Extracurricular activities in the framework of the implementation of GEF: features, program and requirements

Extracurricular activities according to the federal state standard have become an integral part of the educational process, as well as an option for organizing extracurricular time for students.

Currently, such activities are considered as work that the teacher organizes after school to satisfy students in meaningful leisure.

Extracurricular activities in elementary school contribute to attracting children to socially useful work. Participation in various events leads to the active participation of children in self-government.

extracurricular activities


Extracurricular activities contribute to the creation of conditions for the development of interests by the student at the level of free choice. Children have the opportunity to comprehend moral and spiritual values, to study the cultural traditions of their ancestors.

Extracurricular activities at the school on GEF are organized in five areas of personality development:

  • sports and fitness;
  • general cultural;
  • spiritual and moral;
  • intellectual;
  • social.

The proper organization of such activities is an area that contributes to increasing the competitiveness of children after they graduate.

The school and centers of additional education give students the opportunity to choose, offer them variability of upbringing and education.

extracurricular activities

Significance of work

Extracurricular activities are part of the education aimed at helping the teacher and the child in the formation of educational motivation.

It allows you to expand the educational space, create additional conditions for students to develop.

Extracurricular activities on GEF involves building a network that provides schoolchildren with accompaniment, full support at the adaptation stages. The child learns to apply basic knowledge in non-standard situations for him, which contributes to socialization.

Organization Principles

The work program of extracurricular activities is based on the following principles:

  • full compliance with the age characteristics of students;
  • continuity with the methods used in educational activities;
  • application of traditions and positive experience of colleagues;
  • program selection taking into account the interests and abilities of students.

The main task of extracurricular work is the achievement by students of objective and personal results.

extracurricular activities in primary school

Model Selection Algorithm

The plan of extracurricular activities depends on the specific characteristics of students, the capabilities of the school. There is a certain sequence of actions during the organization of extracurricular activities in the OS:

  • The first stage is aimed at choosing goals, selecting principles of work, including them in the main educational program;
  • the second stage is associated with the analysis of various models of extracurricular activities;
  • Further, the resource support of the selected model is analyzed;
  • at the fourth stage, the main content, resources for work are selected.

The application of this algorithm allows the educational institution to choose such work options that will allow the school to fully fulfill the social order of society.

Classification of models of extracurricular activities OU

Depending on the conditions, specifics, capabilities, the following models are distinguished:

  • Intra-school work, which is possible if resources are available in the OS;
  • external model involving other institutions - social partners;
  • a mixed option chosen by schools that do not have sufficient resources for extracurricular activities, but are interested in implementing the requirements of the GEF.

In some schools, additional education is chosen, where electives, scientific school societies, training courses, interest groups act as a liaison. Their advantages are the ability to attract teachers from other educational institutions, to carry out the educational process on the basis of a practice-oriented approach.

what to do after school

“Full day school”

Extracurricular activities in primary school are the basis for such a model. Among the characteristic features is the creation of optimal conditions for a comfortable stay of a student in an educational institution throughout the day, the harmony of developmental, educational, educational processes.

The second model contributes to the creation of a health-saving environment, which ensures full compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and rules.

Such extracurricular activities in primary school contribute to self-expression, self-realization of children. It is distinguished by the support of public children's organizations, self-government bodies for schoolchildren.

Extracurricular activities at the school are aimed at creating a set of conditions for constructing an individual developing trajectory for each student.

extracurricular activities

Optimization model

It involves optimizing the internal resources of the school, involving all employees in the work: teachers, psychologists, defectologists, social educator, speech therapist.

The work program of extracurricular activities of this type is created by the class teacher.

Among the main advantages of such a model, we note:

  • minimization of financial expenses for extracurricular activities;
  • organization of a single methodological and educational space;
  • content and unity of all structural divisions.

Innovative educational model

The organization of extracurricular activities in this case is based on innovative, experimental work. An educational institution is selected as a pilot site at the municipal, regional, federal level.

Such activity is associated with the close interaction of the educational institution with various methodological services, and vocational schools.

Directions of extracurricular activities are selected taking into account the interests of students, parents' requests.

As the advantages of such a model, note:

  • relevance of the content;
  • modern working methods;
  • high scientific training activities.

When selecting models of such activities in elementary school, the class teacher relies on the general plan of the educational institution. The program of extracurricular activities is developed taking into account the individual age characteristics of the class team, the resource capabilities of the school.

extracurricular activities

Combined Program Option

How to choose forms of extracurricular activities? GEF new generation regulate its content, features, types. Many educational institutions choose different areas of extracurricular activities, creating a mixed model, within which there are:

  • speech therapy, role-playing, correctional and developmental, individual lessons;
  • additional classes in mathematics;
  • theater studios;
  • scientific societies;
  • collective creative affairs;
  • dance studios.

Such forms of extracurricular activities are an excellent option for the comprehensive and harmonious development of each child.

In September, the class teacher (or school psychologist) conducts a survey, identifying the main areas in which children would like to do more. A similar survey is offered to parents. After processing the results, the school administration decides on the number and directions of additional courses.

Then a general plan of extracurricular activities is drawn up, which indicates all courses, electives, study groups, and studios offered by students.

When scheduling, take into account that one child can attend several studios, circles at once, and he should be given the opportunity to make a choice.

Each teacher keeps a special journal, notes attendance. A lesson in extracurricular activities does not differ in duration from a regular lesson.

As an example, consider two forms of organization of work after class:

  • optional;
  • extracurricular activities.

The topics of extracurricular activities can be different, they are selected taking into account the wishes and capabilities of students.

extracurricular activities

Chemistry optional

As part of extracurricular activities, students can be offered a course “Behind the pages of a chemistry textbook”.

In connection with the reduction in the number of school hours, a gap is observed between the requirements of the exam and the knowledge that students receive in chemistry classes. Every year, students studying in the basic program, it is becoming increasingly difficult to compete with graduates of gymnasiums and lyceums.

This course is aimed at consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in the lessons. It involves a significant deepening of the ZUN based on introductory technical programs.

Due to the minimum amount of time, a chemistry teacher within the framework of the school curriculum does not have time to consider creative tasks with students, to analyze issues of increased complexity.

All this is taken into account in the framework of this optional course. It successfully implements the idea of ​​differentiated learning, meta-subject communication.

The value of an extracurricular course lies in the possibility of analyzing problems in organic and general chemistry of an olympiad character, which is unrealistic in lessons. The course is built on the basis of the laws of nature; it helps students develop ideas about the integrity of their worldview.

Goals and objectives of the extracurricular course:

  • increasing the intellectual potential of students;
  • career guidance activities;
  • development of the ability to solve a problem of any level on the basis of the basic laws of nature;
  • the formation of self-development skills.

The course promotes the involvement of schoolchildren in mental activity, helps to form practical skills in children. It provides the improvement of personal qualities of students. In the work, the teacher uses various tasks, including material from entrance examinations to prestigious higher education institutions.

By attending this optional course, the guys will increase their competitiveness in the final exams in chemistry.

The elective is based on communication with related academic disciplines: physics, biology, mathematics, history, literature. It contributes to the consolidation of basic chemical and physical laws and concepts. The course is designed for 68 hours (two years of study), designed for students in grades 8-11.

At the first stage, the guys get acquainted with algorithms for solving different types of problems, in the second part of the course they work out theoretical knowledge on specific problems.

Extracurricular Event Option

Various events can be used as a form of extracurricular activities: class hours, games, sporting events. We offer an example of an event that promotes the formation of communicative skills in adolescents.

The educational aspect will be the derivation of the formula for successful communication.

The upbringing aspect is the formation of a sense of mutual assistance, responsibility to other members of the class team.

In addition to the development of intellectual skills, children learn to conduct a conversation, to argue a position, to conduct reflection.

First, the teacher welcomes the students, invites them to feel like a millionaire who lives on a desert island. The only condition is the impossibility of inviting friends, relatives and close people to yourself. The teacher then wonders if teens are prepared to remain as the sole owner of the vast island. This situation allows the teacher to configure students for the main content of the extracurricular activities.

In the Ozhegov dictionary, the word "communication" is a mutual relationship, support. Of course, it is difficult for a person to live in isolation from society, because only thanks to other people do we become ourselves.

The problem is the inability to hear, listen, understand the interlocutor. Therefore, it is so important to determine the terms of successful communication so as not to experience problems when talking with peers, older people.

Further, the teacher tells the students an instructive fairy tale story.

In one small town there lived a white mouse. He loved his parents very much.

When the kid went to school, he immediately became friends with other guys. He believed the words of his friends, as if the baby lived in a different world. He wanted to give everyone useful and good advice.

But gray and evil mice began to appear around him, envious of the mouse, its achievements and successes. They did not know how to do anything on their own and did not even try to learn, and the mouse learned science with pleasure.

Gray envious people tried by any means to harm the baby, spread various fables about him that offended the mouse.

He was very worried, cried in his mink. But close friends were always with him. No matter how hard the evil gray mice tried, they could not harden the white mouse.

Of course, this is only a fairy tale. Not every person in life is able to withstand the aggression, anger of other people.

That is why it is so important to respect your interlocutor, to select only the correct words and expressions for communication.

Next, the guys are invited to perform an exercise, which consists in the selection of kind words to their neighbor.

As one of the components of successful communication, the guys highlight the selection of kind words for the interlocutor.

Further teenagers are offered a sheet of paper and a pen. They should act as a designer who designs clothes. On the “front side” of the decorated product, the guys write down information about themselves that they are ready to share with other people. On the reverse side they are invited to write what they would like to hide from prying eyes. 3-5 minutes are given to complete such a task.

Next, the results are summarized, finished “products” are considered. The teacher notes that none of the teenagers wanted to show their flaws to people around. People try to search for shortcomings not at home, but at friends and acquaintances.

To establish normal communication, it is important to initially analyze your behavior, look for your own shortcomings, and try to get rid of them.

To assess the atmosphere of trust and understanding existing in the classroom, the teacher offers a game.

The guys become in a circle, then the bravest child goes to the center, closes his eyes. The teacher offers him different movements: forward, left, right, back. The teacher then asks if the teenager felt a sense of fear by doing such things.

Together with the children, the teacher concludes the importance of trust in the communication process.

At the end of an extracurricular event, adolescents derive their "formula for successful communication", where each "term" carries a certain semantic load.

Extracurricular activities are an important element of work aimed at shaping the identity of students.

That is why in every educational institution there are various circles, sections, electives, and studios.

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