virtue of our time. Not everyone is able to serve other people without requiring anything in return. These are truly loving people. Only they can show their souls, not hypocrisy, without the slightest share of hypocrisy. Few people need only to hear the voice of a loved one, to see him.
Synonym for the word "surrender"
A selfless person is a person who does not expect reciprocity. These people know that in return they wonโt get anything, but still they continue to do good, help, support, love, they have a pure and sincere soul. There are few of them today. And this can be safely called self-denial. Less and less people remain pure souls - the majority manifests their personal "ego". Selfless people do not have their own and their own, there is no "I" in any manifestations. Their actions can hardly be called good, because their actions are something sublime, something that is difficult for everyone to achieve. One cannot but agree - few people can deny their own well-being, forget about personal feelings and just exist in the name of someone. But to live disinterestedly - this is what we are talking about now.
Gaining freedom
What I mentioned above may seem unusual for an ordinary person. Most people will have a strong feeling that living as selfless lives is hell. However, in fact, they are free people. They are not burdened by a load of insignificant egoistic aspirations. A man who does not need anything for himself is truly free. Selfless people live here and now, they use every moment and just live in a way that is good for others. Itโs a paradox, but in this way it becomes good for them as well. After all, as they say, to each - his own. And their joy lies in the happiness of others.
I want to say that few people become an unselfish person intentionally. It's impossible. Why? Everything is very simple. Because disinterestedly means sincerely. And to be real is a gift.