Laryngitis in children

In spring and autumn, when the immune system weakens, children begin to get colds, including inflammation of the larynx or laryngitis. In children, this disease is more often associated with viral infections or fungi, but can also be caused by allergies, as well as overstrain of the vocal cords. Laryngitis is treated, but care must be taken not to swell the larynx - in this case there is a risk of death.

With a mild form of the disease, an adenoid inflammation and a runny nose can be observed in a sick child. In more serious cases, inflammation spreads to the bronchi, trachea, cough, hoarseness and sore throat. The acute form of laryngitis can be a consequence of the transferred rubella, measles, flu.

Laryngitis in children involved in singing can be characterized by the presence of “singer nodules” - small tubercles on the ligaments that lead to hoarseness. Only the right treatment will avoid a hoarse voice for life.

A prolonged cough, a long period of inflammation of the throat, nose, and also a long stay in dusty rooms can provoke chronic laryngitis.

Treatment of laryngitis in children

Do not try to treat yourself. If the child is sick, in any case, he should be examined by a doctor who will diagnose and tell how and how to treat. Laryngitis in children can occur against the background of other inflammatory diseases, then only the doctor can prescribe the correct comprehensive treatment.

If concomitant diseases are not diagnosed, then there is nothing complicated in the treatment of inflammation of the larynx. The older child needs to be explained that you can’t talk for some time, you need to play a game with the kids, according to which you need to be silent, so the ligaments will rest. You need to drink plenty of warm liquid; warm milk with butter and honey helps to lubricate and moisturize the larynx. Laryngitis in children is well treated by inhalation with infusion of chamomile and eucalyptus, as an alternative, you can breathe over boiled potatoes. As for nutrition, try to exclude everything that can irritate the inflamed mucous membrane of the larynx: sour, spicy and even fried. The legs and throat should be warm, so put a scarf on the child’s neck and warm socks on the legs. With laryngitis, a prolonged dry cough is possible, consult your doctor what antitussive drugs are suitable for the child. Of the herbs, dry cough helps plantain, marshmallow root, heather grass, linden flowers, flax seed, coltsfoot leaf.

Treatment of laryngitis in children up to a year

A slightly different approach to treatment is used if laryngitis is diagnosed in children up to a year old. Such babies can hardly tolerate the disease: their airways are narrow and the inflammation narrows the larynx very much - it becomes difficult to breathe. Symptoms of laryngitis in infants are as follows: shortness of breath, hoarse crying, dry and red throat, the baby becomes pale and restless, the temperature may rise. Do not panic, first call a doctor, if the temperature is high, then immediately ambulance. While you wait for the doctor to arrive, give the baby warm breast milk (or a mixture) with a pinch of soda to relieve swelling of the throat. Humidify the air in the baby’s room with a humidifier or wet diapers. Further, based on the nature of the inflammatory process, a specialist will tell you which procedures to perform, which ointments or medicines will suit your baby.

Laryngitis with laryngeal edema or false croup

One of the most dangerous forms of laryngitis is false croup, the main symptom is severe swelling of the larynx. Most often, this laryngitis is observed in children aged 6-8 years. It is developing very quickly, and the first thing parents should do is call an ambulance. You can’t think and hesitate, otherwise a fatal outcome is possible. Before the doctors arrive, you need to remove the swelling with alkaline drink, make inhalation with an alkaline solution. If there is a high temperature, then you need to try to bring it down to avoid convulsions.

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